The Princes

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Name: Alexander James Durave
Nickname: Alex
Age: 18
Birthday: August 13, 2064
Appearance: reddish brown hair; dark brown eyes; slightly taller than Drew; slim build; he is on the left in the picture below.

Personality: Alex is kind of quiet, but friendly. He is more cuddly and romantic than Drew, but is hurt easily. Alex also loves to laugh and is a all around optimist! But beware, a practical joke or prank might be in the making!
Likes: sports, especially soccer; horses; chocolate; laughing; cookies...
Dislikes: rebels; not being listened to; being told "no"; bullies; arguing...
Hobbies: going on trail rides with his horse, Monkey; soccer
Other: Alex is twin brother to Drew, but older by 6 minutes
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Name: Andrew Caldwell Durave
Nickname: Drew
Age: 18
Birthday: August 13, 2064
Appearance: reddish brown hair; brown eyes; slightly shorter than Alex; slim build; he is on the right in the picture below.

Personality: Drew will seem quiet at first, but he is really sizing you up. He is very intelligent and witty. He is also, however, quite a gentleman.
Likes: horses; the gardens; sports, especially equestrian; chocolate; s'mores...
Dislikes: animal abuse; chaos; death; bullies...
Hobbies: competitive horseback; teaching
Other: Drew is twin brother to Alex, but younger by 6 minutes

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