REVEAL : 𝐊.𝐍.𝐕.𝐓 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎

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Honestly, if it was one thing he needed to stop (apart from calculus, ew) doing, it had to be eating so much.

Not only that – but spicy food. Seriously, Jeongin? Now how will you be able to tell if you're having a case of indigestion or you're just really ready to haul because of your nerves?

It was the 12th of December, 2019. In other words – the day when they'd finally be able to find out who was going to represent Korea in next year's Bon Voyage. Jeongin was already walking to the Hangang park, his hands buried in the pockets of his puffer jacket – his stomach churning (see, he couldn't tell if it was because of the ramen he had for lunch or solely because he was a nervous wreck), hands trembling, all sorts of thoughts weaving in and out of his mind. He wanted to get this over with. Now.


As if automated, Jeongin's head snapped around to see Seungmin running at him, arms outstretched. Knowing what this could mean for him, he let out a low wail and picked up the speed, running down the pavement whilst trying to ignore Seungmin's maniacal laughter.

"FUCK YOU!" Jeongin screamed at the top of his lungs, turning a right and almost crashing into a woman with a baby stroller.

"Damn, young man," the lady raises an eyebrow, already on her way. "Breathe."

"GOTCHA!" Jeongin was sent flying as Seungmin pounced at him from behind. He tried to inhale as Seungmin peppered his cheeks with little pecks. He felt the heat rushing to his cheeks. He's too good to me.

"Let's get going, please," Jeongin groaned. "If we want front-row views of the stage we better hurry."

"Piggyback?" Seungmin grinned into his jacket.

"NO!" Jeongin exclaimed, horrified. "My stomach already feels like it's going to flip over any second! Get off!"

"Oh, fine," the elder hopped off Jeongin's back, still laughing. "Let's go."

They strolled through the park, hands in their pockets to conserve warmth. It wasn't long before they saw the stage. It was set up at a side, and people were already surrounding it. There was a large banner drawn across, reading 'KOREA NATIONAL VOYAGE TEAM 2020'. Jeongin spotted his cousin Soomin on the stage, placing the transparent box in place. There was another one of her friends, Hyena – arranging the podium. Jeongin felt his stomach do a flip. Oh, how he wished he could get in.

More and more people gathered over the minutes. By four minutes to five, almost the whole park was packed. Jeongin wanted to cry. He'd never felt so nervous in his whole life. Maybe except that one time he gave his classmate (no, crush) Somi a bar of chocolate on her birthday back in seventh grade. But still. He just wanted to break his kneecaps and jump into the Han river. Who cares if he got frostbite?

"Give me your hand," he whispered to Seungmin, who extended his hand. Jeongin took it, fingers tightening around his for warmth. Even as he stayed still, he could sense Seungmin's heavy breaths and trembling hands.

If they both got on the team. IF. It would be a dream come true. Soomin always talked about how travelling with a best friend never compared to any other thing you should put on your bucket list, and ever since then, Jeongin had been glued on the thought.

Oh. If. Just if. How he hoped both him and Seungmin got in.

"Hello, everyone!" The cheery voice of the famous TV reporter, Yeop Seoyeon made all of them fall silent.

"Welcome to the drawing of lots and introduction of next year's representative team for Korea in the Bon Voyage tournament!"

There was a scattering of polite applause. Someone from the front whistled, making a few others laugh.

"Before we invite today's chief guest to come and draw the nine lucky lots, I will be providing a small overview of how the NTA has taken applications into consideration."

Jeongin took in a deep breath. He hoped the little note he wrote at the end mentioning how he loved puppies and green salads didn't get him disqualified.

"As all of you know, this is a prestigious event opened for 53 countries worldwide this year. Each country has carefully selected a handmade team of nine individuals worthy of completing the set missions and rewriting their country's name in gold." Seoyeon began.

"Korea's NTA has gotten an average of 2700 applications this year, and on behalf of the NTA, I want to thank all of you who applied." The reporter smiled.

"Messages to eligible participants were sent out last week. If you didn't get a notification from the NTA hotline, your application must have been terminated as the applicant was not eligible."

There were a few cries of dismay from the crowd.

"We have checked for the applicant's overall character and persona." Seoyeon looked at the paper in her hands. "Along with their determination and capability levels to partake in this voyage, which was submitted in your resumes. There were a series of interviews conducted in different parts of South Korea.

"Long and detailed forms – short and to-the-point forms – all of it were taken in as long as the participant was eligible.

"There were a total of 1347 eligible participants who took the interview. And from those, we have come to the final top 90, who have gotten scores above 85 in their interviews. From these 90, we will be choosing the lucky 9 now.

"May I please call upon our very own Sana Minatozaki to come and do the honours of drawing the lots."

"Oh my gosh, Sana noona," Jeongin said in a voice somewhere between a whisper and a squeal. "I'm actually going to cry, hyung."

"Don't. I'll let go of your fucking hand."

There was a series of loud cheering and clapping as the idol made her way to the stage. She waved at the crowd, then took her place behind the box.

"Let the nine lucky people win." Seoyeon turned the mic off.

The crowd was silenced as Sana took the mic from Seoyeon and put her hand in the box. Jeongin squeezed Seungmin's hand, silently praying for the both of them.

