♥Basic Rules of Roleplay♥

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1) Respectfully leave if you're eliminated or killed

2) If I don't reply right away please don't get mad

3) Drama is allowed, just don't take it too far. It's just a role play.

4) Don't kill or hurt your own character or anyone else's. Only hurt other characters in an appropriate situation, with their consent.

5) Only I can start attacks, balls or other major events

6) If you want to host an event ask me first

7) No public smut, take it to a private chat if you must

8) No America, Celeste or any copycats from any novel/movie/etc.

9) No perfect characters

10) Cursing is fine just don't abuse it

11) Role play in the third person

12) You can only control your own character

13) The password is to tag someone else

14) If you want to go out of character do this ((like so))

15) Finally, in an attack DO NOY PLAY THE HERO, the only thing a selected or royal or staff (besides guards) should do is get to safety. If you are attacked the rebel will find you, and determine how hurt you get. Don't. 👏🏼Play. 👏🏼 The. 👏🏼 Hero.

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