Chapter Fifteen

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The ocean blue of her eyes was disrupted and filled with a red color, sparkling her orbs like ruby. It looked as if her eyes were on fire.

"Holy Goddess! What was that?" Jeanette said fearfully, clutching her chest.

Jeanette felt uneasy and confused after she saw Kyrah's eyes change color. Her whole stance had changed within seconds.

No longer was the shy and sweet girl standing in front of her. Instead, the power radiated off her, but she wasn't sure whether that was a good or bad thing. The blazing ruby eyes could make anyone shiver with fear.

"Hiram isn't a fool. Surely, he had Kyrah kidnapped as she is special. She must be knowing where the gem is. I hope she doesn't give it to him," she said through gritted teeth. Her expression finally settled for a serious one.

"Our eyes change to a bright green when we shift, why are hers blood red? I haven't seen anything like this before. What is happening to her?"

Uneasiness made her stomach churn and she felt nauseatic. She wanted to ignore both of them.

Ignoring Zuber was easy, as he kept dozing off most of the day, due to his headache; another event which added to her guilt. Hiram had instructed her to add the potion to his food, which would make him weak.

Kyrah kept coming across Jeanette several times. She couldn't meet her eyes with her as her guilt had rendered her speechless. She was reminded of the one thing which she had done to hurt a person so close to Kyrah. Every time, she looked at her, the events relived in her mind and her eyes would glisten.

Was she safe even after doing everything as she was told? Would Hiram give her powers back as he had promised?

Hiram had poured a little liquid from his vial, shoving the blackened food in Jeanette's mouth. She recoiled in disgust and fell down as her energy levels dropped to zero.

"What did I ever do to you?" She growled.

"Darling, I have to make sure that you don't escape right? Why do you think I stay here? I would have lived in my brother's castle. But no, to stay with you, I chose to live in this tiny speckle of a house! Aren't you grateful for that?" Hiram's voice was laced with venom as he grabbed Jeanette forcefully by her forearm.

"I want my powers back!" Jeanette spat back, shoving his arm away with her free hand.

"Why don't you do a few errands for me? I promise to give your powers back and to never use this potion against you," Hiram spoke sincerely.

"You promise?" Jeanette asked fearfully, wishing it to be true.

"Cross my heart, darling." Hiram sneered, which was followed by a dark chuckle.

Silence followed and then Hiram spoke viciously, "Firstly, you have to bite Kyrah's mother, Queen Lilah..."

Jeanette remembered how she bit the unknowing Queen, who had sat under the tree quietly. She had escaped then as fast as she could, using her feeble energy.

The guilt gnawed her heart and mind every day, causing insomnia. Was the Queen alright? She couldn't believe how many sins she had to commit just to get her powers back.

Did she have a choice? Hiram would eventually make her do these things, with or without a promise.

The little time she had spent here in these few days, was the best in her life. Yet, her happiness was limited. The next day she had to take them to Hiram. What would happen to them? Only Goddess knew that.

Jeanette also knew that Kyrah and Zuber liked each other. Heck, it was so obvious. The way they looked at each other with adoration.

She remembered how Kyrah felt jealous when Zuber ignored her. She felt that Zuber's outburst the other day was fake. Strangely, she could decipher his emotions and see through his lies.

She had never met him before. Yet, she could feel that there was some bond between them.

Her trail of thoughts was broken when Zuber entered the living room. He groaned and clutched his head, which hadn't felt any better. He checked the cabinets slowly and turned towards Jeanette.

"We are out of supplies," he spoke feebly, the minor effort straining him.

"Hey, you take rest, I will go and buy whatever you need," she spoke touching his arm lightly.

Zuber gave her some coins with a grateful smile and nodded his head, mumbling thanks.

Jeanette clutched the money in her pale palms, sighing deeply. She felt she needed this distraction. Her thoughts and guilt bubbled inside her, choking her terribly. If she stayed there any longer, she would explode and breakdown, she felt.

She sighed and left the house, locking the door once outside.


Zuber came out of his room and found Kyrah sulking in a corner, sitting cross-legged. He looked at her intently, a blush creeping up his cheeks. One look at her left him energized.

He walked towards her slowly.

What if she won't forgive you? a voice nagged at the back of his mind.

"Oh, shut up!" he said out loud, then smacked his forehead in embarrassment.

Kyrah raised an eyebrow at him, stood up, and walked past him. Her face turned practically red with anger.

