--Chapter 4--

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They both wore horrified expressions and yet they still looked as if they had been watching her the whole time.

Raine's ears drooped and she cowardly stepped away from the stranger, disentangling her paws from his body. He lay there, clamping his mouth closed to stop his heavy breathing.

"What the hell are you doing here?" demanded Arrowhead, his woolly body of fur standing along the overflooded seas of wildlife green.

The realization started to revolve around Raine like tornados like they were picking her up, spinning her, and dropping her.

She took a moment to look around the outside world. No thorny roof covering was trying to shield away a bright sapphire blue that wrapped around the earth. And the trees! The trees were much taller and a lot more to experience when you're not gazing through a tiny window. On each tree, jumbles of green leaves grew all over the branches like fur...and the ones that have fallen made an orange-leaf blanket covering the whole ground—a few patches of dirt shown. Everything was like a comforting yet mind-blowing wor-

"RAINE! You're bleeding...j-just It's not safe. GET OVER HERE! You're going STRAIGHT HOME" Doe hollered, quickly sprinting her way over to her. Her mother looked paranoid.

The wolf still lay stunned on the ground, his legs twitching like he was making the decision of running away or staying. Raine would describe him as a little animal in a situation of choosing between what hole to wriggle into when it's surrounded by a predator.

Arrowhead and Doe charged after the wolf as he leaped to his paws and started hustling away into the bushy and hidey forest homes. Raine was surprised to see Arrowhead dive into the bushy unknowns and yet she wasn't at the same time. She could hear yelps coming from somewhere a tad far. Most of the yelps were unknown wolves.

Good. Show no mercy.

Raine's eyes traveled to her mother, waiting for the worst to happen. But Raine was in a much too bubbly mood to care about her mother's snippy comments about "Why the heck are you out here? What is wrong with you?" type of complaint.

Before Doe could say or do anything, Raine's eyes roved the vast area filled with beautiful plants all unique and remarkable that appear much closer and live. Then, Raine frowned. "Mother, why did we live in a cave?" she questioned, looking up at her mother as Doe gently but hurriedly wrapped her tail around her daughter and let her out of the area.

"Listen. This is only between your father and me-" Doe said solemnly, leading themselves into a ground that caved in, shielded by long grass.

"You always say that!" Raine pouted, breaking away from her mother and stepping back. The cut on her neck stung. "Why can't you just tell me the truth? I'm finally out here. What else am I missing besides that... other wolves?" Raine snarled, she tried to soften her snarl. She knew her mother would snap.

Doe's brow furrowed. "Shh, quiet. Don't talk back to me like that" her mother warned, pushing Raine into the caved-in ground.

The ground was dense pokey blades of grass poked Raine's eyes as she hurriedly hid in there. Her mother entered with her, sitting beside her as she inspected the patch of Raine's blood-stained fur.

Why isn't mother mad? Does she want me to know about this but she's not ready? I don't care about this anymore-

Raine's mother examined the cut on Raine's neck tenderly.

She didn't want to stay still. She wanted to move. It was like her mother wasn't reacting enough as she expected. Since Raine was angry, she wanted her mother to be angry. Now she was out here, finally and once in her life in a place she never thought she'd be, she wanted to do something. Just anything to get her out of her frustrated planet of wrath.

"MOM! I'm fine! Can you stop treating me like this?" barked Raine again. This time she stood up, her head spinning with anger as she tugged away from her mother. She whirled around to face Doe's brown ears flickering down for a second. She was furious now.

Her muzzle rumpled up but her yellow eyes were appointed seriously on Raine's. "It's my job to treat you. Now that you disobeyed me and your father by leaving the den, now you are exposed. It's too late for what you have done"

Raine tilted her head a little as a shiver of curiosity traveled down her spine. "What? Exposed? What are you talking about?"

Raine was startled when her father came bounding through the grass shield behind her.

"I scared him off. I gave him a firm warning not to come back again. Is Raine okay?" Arrowhead asked breathlessly, starting to narrow his eyes at her neck.

