Chapter 1

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To Kiera Cass, for giving me a good book series to youtubeize. (Lol that isn't even a word come at me bro)

I should have hidden it. Stupid stupid me. I should've noticed it as soon as I got in in the mail. My mom was smart, and took it out before I could throw it away. My name is Adam. I have dark brown curly hair, with hazel eyes. I live in a country named Minecraftia. I live in the state of Carolina. It's a nice country, don't get me wrong, but everything has its flaws. For example, the caste system. In Minecraftia, the social castes are Ones (rulers and government officials) Twos (celebrities and modeling and whatever the crap) Threes (teachers, firefighters, and police officers) Fours (factory works and car workers) Fives (artists and musicians) Sixes (housekeepers and if you're really lucky you're a maid) Sevens (construction) and Eights, who are homeless and will literally do anything to get money. I'm a five, along with my family. I bet you're wondering about what I wanted to throw away in the first sentence. Ha, be patient losers. I live with my mom and dad, and two siblings. I have four siblings, but two moved out. My oldest sister is Katie, she's super smart! She married a three named James, and got to move up two social classes! I think she's really awesome! My older brother, is a jerk. He's addicted to fame I swear. You see, as fives normally we don't get noticed, but one day my older brother, Jeremy, made a really amazing sculpture. He ended up becoming famous for it. Our family was so proud, but then he left us for dead. We're barely making enough money as it is, he broke himself away from us, taking his income with him. I hate him, he forgot about us and I hate it. My younger sister is next. She's the fourth oldest in the family. Her name is Rachael. She is super sweet, and has the most adorable little smile. Last but not least, is my little brother. He's the youngest of us. His name is George. I'm smack dab in the middle of all of them. Alright I know I'm boring you with my family and I apologize. The thing I wanted to throw away was this form that came in the mail, for something called The Selection. The Selection is pretty much when the princess is old enough to marry, forms are sent out to every family in Minecraftia, with a teenage boy between the ages of 16 and 20. I'm 17, lucky me. My mom took out the form during dinner, and I tried to stop her desperately. Of course it didn't work, she read the form out loud. "Dear Dalhberg family." Mom read. "From are latest census, it appears you have a male between the ages of 16 and 20, and we would like to offer you an exciting opportunity to be in The Selection. Sweet Princess Alesa has come of age, and needs to find not only a coworker, but a loyal husband. If you are interested in this request, please fill out this form, take it to the nearest post office. At every post office in the country there is a cameraman who will take a photo in which you will send with this form. If you are lucky enough to be part of The Selection, an official will be sent to your home with more information. If you are chosen, you're family will be rewarded graciously, for the services to the royal family. Good luck, and may the fairest man win." Mom finished of the letter with a huge smile on her face. "Adam, this is a great opportunity!" Mom squealed. "Think of the family!" "Of course I love and care for our family, but Mom, I don't want to do this! I don't even know her." Or like her. I added silently to myself. She looked like Mrs. Perfect on TV, and it just ticked me off. "Mom, it's also no secret there have been a bunch of rebel attacks on the palace. You and I both know, if The Selection takes place that will anger the rebels. I really don't want to go!" "Alesa and Adam sitting in a tree!" My little sister Rachael started singing. George looked at her. "Yuck, girls are gross!" He squeaked. "Right Adam?" He looked up at me, hoping I would agree. I looked over at my mom. "Look mom, I really care about you and dad and Rachael and George. But I don't feel comfortable with this!" My voice started getting louder. My mom just huffed, slammed the table and left. I sighed. I didn't know what I was going to do, either go to the palace for a girl I don't even like for the family, or stay here. What would I do?

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