Chapter 12

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My room was at the end of the hall. I kinda liked that, because I wanted to be tucked away from everyone. My suitcase had already been dropped off at my room (or so I had been told). When I got to my room, I slowly opened my door to see three maids dusting the already perfect room. When they saw me, they gave excited little gasps, and came running over. I was over-whelmed, as they introduced themselves. One was named Mangokiwi, but she told me to call her Mango for short. One was named Natalie. The last one was named Ashley. They were all very nice, and they were eager to help me with everything. I felt uncomfortable so I just said, "You ladies are being very kind, but I've had a long day, so I'll just get ready for bed myself, and let you girls get some rest." "But sir, it's our job!" Mango protested. "I'm know it is." I assured Mango. "But right now, the best thing you can do for me is to let me be alone." "We want to help though!" Ashley whined. I looked at the three of them. This would be tough, how would I get them to leave? "You ladies are supposed to follow my every command, right?" I asked. "Well of course sir!" Natalie exclaimed. "Well then, I command all of you to leave, and let me unwind. I can get ready for bed by myself, don't worry. I'll be okay. So I command you to let me be!" I winced. I sounded like a demanding child. Mango smiled. I could see she was starting to get me. She bowed her head. "Well sir," she began. "If you need anything, please ring for us." They all bowed at me again, then left mumbling to themselves. I sighed, and plopped down on my bed. Man what a day! It's just been a rush. I looked over at my closet, which had some night clothes and day clothes. There wasn't that many articles of clothing though. That figures, why make a lot of clothes for someone who could get kicked out the next day? I grabbed some night clothes, got into them and got my self ready for bed. The bathroom was huge compared to mine back at home! It's got a mirror that's so big, even the pictures I brought from home couldn't block my view of me. After I got ready for bed, I laid down in bed, looking at the ceiling. Everything seemed so big here, and I felt so tiny. I missed my family a lot. I can't stop thinking about them now that everything's quiet. Katie, Mom, Dad, Rachael, and George. I missed them a lot. All of a sudden I felt like I was in an enclosed space. Oh no, this sometimes happened too me. I got too panicky sometimes. It was a phobia I had been diagnosed with. I shot up out of bed, and went to the balcony to see if that would help alleviate my fears. I looked down at the garden below. It looked so beautiful. I needed to get outside, and fast! I burst out my door, half stumbling half walking out the door. I made my way to the palace gardens entrance was. Two guards were standing there, and they were obviously surprised to see me. "Sir." One of them said. "You need to go back to your room." "I can't!" I said, gasping for breath. "I need t-to go outside!" "Please!" The guard recognized my face after a couple seconds. "Sir Adam," he began please go back to your room." I started shaking. I hated this. I was so wrapped up in trying to get outside, I didn't even notice someone was behind me until I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Let him outside." A voice said. I turned behind me. With the tears in my eyes, the shaking and the dim moonlight, I could barely make out the face. It was none other than Princess Alesa.

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