Chapter 31: Re-Scratching the Surface

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I've been spending most of my free time rereading the diaries. I just need to find something. Anything. I want to find something that I can use for scratching the surface again. I know I don't have a lot to work with, but I know that I've done something wrong. Maybe if I look through everything again, I can gain a fresh perspective on everything that's happened so far.

One good thing that's happened is that I've been able to read more and more of what's been going on in the diaries. I can't let anything go to waste. I keep on reading, and reading, until Mason knocks. "Hey, can I come in?" he asks.

I close the diary, as he walks into the door. He comes and sits on my bed, as I scoot over to the side. "How's it going? I know it's usually a lot to take in, but you seem to be taking it well."

I shrug. "Well, I'm not losing my mind, so that's a good thing. You sure Sarah doesn't know?" Mason nods, and gives me one of the most truthful looks I've ever seen in his icy blue eyes.

"Positive. I told her 'Don't worry. If there's something wrong, then your name isn't Sarah Laila Magarian.' She bought it, and right now she's on the phone talki-"

Right when he says that, we hear loud laughter coming from the living room. Mason looks at me, and then gives me a slight chuckle. "That's our answer!" I say, and he just rubs his nose a little bit. "Seriously, Ashmita, I know this may not seem like it, but I'll try to help you as much as possible. I know I shouldn't have made you think that Arjun was guilty. That was a shit move on my part. I'll admit it. But from what you've told me, Arjun isn't guilty. Let's hope it's right, and even then, I won't be mad if it isn't. I owe it to let you have a relationship with your real dad."

I smile, and then he gets up. He's halfway out of the door before I call, "You know, I don't consider you any less than my dad after all this. You've made mistakes, but so have I. Don't be so hard on yourself."

I can almost feel him smile as he walks downstairs.


After eating lunch, I decide to go and bug Nathan so I can have a bit of a breather on this. The entire case is making my head spin. I could talk to Usha, but bugging Nathan is ten times more fun. Plus, it's a great thing to get my mind off of college work as well. Nathan is sitting on his bed, going through his phone, like there's nothing else to do in the world.

I jump on the bed, and look at him. He gives me a slight glance, and then keeps on scrolling through his phone. "How bored are you?" he asks me, as I continue to look at him. "Very, very bored. I'm sick of studying and looking at textbooks nonstop. I have a headache. Thankfully, it's not as bad as it is when it's burning, but oh my god, I feel like ripping my hair out."

"Oh, do you? Ashmita, come, I'll make you some tea."

I look up, and Mason is standing there, with his arms crossed, smiling a little bit. "Sounds great," I say, and I can pretty much feel Nathan mouth "thank you," to Mason.


"How's it going?" he asks, as he lowers his voice to make sure that no one hears. He hands me my cup of tea, and I gently sip it. "Well, I mean, I'm still slightly confused by some things, and I'm getting a slight headache because the investigation is just so intense right now."

Mason nods, and then I sip my tea. "You wanna lay down? Clear your mind, help get some things out of the way?" he suggests. Honestly, it sounds great. Thankfully, I've finished all my work for college, and the investigation could benefit from a completely fresh mind. I don't want to proceed with a mind that has hundreds of ideas that cause it frustration.

"Sounds good. You don't need my help for anything?" Mason sits down next to me, with a slightly determined look on his face.

"No, honestly. I've finished most of my work. I'll probably sit back and watch some TV. Or go on YouTube. It honestly depends on what I'm feeling." I nod, as I continue to sip my cup of tea, and he just smiles.

"Don't let the stress get to you. You got this.I have faith in you." I smile, because that's the best feeling to ever wash up on you.



Mason was right. The tea helped the pain subside, and lying down helped my mind to be cleared of any overthinking or stress I harbored prior. It just feels great. I'm in my bed, entangled in the sheets, with the feeling of utter warmth hovering over me.

When conditions like these are present, my imagination decides to kick open the doors of my mind and see what it can stir up. Whether it be weird dreams, or actually interesting ideas, it's definitely a mystery as to what's in store.

As I'm lying in bed, I feel my imagination grinding its gears. It's almost as if there's a message that it's trying to constitute, but at that moment, it's so unclear. It's all such a blur. I'm trying to let the ideas flow through, but they form a fuzzy image in front of me. "Focus, Ashmita, focus," I think, while trying my best not to stress myself.

Then, it comes. A crystal clear image that anyone can read. It doesn't take long for me to analyze it. Just a glance for a few seconds, and I've got it. But, it's a double edged sword. It's a good idea, for sure, but there was something bad that came with it.

That idea causes my eyes to pop right open, my heart to sink to the bottom of my chest, and for me to think, "Oh, shit."


Oh, looks like Ashmita thought of something that made her think, "Oh my god." What do you think it is? Let me know in the comments.

Hey everyone! How's it going? It's a short chapter, I know, and unfortunately, the next couple of chapters are going to be pretty short. Apologies in advance, but I don't want to bore you guys with unneeded fluff.

Other than that, that's all I got. Hope you guys liked this chapter!

Please vote/comment/share/follow/message if you like my work! See you all next Sunday with a new chapter of TSOC! Have a great week!

Love you guys,


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