Chapter 8

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Today was the day. I was a bundle of nerves. I had been brought a uniform to wear on the first day, or the uniform of the selected. The uniform was a black button up shirt, with gray pants and black shoes. Not the fanciest. All the members of The Selection would fly to the palace today. This would be my first time flying in an airplane. I've never flown in one, so I didn't know what to expect. Today started out with me getting dressed, then my entire family being escorted in a limo. Katie and Jeremy came too. I'm glad Katie came, it was nice of her too considering she was pregnant. Jeremy unfortunately brought more awkwardness than anything else. The entire way there, he kept reminding me to mention him to Princess Alesa. I just kept on nodding the whole way there when he said that. Hopefully he would soon get the hint. The whole limo ride, we were followed by a crowd of people. I didn't look out there. I didn't want to risk seeing Dawn, and breaking down. Mom kept on getting teary-eyed, and Dad seemed to be shimmering with excitement, although he didn't show it. Rachael kept on singing "Adam and Alesa sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." George, who was obviously annoyed, was trying to get her to be quiet. Katie and her husband James were whispering quietly. The limo brought us to an airport, with a stage set up in front of it. My family and I were escorted onto the stage, where the mayor of Carolina was waiting. My family and I stood on the stage while the mayor gave a speech. "Citizens of Minecraftia," he began. "Today, we are gathered here to send off one of our selected men, to go love in the palace, and possible become the future king himself." Everyone cheered for me, but I didn't exactly feel like a prince or King or whatever I would be. While everyone was cheering, the mayor leaned towards me and whispered "would you like to say a few words or not?" "I don't think I can at the moment, it's a little overwhelming for me." I whispered back. He nodded to me. "I'll take care of everything. Say good bye to your family before you go." I turned to my mom first. "Mom," I began "I'll try to stay as long as I can for you and the rest of the family." Mom nodded, a single tear falling down her cheek. I turned to Rachael and George. "You two be nice to Mommy, okay?" I said. "And George, try sculpting things, I bet you'd be good at it." George nodded. I turned to Jeremy. "Your going to mention me to Princess Alesa, right?" He said. I rolled my eyes and gave an exasperated sigh. "For the ten thousandth time, yes." I lied. I would say anything about this jerk. I turned to Katie, who was at this point crying. I hugged her. "She'll love you Adam!" She wailed. "I won't get to see you that often!" I had to laugh. I had a feeling Princess Alesa wasn't going to find one thing attractive about me. I turned to Dad. He hugged me, then whispered in my ear "Go get 'em tiger." I started to walk towards the limo, which would bring me to the plane, waving and smiling to everyone as I walked by. Then, I saw Dawn. Holding someone's hand. My heart shattered. So, this was Justin. I felt tears threatening to come. I realized I couldn't let Dawn, or anyone, see me cry. So I put back on a smile, and began waving again. I was stronger than her. I needed to forget her, no matter how hard it seemed to forget someone so amazing. I got to the limo, and began heading to the plane, where I would fly with three other selected guys, to the palace.

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