Family Day

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The day has finally come. It's Family Day!! All the Elites families will visit. If your Elite does not have a family, doesn't have much family, or chooses not to invite their family for personal reasons, they can bring good friends either in place of their family or with their family.

Families will be played by either you or someone who you trust to play your Elite's Family well. Choose wisely!

There will be a ball to celebrate the families coming on the day of their arrival. That ball will be roleplayed in this chapter, in any chain after the arrival chains. Then there will be a tea party the next day for the Elite to invite two or one person/people in their family to. The others they do not choose will get a tour of the palace that day, so that everyone wins. The tea party will have another chapter of it's own.

So please, enjoy having Family here!

(Also, these are the rooms for family. Noah will show your families to them!)

^^Rooms for Moms & Dads

^^Siblings/close friends rooms

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