26: EVIE

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7 years later...

"Hey, Maggie?" I call from the shower, "Got any shampoo I can borrow? I'm out."

"There's probably some in the cabinet," my housemate shouts from the kitchen.

I rummage around for a while, finding an unlabelled bottle right at the back. I unscrew the cap. It smells like apples. I shrug then pour it over my head, rubbing in the soap suds. I sniff again, the scent smells slightly rotten.

"Eww, Maggie – what is this stuff?" I call through the door. Some of the suds creep into my mouth and I gag. "It smells like death, death and apples."

I hurriedly try to wash it out. Suddenly Maggie burst through the door.

She pulls aside the shower curtain, exposing me naked in the bath tub. She knocks the bottle out of my hand.

"No...." she whispers, "It can't be..."

I turn on her, a fury building in the pit of my stomach.

"You BITCH!"

I suddenly grab her head and smash it down against the rim of the bath tub. I don't stop until the water in the bottom of the tub runs red. I turn her around, watching the life drain out of her eyes.

"Maggie? Oh God, Oh God, why did I do that? What have I done?!"

Then her eyes glaze over and she slumps to the floor. She stares up at me, and for a moment I see something I hadn't expected to see – relief.

"It's...over..." she whispers. "For me...it's over...but for you...it is only just beginning. I'm so sorry."

She grabs my hand as tears slide down my face.

"Maggie...don't die... please don't die...I don't know why I did that...I don't know where the anger came from."

She touches my cheek. With her last breath she struggles to form words.

"Never eat from the apple tree," she says.


Author note:

Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed this horrible story!

If you're looking for another short horror read, feel free to check out my short horror story The Elevator complete on my profile (click here ---> LEPalphreyman)

Laura is trapped in an elevator.

She has been there for as long as she can remember.

The elevator is going down.

She doesn't think she's alone...







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