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"The one with whom we spend our entire life?" Anaya asked slowly. She could feel the blood rush to her head and the world spin around her.

The idea of having a soulmate had always fascinated her. It sounded so surreal, so beautiful to have that one person who will love you unconditionally, awaken the unknown within you and push you beyond your limits. She had wanted that, wanted to feel that different level of comfort where she could just be herself with no one to judge her but now that he said it, she was afraid. She was afraid to experience, explore, feel.

He arched a brow. "Is there any other definition?"

"You are saying you kidnapped me because you think I'm your soulmate?" She shook her head in disbelief and moved away from him, letting her hand fall to her lap.

He let out a groan of protest. It had felt good, nice. The foreign touch of her fingers against his scruff had evoked feelings he had thought he could never feel. It had messed up the wiring of his head and he was craving for more. The heat that had surged into his senses with such a simple act was now barely there. He felt the temperature around him drop and despite his ability to adjust to cold, his insides were shivering.

"I don't think. I know," he said firmly but seeing the dubious expression on her face, he heaved a sigh and continued gently. "If we meet again under different circumstances, do you think you can give us a chance?"

She opened her mouth but closed it again as his brown orbs bore into hers. She felt herself get drawn into the deep chocolate pool and before she knew it, she was seeing her life with him, a happy one at that.

She inhaled sharply and squeezed her eyes shut, feeling troubled. All she could see was darkness but soon a face drifted in her line of vision and she felt like she could recognise him anywhere. The intensity of those amber eyes when he gazed at her, his lips which smiled every time he saw her and his electrifying touch which always managed to stir a tornado of emotions within her.

Something akin to fire flickered deep inside her, slowly flaming up until her entire body soared with light. She felt like she belonged here, with him.

Her heart thumped loudly against her chest and a gasp tore out of her lips, her eyes fluttering open and widening in shock.

She shook her head and looked down at her fingers, feeling her cheeks flush. She didn't know what was happening to her. Was it really possible to feel for a person who had forced himself into her life? Who she had just met? She shouldn't, she told herself but her heart felt otherwise.

"I-I—" Her throat felt dry. She couldn't bring herself to speak and when she finally managed to breathe out, the words that rolled off her tongue were definitely not what he had expected. "What's your name?"

For a moment, he didn't say anything and then he laughed, his head falling back. The deep, throaty sound was music to her ears and she thought she was going out of her mind. His eyes crinkled at the corners and his lips tugged upwards. "Icarus Cy Vasilios."

The name sent shivers down her spine. It was familiar but she would have surely remembered if she had heard it before. "Icar—" Before she could speak, her face scrunched up and her lips parted, a violent sneeze escaping her mouth. Her face slammed into his chest and she felt her blush deepen at the firmness beneath his grey shirt. He was defined and perfect she could tell.

"Are you sick?" He lifted her face and cupped her cheeks, his eyes searching every inch of her face.

The warmth of his touch seeped into her and her heart constricted at the concern etched on his face. She gave him a sheepish smile. "Kind of."

His jaw visibly clenched, and she watched him in confusion as he marched towards his nightstand and pressed a few buttons on the phone.

Minutes later, Lisa barged in.

"Why did you not inform me about her sickness?" Icarus was seething.

She lowered her eyes to the ground and bowed her head. "Alp- Sir, we tried but you wouldn't listen to any of us."

He closed his eyes and let out a breath. She was right. He had wanted space and he had strictly told them to stay away from his room. "Call the doctor right now."

Lisa nodded and scurried off. Anaya's eyes were wide in horror at their exchange. Shaking it off, she scrambled to her feet and rushed towards him. "I'm fine. I don't need a doctor."

"Don't argue." He went to his closet and grabbed a black hoodie. "Here, wear this." He handed it to her and she willingly took it with a faint smile playing on her lips. She shrugged into it and let out a content sigh at the amount of heat it provided. But she knew it wasn't just that. It was his hoodie she was wearing and she felt like she was wrapped in his arms, cocooned in his scent. If she could just close her eyes and sleep right now.

She was snapped out of her bizarre thoughts when the doctor came in and examined her. He told her to rest and take the medicine on time which was no different from what Lisa had said to her and what she knew from the beginning. She didn't understand why Icarus was so worried about such a minor thing.

"Now that you have heard him, go and rest." He pulled the hood over her head and tied the strings under her chin. Her stomach growled at the exact time and she groaned internally.

"Dammit! How can they be so careless with everything?" He grabbed his phone again, his blood boiling in anger. His wolf chastised him for leaving her under their care and he couldn't even shut him up. For once, his wolf was speaking sense.

Anaya snatched the phone from his grip before he could call. "Don't blame Lisa. It's my fault. I lost my appetite," she said quietly.

He sighed and slumped on the bed, holding out his palm in front of her. When she shot him a look, he shrugged. "I'm gonna tell Lisa to bring some food."

She nodded and settled beside him, handing the phone reluctantly.

"Are you still upset with me?" she asked once he was done with the call. Her voice was soft, just above a whisper.

He took her hand in his, intertwining their fingers as he whispered, "Not if you answer my earlier question."

She looked down at their hands. They fit perfectly, like two missing puzzle pieces finally coming together. Like it was made just for her to hold. Like he was hers.

She was in a daze. She didn't want to break the magical moment they were in.

"Yes." She breathed out, her eyes focusing back on him. "Yes, I can see myself with you."

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