Chapter Seventeen

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"Don't do this to her, Jean!" Zuber warned sweating profusely.

"If you wish to save Kyrah, come with me," she spoke drily, dragging Zuber with her left arm.

Jeanette adorned an expressionless mask on her pale face. Her green eyes looked cold and stone-like. Her heart beat erratically within, thumping against her rib cage so hard that she felt it would burst out any second.

A shiver ran over her whole body, freezing her as if someone had poured icy water over her. She was unable to think straight, her mind and heart felt numb and she dreaded going further.

With each step her fear grew, her thoughts going haywire. "What will happen to us?" This question rang in her head every minute.

Going to Hiram was like locking yourself in a cage titled "Death Trap". She wished she could run away from there with Kyrah and Zuber.

Zuber was studying Jeanette's face closely. He could see her rapid breathing, the way she clenched and unclenched her fist repeatedly. The way her forehead furrowed with wrinkles indicating the torments her mind was enduring. He then took a good look at her eyes, they were blank, free from any emotion.

He then understood that this girl didn't show her emotions. She controlled them to such an extent that people couldn't understand what was really going inside her. He could feel that the mask of her emotions was slowly crumbling.

His eyes then fell on Kyrah, who looked half asleep and was pushed forward by Jeanette from behind continually. He frowned and felt that something was wrong with her. He stopped walking.

Jeanette halted too and sat down on the ground with Kyrah. She placed a palm on Kyrah's forehead and frowned. It was blazing hot.

She then felt her arms and cheeks which radiated heat enough to start a fire. Her face was flushed, contorted with the extreme heat, her eyelids shut tightly. She murmured in her feverish state, "Zuber... Zuber..."

Zuber fell down on his knees next to her, taking her on his lap. He cradled her in his arms, removing the strands of hair from her fragile face.

"What's wrong with her? She is burning!" Zuber spoke, his heart ached to see Kyrah in this state. He looked down at her once again, her eyelids opened half ways revealing her eyes that blazed like rubies.

Zuber gasped sharply and looked at Jeanette with a horrified expression. Jeanette saw what he had seen but decided to be quiet about it.

Zuber once again focussed on Kyrah's eyes founding them to be blue. He felt puzzled.

"Jean, tell me, what was that?" Zuber asked. Jeanette shook her head vehemently.

"You will know, in time..." She sighed.

Her snake is surfacing, she can shift anytime now. This sudden blazing is its indication, Jeanette thought. I don't know how Zuber will react when he knows that we are serpents.

She got up on her feet along with Kyrah. She balanced her properly and resumed walking once again.

Zuber stopped her and carried Kyrah in his arms in bridal style. She was clearly at discomfort due to the heat. Zuber, however, felt that the heat was reduced as he held her close. Or was it his imagination?

"You really don't want this, do you, Jean?" Zuber asked, without looking at her. Jeanette stiffened and looked at him sorrowfully.

But the inevitable had to happen. Reluctantly and with a shivering hand which Zuber noticed, she knocked on the main door of the castle. The door opened easily as if their arrival was known and awaited.

They entered the palace, which seemed deserted and felt creepy with a peaceful silence.

Kyrah woke up groggily, the heat dissipating quickly from her body. She rubbed her eyes and stared ahead of her, in shock. Then a grin broke on her face and she looked at Jeanette happily, "You scared me, Jean, why didn't you tell me that you wanted to bring me home? Wait, how did you know my place?"

Jeanette and Zuber looked at Kyrah uneasily and answered back with their silence. Zuber placed Kyrah on her feet, thankful that she was alright.

"Leave all that, I am so happy! Mother, father, uncle, where are you all?" The grin was intact on her face, her blue eyes dancing with delight.

"Welcome home, Princess," a voice boomed sarcastically.

"Uncle Hiram!" Kyrah shrieked and ran towards the man standing there. Zuber's mouth formed a tight line, his fists rolled tightly by his sides. It took every ounce of self-control in him to not punch Hiram in his face.

"Uncle, where are mother and father?"

"Oh, they will be back soon," Hiram spoke nonchalantly. His main thoughts were focussed on Kyrah and the image of Naag Mani danced in his eyes. His greed for power and strength reflected in his eyes.