Zuber caught her wrist lightly in time, stopping her in her tracks. She looked at him with surprise and then attempted to remove her hand.

He pulled her to him and hugged her tightly. She tried freeing herself from his hold, but he didn't budge. His hold tightened as he wrapped his arms around her waist, leaving no gap between them.

"I am sorry Kyrah, please forgive me," he murmured sadly against her neck, his warm breath leaving tingles across her skin.

She desperately wanted to run away from him. Not that she didn't like his embrace, she loved it in fact. But, she didn't want to forgive him, after what he had done. She wanted to stay angry at him. She knew it sounded immature, but that's how she was.

"I am sorry baby," he murmured once again. The word 'baby' tugged her heart. She felt it wasn't out of teasing but a true term of endearment. Her heart swelled at that.

"Give me one reason that I should," she spoke with a frown.

He took her arms which were dangling loosely by her sides and wrapped them behind his neck. He gazed at her longingly, without batting his lashes.

He tried to express his emotions through his eyes. She gazed back, without averting her eyes, trying to understand what the other pair meant.

He cleared his throat and sighed deeply. "It was just an act."


"I don't want any harm to come to you," he spoke softly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Who wants to harm me?" she asked, putting on a blank face to hide her blush.

Your beloved uncle, he almost blurted out. His face grew stern just by thinking of him.

"I don't trust Jean," he said blankly.

"What would she do to me?" she asked curiously.

"Shh... quiet now, just hug me, please? I am not feeling that great."

"I-I... umm," she stammered, blushing furiously.

"Fine." He groaned, hugging her once again, making sure she wrapped her arms behind his neck this time. His long frame engulfed her petite one, just like how two puzzle pieces fit each other perfectly.

She is my better half, he thought sighing happily.

Wait, isn't that too soon?

Let her like you first!

She does, he thought smugly.

"You didn't answer my question," she spoke, ignoring the heavy thumping of her heart.

"It's a long story, I will explain everything to you, I promise..." he said, crushing her into a bear hug.

"Let me go?" she protested weakly, her voice muffled due to their closeness.

"Haha! Never!"

He released her and they stood facing each other awkwardly. Kyrah fiddled her fingers nervously when Zuber stared at her.

He slowly lifted his hand towards her face, brushing away her gold curls slightly. He stroked his thumb on her cheek, which looked as red as a tomato.

They gazed at each other intensely, each waiting for the other to break the silent competition. Their hearts thumped loudly, a feeling of contentment embedded within themselves. All anger vanished. They felt peaceful and loved.

Zuber cupped her left cheek and pressed his lips against it, lingering them for a second longer. He then whispered softly in her ear, "Beautiful!"

Kyrah inhaled sharply and felt like melting into a puddle. Never in her life had she expected that she would develop feelings for anyone. Liking her kidnapper, wasn't even within kilometers of her thoughts.

Zuber rested his lips on her soft cheek, which pressed inwards like dough when he kissed it. He moved his face closer to hers and touched their foreheads. Exhaling deeply, he held her face by both his hands.

He leaned forward, the gap between their faces mere inches. Longing, anticipation, and nervousness clear in both of their eyes.

He was about to close the distance between them but fell short by a mere second. The inserting of the key to the door jumped both of them out of the trance they were locked in.

They looked at each other sheepishly.

"I... I should go, my head hurts," Zuber said.

"Yeah, um... see you around?"

"Yeah," he said and left to his room, his heart fluttering wildly. I almost kissed her!

Hey, everyone! How are you all?❤💙 My lovebirds got their first baby!!! 😙 He/She is so tiny and very cute. We have come up with three names and can't decide what to keep. Which one is the best? Nunu, Zuzu or Tutu? Comment in! Also, suggest some short names ending in 'U'. (Mumu and Lulu are already taken, they are the parents. 😀) All suggestions will be appreciated!

I am back with a new chapter.
So, it is revealed that Jeanette was the one behind Lilah's sickness. Also, the reason as to why Hiram doesn't stay at the palace is explained. I feel bad for Jeanette.😑What about you?

What do you think of Zurah's romance? 😍😍😍 Did you like the romantic angle to this chapter?😉 Comment in and let me know! I would love to know your thoughts and opinions.

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Don't forget to comment what you feel. I read each and every comment and respond to them too. Bye, everyone! Keep smiling! 💕
Life is beautiful! 🙂



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