Bounty for hire

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(I like to thank Acidicus132 for giving me the request and idea for the story and creating the cover)

In the world of ninjago, the Anacondrai were known as the ferocious, fearsome, deadly and mightiest creatures ever.

The Anacondrai Generals were the original leaders of the Anacondrai. They led the Anacondrai and the Serpentine into battle, thus starting the First Serpentine War when they heard from Chen and Clouse the the humans are planning to attack them.

They were bigger, smarter, natural leaders on the battlefield. The Anacondrai were a proud tribe who fought with every ounce of venom. There was no greater warrior in the land. And with them in command, they proved to be too much for the alliance to handle."

The Anacondrai were one of the five Serpentine tribes living in Ninjago and were the most powerful, fastest, dangerous, and feared of all Serpentine, acting as the fiercest warriors of their time under the lead of General Arcturus

During the Serpentine War, the Anacondrai led their kind in the battle against the people of Ninjago. Master Chen played a part in fueling the conflict and driving both sides against each other. After the Elemental Masters won the war, the Anacondrai were sealed away in a large tomb in the Sea of Sand, while Arcturus and his generals were banished to the Cursed Realm.

Although the Anacondrai were last seen as a tribe more than forty years ago during the Serpentine War, their legacy remained in Ninjago. After Arcturus, the main general during the war, the celestial zodiac was named. Meanwhile, Master Chen has created a cult on his island based on the worship of fallen Anacondrai warriors. He was willing to go so far as to steal their bones from their tombs and create from their skulls headgear for him and the cult and from their bones armor and the Jadeblades. Nevertheless, he did not respect the real Anacondrai, at least after his transformation, as he completely despised Pythor, the last living Anacondrai.

It was said after the war the Anacondrai tribes split up never to be seen today...but some of the Anacondrai survived living in harmony forced to work for a living, they served at bounty Hunters to make for a living.

It is to say that a snake could never be trusted...till this very day.

Somewhere in a village, at the quarter past dawn, villagers were in the streets buying food or walking when a small child in a black cloak was running.

"Ah" the child whimper and was terrified, almost like he was running from something or someone.

He looks back to here someone shouting, "there he is is...stop him" it was guard in a black uniform.

He wield up a Scimitars and next to him was two other guards in different uniforms.

"Don't Let him get away" the first guard said, he was tall bulky and a goatee beard.

"He won't get far"

"Hurry, he's escaping"

They pushed through the crowd as the child did the same, then over by the docks.

The kid sees a steamboat getting ready to take off, it was only was to escape, She he quickly runs then he jumps super high and makes it on time.

The steamboat leaves the docks, he looks back to see the guard's stopped and were angry that thru little boy got away.

"He got away" the black coat second guard says.

"The boss is not going to be happy to hear about this" the third red coat guard says.

Then the first guard gets a call on his phone on the other side a dark figure was sitting in a chair in the dark.

"Has the packaged been receive yet" he says in a dark deep tone.

"Not yet sir...we lost him"

"BLAST IT, I need the package secured"

"Yes sir-"

But he hangs up before the guard could explain, "I was foolish to think a guard could do some work, I'm going to take a different approach" behind him was a ad called: bounty for hire.

On the poster were the best bounty hunters money can buy and on the poster...was a Anacondrai.

That's when the title of series pulls up;


MEANWHILE, somewhere in a city, two sepertines: pythor and Cyrus were hidden in a red and blue cloaks.

They entered inside a bar, they looked around as customers stared at them, in in a booth was their bounty.

A Korean man with short dark hair and glasses, he wore a black suit and was having a drink, When he sees the two sepertines.

"Yoki knight?" Pythor calls hi man's holds out a wanted poster with yoki's face on it.

"We were hired by the Harlem family to bring you in"

But yoki wasn't going to surrender, instead he would offer then...a much bigger offer.

He gives up and takes out an envelope, "well you sepertines look like decent country hunters so I'll make you a deal, I will offer you $2.2 million if you let me go"

But the sepertines were true to their job, there was no money they were offer by their catch that they wouldn't say yes too, they had no interest in taking any money, their only cared about finishing the job they were tasked with.

Cyrus took out his anacondrai Blade and pythor took out his staff.

"Now, wecan bring you in warm..."

Yoki looks up to see another Anacondrai blocking the doors to the front.

It was Polaris, pythor's twin, the evil twin, he glared at Yoki.

"Or we can bring you in cold, your call"

Yoki stares at them then he gets over the table, then he ran to the back.

Pythor and Cyrus slithered after him, Yoki escape from the back but as he ran, he looks back to see if the sepertines were after him then looking where he was going, he saw that he was about to run into another sepertine.


It was a female yellow python and a male Hybrid between Anacondrai and Venomari named: xiao hua and clancee.

Clancee has a sky pirate sword, they were about to grab Yoki when he slides underneath them.

The sepertines gathered around as Yoki looks back, he noticed how they weren't chasing him then between an alleyway, Yoki trip over a tail.

Coming out was a male pyro viper name char, he looks down at Yoki and by the time he gets up, he is surrounded by the sepertines, pythor cuffs him.

Pythor and his brother Polaris make it back home to meet their employer: Greef Karga.

They meet him in a bar, "Ah, that was fast.
Did you catch him?"

"Yes" pythor says as Polaris bring in Yoki who is tied up.