Raine thrashed her head from her mother to her father, not letting the fate of punishment stop her. "I'm not okay with you sneaking up on me all the time! It's so annoying!" she barked, stomping her paw.

Both of her parents' ears twitched.

"We're doing this for your own good" addressed Arrowhead. He sounded irritated with all of Raine's moody yacking. She would yack all she wanted to and no one could stop her. Mother and father needed to make an explanation first before she felt like she'd explode. We're doing this for your own good, we're doing this for your own good! Just shut the fuc- shit, I can't- Raine thought. By now she couldn't control her baring teeth.

"What is so good about living in a den?!" Raine cried. "We're wolves! We're meant to run and be free! I'm not a pup, nor some burrow-living prey. What's the point in this? Why can't I just be normal like whoever is out there? I want to have a destiny. I want to have a destiny like everyone else but you've never let me start one!"


Raine caught her breath. "I want to know what you hiding"

At that moment, Raine didn't know if she felt guilty about how she snapped out, especially in front of her parents. She couldn't recall a time that she had accomplished that. Maybe she barked out as a pup–tantrum over bedtime was probably the cause but now she was older. She wanted to act mature, be it, and for everyone to see it.

The problem was that she seemed like no progress had been made.

"I'm sorry-" Raine interjected before her parents could respond. She flattened her ears and her tail curled under her legs. I'm sorry.

In a way, she wasn't sorry but she did feel ashamed.

"Your right, honey" started Doe.

As Raine lifted her head from staring down at her own paws in shame. She was confused–realizing a powerful scent was sprinkled all over her parents. Yet, they weren't too moved by her words even though Raine thought they would. Her parents are like some geo, their actual baby-soft emotion was tightly disguised in that sparkling purple. It felt odd enough to be able to crack it...like she solved life's greatest puzzle.

In the aftermath of a ringing silence, both of her parents shuffled through the sharpness of parched grass as they climbed up and out of hiding. They flicked their tail for Raine to follow.

"Where are we going now?" chirped Raine, careful not to poke their temper too far.

"Home" they both replied at the same time.

Raine hated that word. Once she finally got out, breathing in new scents and walking in a world full of color, surrounding her and wrapping her in a full-body coat, she is suddenly going to her familiar atmosphere. No way, they must be joking-

"But I want to explore!" Raine protested as they hustled away, she matched their quick pace. "Why are we going?"

She obviously knew the answer.

"No questions asked until we get home" replied Arrowhead.

"But why?"

"Keep your muzzle closed or your getting no dinner"

No dinner. She thought in disappointment.

She trotted closer to her father. "Just tell me why!"

Both of her parents hastened their pace and Raine had to run to keep up. She knew that she was supposed to feel regretful of what she has done. Instead, she was thrilled.

She could smell a clench of anger emitting off Arrowhead. Raine tried harder...louder and her strides were now racing. "JUST TELL ME"

"Shut up!" barked Raine's father unawares. He whirled around to face her. She felt a pit yawning in her stomach with the amount of attention directed to her. Well, that was what she wanted. But she didn't want to end with that fighting strength of a growl. Raine dropped to her hindquarters and lowered her shoulders as Arrowhead snapped her teeth at her.

She stared blankly at the ground in guilt. But not for long. Past her father's ear, she could see her mother's brown pelt shift in another direction. Raine still stood crouched to pass a brief submission but she wanted to move past.

What is mother doing?

As Raine glanced to her side, skimming the vast hill in the distance, Arrowhead frowned in confusion and turned in the same direction his daughter was.

And yes, from the top of that hill would send Raine crawling back to her den. And it was at that moment it was instant regret that she should've listened–by the time they would be much farther if Raine corporated. She knew it was her fault and her mind was restless with the energy of stupefaction.

On the top of the hill, there was a pack of wolves, getting prepared to charge. 

Short chap.  What's your opinion on this entire story so far? What's something I have to change, add, or do?

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