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The kingdom of Illéa was peaceful for quite sometime, nevertheless rebels were still opportunists and attacked unexpectedly which brought about havoc. Although King Nicholas was working on a plan of action, just like all the other times, they desperately needed a distraction.

Subsequently, the royal family was summoned to the king's study. The 2 princes and princess were all seated with dubious expressions.

"My dears, your father and I have decided that we've prolonged this for long enough, it's time for your selection!" Queen Arabella exclaimed her voice laced with excitement.

"Yay!" The crown prince, Cartier, replied with a blank demeanour. King Nicholas shot him a questioning glance.

"Hold the telegram! You're actually happy about this?!" Prince Zachary asked as his forest green eyes popped in astonishment.

"He was being sarcastic doofus," Princess Angelina replied with an eye-roll. "So, how many guys do I have to pull pranks on?" She asked as her eyes danced with mischief.

"You will do no such thing Angelina!" Queen Arabella reprimanded, shaking her head, at her daughter's playful tendencies.

"Angelina, my dear, you won't be selecting this year," Eadlyn announced with a hint of sadness. The retired queen sat near the glass window, as the sun shone it's radiance in her direction.

"That's even better grandma!" The princess said, clapping her hands, as her brain cells were swiveling of idea's to torture the selected with.

"Father, instead of permitting a traditional 35, could you lessen the amount of participants?" Cartier spoke up once more, as his electricly dangerous blue eyes stared in a distance.

"By how many Cartier?" The king asked, and the queen was baffled at such a request.

"We bring it down to ten, the less people the better," the mysterious prince replied.

"Not that little Cartier, it's a selection,  for crying out loud!" Eadlyn said with a frustrating sigh, sometimes she was aggravated by the fact that he reminded her, of her younger self.

"Or else I won't participate," Cartier said with an insouciant shrug. He wasn't particularly in love with the idea of hosting a selection. Girls everywhere, asking questions, wasting his time, no, count him out.

"Cartier Maxon Schreave, you will participate in this selection! If you want to become king, you have to do it with a wife beside you, or else give the throne to your brother," King Nicholas responded with a satisfying smirk, knowing full well that Cartier wouldn't want that.

"Fine," Cartier finally succumbed to his father, like a bolt from the blue, his cousin sprinted into the study.

"My apologies for being late," Prince Ashton said, trying to take a breather after such haste.

"It's alright dear, take a seat," Queen Arabella motioned at a vacant chair nearby, which he gladly occupied.

"So, mother and father were just telling us about the selection we're hosting. Did I mention, you're also selecting?" Princess Angelina asked her cousin, curious of the reaction she was going to receive.

"Finalmente!" The prince of Italy exclaimed. He was the sweetheart of them all, he believed in romance and couldn't one day wait for his own.

Queen Eadlyn smiled fondly at his reaction, whereas Angelina could not believe that she had been mislead.

"It's all settled then, Ashton will be joining the selection," the king announced, satisfied with the outcome of the meeting.

"Zachy what are you doing?" Angelina asked, peering over her brother's shoulder. In order to get a better view of what he was writing.

"Oh you know, the pickup-lines I'm using for the selection," Zachary replied casually. He had to have something to say, to woo them off their feet.

"Typical, isn't this wonderful, a selection consisting of a flirt, a romantic and a..."

"Don't even finish that sentence," Cartier stopped his sister, as he rose from his seat. "Father, may I do a background check on all the chosen selected?"

"Certainly, I know you don't like surprises," King Nicholas said with a small smile. Although Cartier was his favorite, the boy had the most stubborn soul in all of Illéa.

"Cartyy, can I view them with you?" A naughty-looking princess Angelina asked, as she rose from her seat as well.

"Firstly, don't call me that. Secondly, why do you sound so whiny for a 16-year-old?"

In response she crossed her arms and pouted, "I do not sound whiny!"

"If you say so, drama queen," Cartier said with a smile. As he had already reached the door.

"Time to send out the letters! Let the selection begin!"

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