Chapter 41

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"I'm telling you Alesa! It wasn't an accident. Jason is the type of person who tries to ruin other people's moment in the spotlight!" Alesa and I were walking through the palace gardens together. I was trying to convince her about Jason's awful behavior and actions throughout the Selection, but I wasn't doing so well. "Well, even if he was trying to steal Ty's moment, he failed. I ended up spending an hour with him. It was nice hanging out with him." I sighed in frustration. How could I convince her? "You remember Bashur?" "What about him?" Alesa asked. "Remember how he slapped Jason? Well trust me, I know Bashur. He wouldn't turn to violence that fast. Jason must've said something awful!" "Look Adam," Alesa said sounding irritable, "I understand you spend more time with the other guys than I do, but do you really know them?" She asked giving me a hard stare. I didn't back down. "Trust me Alesa, he's awful. He tried tearing up my clothes once out of jealousy!" "That's enough!" Alesa snapped. "Look, I don't care if you don't like him. It's not your decision to make to get him kicked out. I expect you to treat me and my decisions with respect, even if you don't agree with them! If you aren't going to enjoy my company, I'll find someone else who will!" She shouted at me as she walked away. I felt tears in my eyes, but I wouldn't let them come. Not like this. I turned around and raced to my room, fighting the tears as hard as I could.
I didn't look at Alesa at all during dinner. During the Report though, it was difficult. I caught her brushing her hair from her face a few times, but I wouldn't return the action. I would probably just get scolded more. I was miserable. Maybe Alesa didn't even really like me. Jason was a very handsome and good-looking guy. And Alesa was a pretty and powerful princess. Maybe that's all that mattered. Maybe all Alesa wanted was someone to look good by her. After the Report, I went to my room in a hurry, and I saw Dawn outside my door. I froze. She was the last person I needed to see right now. She looked like she was about to say something, but she just opened my door for me. "Err, thanks." I mumbled heading in my room hurriedly. I went to bed, knowing sleep was pointless. I tossed and turned all night, thinking of Dawn and Alesa. Around 3:00 am, I saw a light at my door. I squinted and saw a figure standing in the doorway. It was Dawn. "Dawn!" I whispered fiercely. "What are you doing in here?!? You could get caught and-" "Do you love her?" She asked me forcefully. "That's none of your business, now-" "I asked you a question Adam." She asked me more forcefully. "Go away." I whispered. "Don't break my heart for a third time." I whispered. "So you were in love with her!" She whispered accusingly. "Get. Out. Now!" I started to shout. Dawn flinched, and ran away. Before Dawn left, she turned to me. "Rich people aren't always the best lovers." She said tearing up. "You saw what happened to me. Instead of marrying him, he sold me to the palace. Think about that before you marry her!" She snarled, and walked out with disgust. I buried my face in my hands. How did I manage to make two girls hate me? Suddenly, I was worn out and finally fell asleep.
The next morning I woke up with fear in guilt twisting knots in my stomach. If Dawn was caught in my room, I could've been hung without a word. I felt guilt for Dawn too. She was sold by her own husband-to-be. "She deserved it." I muttered to myself. I was horrified I could actually think that. I shook my head. Today was a Saturday, I needed time to think. I faked a headache so I wouldn't have to leave my room. My maids, Mango, Natalie, and Ashley were good to me. They let me rest and have time to myself. They left for a bit, and told me another maid would come in soon to clean my room while I rested. I just nodded, not really caring. I dozed off for a bit, then I heard a knock, and the main who would clean my room came in. I took one look at her and sighed. "Of course." I said out loud. It was Dawn again.

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