Kyrah's smile faltered and she spoke hesitantly, "Uncle? Back from where?"

"Don't be so pesky, niece, leave all that will you?" Hiram spoke irritably. "I need your help Kyrah."

"What happened?" she asked. Jeanette looked worried while Zuber both worried and curious as to what was behind Hiram's need. Soon, he would be able to know Hiram's intentions. Both of them were silently watching the conversation between Hiram and Kyrah.

"I need the Naag Mani and you're the only one who can get it for me," Hiram said gleefully. His face displayed a wicked smile which made feel Kyrah feel that everything was not alright. Something was wrong with her "beloved" uncle.

"Naag Mani?" she asked, her face puzzled.

"Oh, yes, the powerful Naag Mani. You see, I am getting old and my strength is lowering. I need the gem to gain back my powers."

"What's Naag Mani?" Kyrah asked innocently which infuriated Hiram.

"Don't you know that? Haven't your parents told you about it? It's a powerful gem hidden away for centuries which can only be taken by shape-shifting serpents like us," he spat angrily.

Jeanette and Zuber gasped audibly. Hiram looked at both of them angrily.

"Shapeshifting serpents like us? What do you mean uncle?" Kyrah asked fearfully.

"You are a serpent, your parents are serpents too, including me," Hiram spoke viciously, stressing on each word as if he was explaining something to a child.

"You're lying! Please tell me it's a joke," Kyrah whispered, a horrified look on her face.

"You don't believe me? I will prove it to you." Hiram chuckled darkly. His black eyes started swirling, a bright green replacing them slowly. Zuber and Kyrah had a fearful expression on their faces.

Hiram's legs disappeared slowly, a golden-brown tail taking their place. His cloak was ripped off, as he stood with a bare chest which sparkled like bronze. His hair turned longer, their dark shade changing to a dark gold.

The shift took just a minute, but for Kyrah and Zuber, it seemed like hours. They were beyond shocked and speechless. Hiram moved towards them slowly, his tail sliding along the floor noiselessly.

"No... no!" Kyrah screamed. "This cannot be true!" She sobbed loudly.

"You see Kyrah? I'm just a half serpent, I need the Naag Mani to become a full snake."

"And the Naag Mani can give you anything," he whispered in her ear, trying to bring out her greed.

"Anything?" Kyrah asked with a smirk, her eyes turned red and heat radiated off her like waves. Jeanette and Zuber backed off and stood at a distance as the heat was scorching.

Kyrah's long legs disappeared and were changed to a blood-red tail. Her upper body was covered by a sequined, red corset top with netted red short sleeves from which hung small diamonds that sparkled like real gems.

Her curly hair was straightened and changed to a fierce red, making her skin seem like porcelain. All and all she looked breathtaking and dangerous.

"Kyrah, do you want immense power?" Hiram cackled.

"The Naag Mani grants everything we wish for," he spoke maliciously.

"I do." Kyrah grinned wickedly.

"No! Don't do this Kyrah, he is evil!" Zuber screamed and ran towards her.

"Kyrah... I know you're in there... don't listen to him..." Zuber spoke breathlessly, the immense heat taking a toll on his already weak body.

Jeanette just stood there without saying anything. She wanted to stop Kyrah, but if Hiram found out that she was against him, he would kill all of them.

Zuber reached towards Kyrah and grabbed her hand forcefully, ignoring the heat.

"Listen to me Kyrah." He screamed, shaking her hand hard, trying to break her from the trance. He looked directly in her eyes, which seemed to be broken loose like a huge fire. "Break free," he panted.

"There's nothing you can do, my boy," Hiram grinned.

"This cannot happen..." Jeanette prayed, "help us, Goddess, please."

Hi, everyone! How are you all? ❤💙 How's life going on? I am back with a new chapter.

So... Kyrah has shifted half way and is lured by Hiram to find the Naag Mani. Do you think she will succumb to the greed instilled in her? What is going to happen next? Please comment and let me know! I would love to know your thoughts.

Okay, answer this question: How will you react when you find out someone close to you is a serpent? What will you do? 😉

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