Chapter 6

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I felt like I had been smacked in the face with a bat. Dawn... Had been seeing someone else... "It's nothing you did Adam, I still love you, it's just the whole caste issue. If I married you, I would have to move down a caste, and I wouldn't want to do that. It's not you trust me, because I sill love you. I just don't want to move down a caste. "Who is he." I said softly, on the verge of tears. "His name is Justin, and he's a two. So, I'm going to marry him so I won't move down a caste. Sorry Adam, but don't think I don't love you still." "If you did love me, there wouldn't even be this other guy in the first place!" I struggled to keep my voice down, because if we woke people up there'd be hell to pay. "I didn't expect you to understand, Adam." Dawn sighed. "You cheated on me." I felt tears streaming down my face. "No I didn't, but I would expect you to understand." Dawn started climbing down the ladder of the treehouse. Before she left, she looked at me again. "Bye Adam." She said. "Thanks for everything, I guess since that was all you could afford to give." Then she left in the moonlight. That last comment stung. I mean, yeah. I wasn't rich, but I provided everything I could to make Dawn happy, and she leaves me for some other guy. Tonight sucks. I begin to cry some more, then I get out of the treehouse and go back to bed, but I doubt I'll get any sleep anyway.
It's Friday again. It's been a week. My parents could tell something was upsetting me, but didn't bother to ask. They assumed it was the nerves of The Selection. I was sick and tired of it, thank God it's almost over. Tonight on The Report the 35 guys would be announced. I probably wouldn't be one of them but I didn't care, but yet it felt as if a small part of me sort of wanted to be chosen. To get away from here. My family and I pile into the living room and wait for The Report to come on. The national anthem begins to play. "This is it!" Rachael squeals. I smiled. At least my little sister had some enthusiasm. George didn't seem to care, he just sat in Dad's lap and watched everything. "Gooooooood evening Minecraftia!" Sarai started with her typical intro. "Tonight is a special night, because all of you lovely folk with get to find out the 35 lucky men to be a part of The Selection!" Wait, did she just say "you lovely folk"? "Before we announce the results, King Luke, do you have any advice to the selected?" King Luke turned to the camera. "It's some old advice, but good advice, be yourself." "I have something to add too." Queen Ashleigh said. "Have confidence in yourself! Don't be scared of being you. Take pride in your personality. That is all." Queen Ashleigh dipped her head. "Wise words from both of you!" Sarai gushed. "Now how are you feeling right now Princess Alesa?" "Quite nervous honestly." She giggled. I have to admit, I haven't really found much I like about Princess Alesa, but I gotta say, her giggle is kind of cute. "Nothing left to do but announce the selected!" Sarai opened up a paper, with the names. "Steven, a three." A picture shows up on the TV of a guy with brown hair, and a nice, green stripped shirt. "Okward, a four." A black guy with a super fancy black suit. "Hey Mom, I wonder if-" "Adam, a five!" Sarai announces. My mom jumps up and screams, along with Rachael. I was shocked. I was beyond shocked. I can't tell for sure, but I think Dad was smiling. This was insane! The phone began to ring, and it didn't stop for days.

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