Plans and suggestions?

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Hey everyone. Sorry for spamming you with random things today. This is one that I actually need input for.

I think today is a good day to close down the beach chapters. If anyone agrees, I will put a question in the comments for you to say yes or no.

The first eliminations are up ahead and I am solely going to be eliminating people based off of inactivity and those who have dropped out.

First of all, a lot of people are inactive and it really hurts my feelings. Yes I know that people have actual lives. But I follow every single person who participates in here, and when I see them on and ignoring my posts, I am really taken aback. I think really thoughtfully on this. I haven't written for my fanfics in a while because I want to make sure everyone in this Roleplay is content. I am not pointing any fingers but you know who you are. In fact you probably aren't even seeing this. I take much offense to this.

Second of all, thank you so much to those who do actually Roleplay here. I love every second of it and doing this really makes my day so thank you! Every single one of you who Roleplay when you can makes me really happy and feel accomplished. I love putting smiles on everyone's faces. (Or tears because I am evil😂)

If you want to drop out, comment below. I am planning a masquerade ball in the future, then after that I don't know. I would really like some ideas! Next notification you get from me will be challenge 1 so make sure to come back on soon!

Thanks for reading everyone! Hope you have a wonderful night or day! XOXO

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