Chapter 21: The Source Itself

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Well, time passes by fast enough, and I'm starting my internship at Facebook. It's a good thing, because I get bored spending most of my time cooped up at home, watching random videos, or dancing to songs and then banging into random pieces of furniture. It was good to get a little bit of experience.

On top of that, it was Facebook, and it's so hard to get into there when it comes to internships. It's a great thing to put onto my resume for applying to jobs. Or possibly getting my master's. I really want to pursue criminology a little bit more, but honestly, if something good comes up in my computer science degree.

After finishing classes, I get into my car and start my drive to Facebook. I've got my ID, my paperwork, and everything in tip top shape. I can't wait to start, and I can't wait to meet the people that I'm going to be working with for the next half year, at least.

Once I get inside the building, I head straight into my boss' office, because that's where I'm supposed to meet him on the first day. I lightly knock on the door, and then I hear a voice yell, "Come in!"

I push open the door, and he's just sitting there, looking like he's going through a messy divorce and he's trying to decide how much of the house he wants to give to his wife. He looks up at me, and then says, "Yes, how may I help you?"

I clear my throat, and say, "Sorry. I'm Ashmita Patel. I'm here to start my internship."

His eyes widen when he realizes that I'm the one who was accepted into starting an internship right now. "Oh, you're Ms. Patel! Ah, yes, I remember you. You're the one doing the computer science internship. Excellent. Well, Ms. Patel, my name is Mr. Reeves. Call me Boss if you want. Hang on, let me give you your badge," he says, to which he goes to his desk and gets it from his first drawer.

He hands it to me, to which I hang it over my neck. He goes over to the door, and then opens it for me to let myself out. "Please, after you. I want to show you around and make you comfortable. This is where you're going to be working for the next several months."

I walk out of the room and start to look around where many people are working on their projects and having a good time. Mr. Reeves just gives me a smile, and then walks around the cubicles. "So these are where all the different departments work, and you'll be seeing them a lot over here. So the heads of the departments will meet in a monthly meeting and we'll discuss all about what's going good and what's not going too good. But don't worry about that. We'll go more into that a little later. But anyways, let me get you to your working space."

He walks over to another set of cubicles, and then eventually, he stops right in front of a rather nice sized one, with lots of room to sit, write down notes, or just brainstorm many different things for the company. "This is your cubicle, Ms. Patel. This is where you're going to be doing lots of coding, and you're gonna help us develop software and improve our faulty ones. You'll help us with all of that. I hope you like it."

I smile, and then look at him with a grateful look on my face. "I love it! I think it's perfect. It's the perfect area for me to get some work done."

Mr. Reeves smiles, and then his head shoots to the food court. "The food court is free for all our employees. Interns included. So feel free to get a cup of coffee while you work. In the meantime, make yourself comfortable, because the head of the sector will come and give you your work."

I thank him again, and then take a seat in the desk. The chair is definitely comfortable, and then I look at my badge. Help yourself to a cup of coffee while you're working. I lick my lips, because a hot vanilla latte sounds right up my alley today. And since it's complimentary food, there's definitely a chance that I'm gonna take advantage of it.


I now know why they say that you can have a cup of coffee while you're doing your work. The caffeine is really what's causing me to pump out all the work that is causing my fingers to feel like they've been lifting weights for the past three hours.

But, it's all worth it. It will all definitely be worth it in the long run. After working at the desk for several hours, the employee I'm assigned to, Reena, comes up to me. "Ashmita, great work today. I'm gonna say right here; you're very good at coding! I'm excited to work with you," she tells me, to which I smile.

"Thanks, Reena. Are you leaving?"

She slings her bag closer to her, and then she says, "Yeah. I'm out. I've got some things to do back home. I'll see you tomorrow, though!"

I smile back, and say, "See you!" I go back to my computer, and then notice that I'm pretty much done with work. I don't have a lot to do, and really, it's up to me if I want to stay longer and do something extra.

Then, I realize something else. Nobody really cares about what I do as long as I get my work done. That's all that matters. I've gotten my work done, and I know that I won't have much free time once I get home.

I've been doubting my mom's case a lot recently. You know, with the fact that Cody may be the one who may have committed the crime instead of Arjun, but at the same time, I don't have enough evidence. And the thing is, maybe it's just suspicion.

Maybe I'm being paranoid about the whole thing, and Cody may not be the killer after all. But, I need as much information as I can get before I can firmly say that he killed my mom. And, there's one way that I can start drawing conclusions.

I open up a new email, and then type Arjun's email address in it so that I can send a message. For the content of the message, I say, "Arjun, I think I have an idea on who committed the murder, but I need you to confirm it. I think Cody may have had something to do with the murder."

After I send it, I look over to see Mr. Reeves walking towards me, looking kind of pleased with everything that's happening. "Ashmita, you are amazing. The amount of work you did, and the quality, is fabulous. You're doing great," he tells me, with a bright smile on his face.

"Thanks, Mr. Reeves."

He looks down at my workspace, and asks, "Are you going home soon? You don't look like you're wrapping up."

I look back at my computer to see if there's a new message from Arjun, and after I check, I look back at Mr. Reeves. "Just wrapping some other business up. I'll be out of here in the next 30 minutes, for sure." He smiles, and then walks back to his workspace to do his own thing, and after that, I go back to my laptop to see if there's anything from Arjun.

I refresh the page, and the next thing you know, there's a new email from him. I look at the reply, and it's one that definitely surprises me.

It says, "I'm not surprised. I've got a lot to tell you about their relationship."

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