Chapter 21

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I felt really nervous. Yesterday I freaking blew it. I had to eat dinner in my room last night. I'll probably get kicked out. At least I could have one more breakfast here or something. Mango, Ashley, and Natalie were cheerful and efficient as usual, and have me my suit for today, which was black with a nice light blue shirt underneath. I went nervously to The Dinning Room, assuming as soon as I got there I would be asked to leave. When I got there, I caught Princess Alesa's eye, and she winked playfully. I breathed out a sigh of relief. Looks like I was good, for now. On the other hand, most of the other selected guys were shooting daggers at me with their eyes. I mean, I was the first person to get a date with the Princess, but that isn't my fault though. I sat by Mitch, and another guy named Ty. I had barely started my breakfast, when Ty finally started asking me a bunch of things. "Just spill it already, Dalhberg. How did the date go?" Ty asked angrily. "Good morning to you too Ty." I muttered. Ty rolled his eyes, and brushed his hair to the side with his fingers. "Seriously, how did it go." Everyone's attention turned to me. Jason looked about ready to stab me. "Well, we just went for a walk in the gardens." I said awkwardly. "Anything else?" A guy named Okward asked accusingly. Gee, what do these people think I'm doing? Taking her from the rest of them? Obviously not, because I know Alesa wouldn't even take me as a husband even if I tried. "Well, we just walked and talked. What did you think we did Okward? Preform satanic rituals?" Mitch coughed, trying to cover a laugh. Thankfully, the royal family was too busy in their own conversations to notice what's going on. Okward rolled his eyes and went back to eating. Ty gazed at me curiously. "We just want to know what happened, Adam. No need to be rude." "I know." I sighed. This whole thing was new to me. I didn't know how to act in this type of situation, could anyone understand that? "What was she like on the date?" Ty asked, seeming to warm up. "She was... Well, like how you would expect a princess to act. She asked me a bunch of questions about my family and stuff. Her strategy at the moment seems to be getting to know us before she eliminates someone else from the competition." I turned around, noticed Alesa had gotten up during our conversation. I wonder where she went? Probably to the bathroom. I turned back into the conversation, not giving it a second thought. Ty nodded. "That's a good strategy to be honest. I wonder what those guys did to make her eliminate them from the competition when we first got here though." "I bet they made a bad impression somehow." Mitch said with a mouth full of bacon. "Like what you're doing right now, talking with your mouth open?" I teased. "Exactly!" Mitch said. "I bet they were impolite or something, which would've lead to their elimination." Ty and I nodded in agreement. "Hey maybe-" Mitch didn't get to finish his sentence. A guard came in screaming "They're here your majesty!" Everyone knew immediately what they meant. Rebels were in the palace. We were under attack. "We need to get to the safe room!" King Luke shouted at all of us. "Where's Alesa?!?" I heard the shriek of Queen Ashleigh. I realized Alesa was missing. "Have a guard find her!" King Luke shouted back. Nonononononononono. Princess Alesa can't get hurt by them, she can't. During that moment, I made the most stupidest decision of my life. I snuck away while everyone was being escorted to the safe room, and went to find Alesa before someone else would, ignoring the screams of terror coming from my comrades.

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