Chapter 25

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My maids escorted me down into the dinning hall for the pizza dinner. I smelled the pizza before I saw it. This must've taken forever, there were so many pizzas lined up on tables. It was like a pizza buffet. I noticed Ty and Mitch immediately, and they waved me over. "Dude, this is insane! I've never seen so much pizza!" Ty cried. "Good thing you made that bet thing with Alesa!" Mitch said. We got in line for the buffet and choose our pizza. I got a slice with sausage and bacon, and another with pepperoni and onions. There were breadsticks too. I swear, I was going to gain at least fifty pounds after tonight. I looked over at the royal family, who seemed to actually enjoy the food. The Queen and Alesa were quietly chatting and eating, and you could see they were enjoying the food. I looked over at King Luke, who was shooting daggers at me with his eyes. He had tried to punish me for saving his daughter's life, but Alesa talked him out of it thankfully, but that didn't mean he actually liked me. I sat down with Ty and Mitch, and began to start eating. Man, if this was pizza, I don't know what I had been putting in my mouth before this. The pizza was heavenly, the crust was just right, the cheese was flavorful, the meat was cooked tenderly, it was amazing! I could tell everyone else was enjoying it too. I caught Alesa's eye during the meal, and she mouthed the words "Wow this is good!" I gave her a nod of agreement. Guess she was happy she let me have my end of the deal too, even though I lost.
The next day I spent most of the time in my room, playing poker with my maids. We didn't actually bargain anything, we just played poker. It was such a nice day, we left the balcony door open to the balcony and my door to my room open, letting a cool breeze flow through. We talked about random things, and Mango seemed to be the gossiper of the group. Nothing happened without her knowing about it. That guard in the hall? His girlfriend was cheating on him. That chef in the kitchen? Secretly has a crush on one of the maids. Natalie kept on saying how I shouldn't be playing poker with them, it was too informal, but she let it drop. I hope they come to realize I'm not really quite "royal" yet. As we continued chatting and playing, I noticed a figure standing in the doorway. Uh oh, it was Alesa. "Oh dear merciful lord." Ashley muttered, trying to pick up the cards and hide them. I froze, and began to blush. Alesa wasn't making it any better, she was trying hard not to giggle. "Oh hey, your majesty." Natalie said awkwardly. "We were just, uh, you know, getting ready to finish Adam's dress for The Report in two days!" "Of course ladies, wouldn't want to keep you from your work." Alesa replied in amusement. Mango Ashley and Natalie left with awkward curtsies. You could hear giggling throughout the halls. Alesa looked at me. "You guys play poker?" "Yeah, it's pretty fun." I looked at my feet. "That's actually pretty funny, maybe I should join y'all sometime." I blushed and kept looking at the floor. "Er, what are you here for?" I asked awkwardly. "Oh yeah, well since you know we're good friends and stuff, I'm thinking we could have some other alternative means of communication." "Like what?" I asked. Alesa walked around my room, and found some sheet music for a violin. "Did you bring this?" She asked me. "No, it was here when I got here. Anything I want to play I can do by memory." "Impressive." She said. She looked around my room some more. "What's this about alternative means of communication?" I asked. Alesa turned to me. "I was thinking something like a signal for when we need to talk about something." "Like what?" I asked. "I don't know that's why I came to you." She replied with a shrug. We thought for a moment. "How about raising one eyebrow?" I suggested. "Yeah, like people can actually do that." Alesa replied sarcastically, while trying a sorry attempt at raising one eyebrow. I chuckled. "Alright, how about raising both eyebrows?" "What's with you and eyebrows?" Alesa asked me. I gave a playful sigh, then we thought some more. "How about making eye contact, then brushing our hair to the side?" Alesa suggested. "That- that actually isn't a bad idea." I admitted. My hair was long enough to look like I was just brushing it out of my face. "Hair brushing it is." I agreed. Alesa smiled. "Sweet, by the way, I have a date with Ty tonight. Any piece of advice you could give me?" She asked hopefully. "He loves joking around, so if he acts all serious he's nervous. Show him he can be funny if he wants to. Now go get him tiger." Alesa giggled, as she walked out of my room with a wave. I sighed an plopped down on my bed. I was worried about The Report tomorrow. I wouldn't have to really do anything, but I didn't like all eyes on me. I shook the thoughts out of my head, and I laid down to take a small nap before dinner tonight.

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