~Prince Matthew~

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Name: Mathew

Age: 24

Looks: Mathew has dark brown hair, blue eyes and pale skin similar to his siblings, however he also has a narrow face.
Preferred Attire: He normally wears suits, without the blazer which is often hanging off a chair, however when he is in company other than his family, the maids and guards of the castle he wears the blazer everywhere.

Personality: Mathew nearly never lets people in, in fact the only people he has let in is his own family, of which he cares an enormous amount for and would never want to see them harmed in any way. He is slightly, alright, greatly over protective of all his siblings. Near his family he jokes around, and is fairly kind however is nearly never mean. He often tries to settle arguments within his family, and tends to avoid starting them himself.
Those that he doesn't let in, well, everyone else, Mathew comes off as distant, someone who is constantly serious and blunt and almost nearly never smiles. He often comes off as, well, a jerk, due to the fact he hates being the center of attention, crowds and being in a room with people he doesn't know, let alone socialize with them. Thus he tends to be very blunt, and seems like a jerk.
Mathew on top, is manipulative and often planning something or rather, and if his not planning his working not because he enjoys it, but because he wishes to lessen the workload for everyone else and generally make other's lives better if that's his own families or people he hasn't met. He also often puts others or the kingdom before himself.
He doesn't believe in true love because in his mind his true love is his family, and they're all he needs.

Likes: He likes hanging around with his family and helping people in general. He also likes dogs, piano and sword fighting. As well, of course, bringing a smile onto peoples faces

Dislikes: Mathew hates arrogance, especially from those of a lower caste than him, although he can be considered slightly arrogant himself. He hates when people do not curtsey or bow upon meeting him for the first time as it shows in his mind disrespect and arrogance. He also hates crowds, being the center of attention, meeting new people, and especially letting people see him in his weak state.

Fears: His fearful of rebel attacks as they always lead to harm and destruction, he also is afraid of people dying, especially the few he lets in. He is fearful of letting his country down and picking the wrong person.

Flaws: Mather is not a people person, although he does care about others welfare. He would do anything for his family.

Talents: Mathew is talented in planning, playing piano and sword fighting

Played by: toffie0

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