Chapter 36

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I told no one what happened between me and Alesa. It was a nice memory I could revisit during boring lessons, or nights where my insomnia kicked in. All of Alesa's kisses, both awkward and sweet made me feel special. Loved. Wanted. Any other synonym you can think of. Until, Jordan, who we nicknamed Captian Sparkles because of his love of fashion, announced Alesa had kissed him. The feeling a felt after hearing that was a combination of hurt, and jealously. At the beginning of this competition I could of never imagined this feeling, but now I actually could feel myself slowly falling for Alesa. Gah, we sound like a cliché love story. "Congrats dude!" Mitch exclaimed, slapping Captain Sparkles on the back. "Tell us all about it!" He didn't need to be asked twice. "I won't go into much detail, but it was pretty romantic!" He swooned. "Alesa and I were going on the palace rooftop for a date. We were just kinda looking at the lighted up buildings around the palace, not really saying much. Then we started getting closer. I don't know exactly how, but we ended up kissing! It was sooooooo romantic!" "That sounds great man!" Okward told him enthusiastically. Mitch sighed, and Jason looked about ready to murder someone, as usual. That's one positive, Jason's anger was targeted towards somewhere else for a change. I suddenly realized I forgot to tell Alesa about Jason trying to rip my suit. It had totally slipped my mind. I would have to tell her later. Preston leaned over near my ear and whispered, "Do you think he's the only one she has kissed?" Ty heard us, and added his input. "Alesa wouldn't kiss just anyone, he must be doing something right." "But what if she has already kissed half the people in the room, and they're just being quiet about it?" "I wouldn't consider that a strategy." I pointed out. "Some people are just private." Ty groaned. "This is so much harder than I thought it would be." "Yeah." Preston agreed. "It's like, I can see good things in everyone here, and everyone has an equally good chance." Ty pointed out. "But when Alesa does something with someone else I can't help but to feel a sense of envy and competitiveness." "Yeah, I know what you mean." Preston said with a nod. It's like what I was saying to Seto the other day. I can't help that Alesa likes him a little more than me, even if I myself want the crown." Ty and I exchanged glances at the fact Preston said "crown" instead of Alesa, but we didn't say anything. "Yeah, Mitch and I talk about this all the time. We can see great qualities in everyone here. But yet there is always that small envious feeling whenever someone gets a date with Alesa." We all looked around, and suddenly the jealousy was replaced with a new feeling, understanding. "I think it's best to follow Queen Ashleigh's advice, just be yourself." "True." Preston said. "In the end, thirty-four people have to go home. If I were the last one standing I'd feel more confident if I had had everyone's support, so we too should try to be supportive of others." "Man we sound gay right now." Ty said. Preston and I started laughing, nodding in agreement. Just then, Sub came rushing in followed by Okward and Ant. He was never really worked up, but he was now. "Look at this necklace Alesa gave me!" He said holding it up excitedly, holding up a golden necklace with a yin-yang symbol hanging off of it. "Isn't it amazing!?" There were a bunch of congratulations, along with some jealous looks. Our newfound confidence was shattered like an iPhone screen after dropping it on the ground. (Wow that's probably the best metaphor I've ever came up with. Anyway, back to the story) I felt disappointed. But hadn't Alesa given me kisses and gifts too? I glanced around. I think today would be a good day just to hide in my room with my maids. Just then, Victoria bursted into the room. "Gentlemen, we have an exciting announcement. Are we all here?" There were a bunch of yeses throughout the room. "Thank goodness!" Victoria said. "This is a very late notice, but the King and Queen of The United Nether Nations are coming to visit, along with the Queen's extended family. We have little time to prepare, so plan for lessons immediately after lunch." She told us, and as she left there were a bunch of excited cheers echoing throughout the room. With the excitement and cheers, another thought hung heavily in the air. There would most likely be an elimination after this. Despite my excitement, that one chilling thought lingered throughout the day.

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