"Ha-ha, good, now the payment" he gives them an envelope containing their money.

But pythor shakes it, it's only 200$, "this is less for as much as the bounty was"

"Well work is a little right now"

Polaris pulls Yoki back, "let's not forget it took us a two day trip to get your bounty, We're the best bounty you need.and we expect a little more amour, twice the the amount you said the client was paying for him"

"I know but it's all I got right now"

"I don't know if you heard, but we worked really hard to bring in your bounty, we don't come in cheap and if you can't see that then we'll take our business else where"

Pythor and Polaris were about to leave taking Yoki with them when...

"Wait" the two sepertines stop, "fine, Save the theatrics" he puts down 2,000 cash, "But I can only pay half"

"That is fine by us" pythor gives him Yoki and Polaris takes the money.

"You know it pays to have bounty caught" Polaris says, "if you were smart you would know that"

"Now let's not get hasty"

"Maybe if you found treat us equally like the others" pythor kissed and he and his brother were about to tear their employer apart.

"But I guess were not like all your other bounty hunters...are we, we're not normal looking" pythor says.

"Now now, why don't you head to the cafeteria and get you something a bite to eat, the others are waiting"

Good soldiers follow orders.

The bounty for hire is a...another company but for bounty hunters they were provided food and shelter.

And in return they would be given a bounty and bring them back dead or alive.

In the cafeteria pythor and Polaris got their foods, then they see the rest of their friends: Arcturus chumsworth, Cyrus T. chumsworth, twilight toomes, xiao hua, char, and clancee mcLain. 

Cyrus waves at them then they reached their table.

"So much did we get?" Twilight asked.

Pythor puts down the money they made and they all stared at it.

"That's it?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, apparently we aren't good enough for him" Polaris says then everyone groans in disagreement.

"I think it's because we're not like his other bounty hunters" pythor reminded them as they were surrounded by other different bounty hunters.

"It doesn't seem highly fair that all the other bounty hunters gets a extra amount of pay and we don't" xiao says.

"Yeah she right this is unfair" twilight says.

"He can not treat us like this" chat says soon everyone else starts shouting.

"Alright alright" pythor settles them down, "calm down, "I'll ask for a highest bounty but right now let's settle for what we got"

They began to eat but soon. They noticed they were getting some rather...rude stares from the other bounty hunters.

"Is it me or so you all get the feeling that they're looking at us"

"Well Check it out" a fellow bounty hunter approached them.

"Ugh" pythor tries to ignore the bounty Hunter.

"Speak if the devil look who it is" Polaris says.

It was two of them, "the sepertines came back and they brought back...A DEAD RAT" all the other bounty hunters laughed.

"Why don't you leave us alone you clone robot and quite messing with my brother" Polaris kept his brother close.

"Why are you freaks even here, you don't belong here, you don't even fit in, because no one will ever like you"

The bounty Hunter walks away laughing, it enraged pythor as he felt like he wanted to kill the rude bounty Hunter.

But then someone threw a hot dog at the bounty Hunter, "AH! What the...Who threw that?"

"I did" Polaris stands up for his brother, "Now why don't you apologize to my brother and our friends"

"Polaris! Please it's fine, we don't want to start anything" pythor tries to calm him down.

"Oh boy, It's about to get a whole lot uglier" Arcturus says.

"What did you say to me?" The bounty Hunter gets up in Polaris face.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa.Back off.that's my brother and he means no harm" pythor defends his brother

"Yeah and I suggest you keep moving" Cyrus joins in.

Then the other sepertines get up, "Know your place, second rate worms"

Pythor gets offended then he used his tail to hit a tray and it went flying and catching on the bounty Hunter covering him in more food.

"Ah!" He turns around to them.

"Oops" pythor smiles.

"That's it"

"Oh, yeah!" Twilight cheered as she grabs a tray and starts throwing food, then everyone fights.

"Oh, not again" Cyrus nodded his head.

Polaris was busy taking out a bounty Hunter that he didn't noticed the same one coming behind him with a jade blade.

"Polaris, watch out" Cyrus warns him, pythor say and then he swings his tail tripping the bounty Hunter.

Then suddenly Greef Karga came in the cafeteria to find the sepertine, he's got a new job for them, one with a higher pay then all the bounty hunters get.

But once he got inside, he was shocked to find everyone roughhousing, he steps up, "ahem"

Everyone stops and looks at him then they all pointed at the sepertines.

"They started it"

The sepertines were brought in to his office, "that bounty Hunter started it first" Polaris shouts as he tries to defend his team.

"Hey if anyone started this, it was you" his brother pythor says.

"Enough" Greef Karga stops them, "I'm here because I got a new job for you, one that doesn't involved low rate bounties, now I have a bail jumper...another A bail jumper,
another bail jumper, a wanted smuggler"

"You have a mission for us, sir?" Pythor asked.

"Yes Indeed, all Five thousand.oddest matter if the work is sloppy"

But pythor turns to his team and they all share the same look.

"What's your highest bounty?"

"Hmm, There is one job, Face to face.
Direct commission.Deep pocket, I have a 25,000 waiting for you upon delivery of the asset"


"Yes. Alive"

"What is it?"

But Greef Karga smiled, the client is expecting a package, he lost it when it aboard a steamboat to the jungle, it's loose in the city, find it and bring it back"

Everyone looks at each other then it was agreed, "you got a deal"

To be continued......

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