Sana took out the first slip of paper. Turning the mic on, she read aloud:


If Seungmin screamed, it was nothing compared to the one that left Jeongin's throat. Tears threatening to spill, he gave his best friend a big hug, almost breaking down when the latter gently patted Jeongin's head. He could feel Seungmin's body trembling, and knew he was crying.

"You made it in, hyung," Jeongin choked. "You did it."

"I'm sure you will too, Yang." Seungmin brushed away the tears from his eyes and went up on stage. The audience was still clapping and cheering. Jeongin felt like his heart would burst with all the sudden emotions and overwhelming love. THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND! FIRST MEMBER OF THE KNVT!

"Second round." When Seungmin was seated on the first of the nine chairs, Sana put her hand in the box again. The crowd fell silent. She drew out the second slip. Jeongin's breath caught in his throat as she turned on her mic again.


From a little far off, there was a low cry – and for a minute, Jeongin thought someone fainted because there was a sudden ripple in the crowd – but it was just the girl who'd gone weak at the knees and bent down, face buried in her knees, shoulders shaking. After giving her some time to console herself, she was assisted up – and still wiping her tears, she trudged through the crowd and onto the stage, where Seungmin shook hands with her. She sat down next to him, evidently sniffing, but the hint of a bright smile already tugging at her lips.

Sana stopped clapping. The crowd's cheers slowly died down as she proceeded to draw out the third lot. Jeongin could feel his heart threatening to break through his ribcages – there were only seven more slots left. Would he get in? What if he didn't, and he wouldn't see Seungmin for a whole year?

No. That's just too sad to think about. Let's not.

There was a moment of hushed silence as Sana opened up the third paper. Then, turning on her mic, she called:


Jeongin immediately let out an animalistic screech of 'FELIX HYUNG! FELIX HYUNG! FELIX HYUNG!' as the loud cheers arose, jumping up and down on the balls of his feet to see his best friend's classmate climb the stairs and onstage. He didn't seem to have cried – he just looked extremely happy and overwhelmed. Seungmin got up and gave Felix a warm hug – Jeongin could have sworn Felix was trying to hold in tears now, his smile was wavering – and then he sat down, next to Noeul.

Six more slots left. Ah, Jeongin, Jeongin, Jeongin . . .

It's okay, even if Min-hyung leaves I can still contact him, right?

Wait, is there signal at sea?

Oh my fucking god. There's no signal at sea, right?

In the haze of his own thoughts, he was snapped out of his little conversation to Sana's sweet voice going:


A loud whoop. That was seriously all Jeongin heard above all the loud screaming and cheering – loud, but distinct, "WHOOP!". Before he could adjust himself – slow the fuck down, time – a girl was already onstage, her smile so bright it could have brought an A+ to Jeongin's calculus paper. This girl – she seemed so excited and so carefree, and nope – she wasn't crying. Not even relatively close. She was laughing, a look of evident shock still on her face. Either that, or she was crying inside. Noeul stood up to greet the new girl, and the two exchanged a warm hug.

Five slots left. Maybe it really was time to delete his kneecaps and jump into the Han river. It looked pretty appealing now.

Sana took out the fifth paper. Jeongin felt like his heart was skipping beats. Man, I'm really going to fucking lose it . . .

. . . "GO RYULHEE."

Amidst the clapping and cheering, Jeongin was beginning to seriously get worried. There were three slots left and he had little to no chances of getting on the team. Man, he barely survived one minute without Seungmin, as annoying as he was – how was he going to go a whole 380 days?

Holy shit, I think I'm going to faint. His eyes were barely focused on the new girl who walked onto the stage, shaking hands with the team and then sitting down on the sixth chair. Jeongin squinted at her, watching as she smiled brightly at the crowd with tears glistening in her eyes. Surely this whole competition held some value for her.

"The sixth lot," Sana called, and Jeongin snapped out of his trance. WHAT, ALREADY? I swear Obama just became president of America!


Oh, oh man she's a social butterfly. I KNOW it. From the way Abigail hopped onstage, clapping and smiling brightly – Jeongin could tell she would be the life and soul of the ship. She shook hands with the members on the team, giving the girls hugs before she sat down next to Ryulhee.

"Seventh lot." The park went terrifyingly silent. Sana cleared her throat. Jeongin had never wanted to become a snowflake so much in his whole life. You know, fall from the sky all graceful and cold, then hit the ground, break and melt. What an ideal life.


An ear-piercing shriek escaped someone standing somewhere in the crowd – and Jeongin had to try not to laugh, as a girl with curly hair soon went up onto the stage, wiping her eyes and bowing to Sana. Ryulhee was the first to get up and hug the girl, whose body was trembling. At this point, Jeongin was sure everyone was trembling. It was winter, for fuck's sake.

Chunhua was greeted warmly by the group, and by the time she sat down she looked generally . . . well, in one piece. Jeongin felt himself smiling back, for some reason.

"Eighth lot! We're almost done." Sana grinned widely, once again digging around in the ballot box and retrieving one wavering slip of paper. She unfolded it tentatively, squinting at the paper before turning the mic on and reading the name aloud:


There was a loud hoot from a group at the back, and a tall, pretty boy in a padded jacket was pushed forward, the white snow fluttering and landing on his locks of black hair. He was bowing as he walked forward through the gap the crowd made for him, cheeks flushed, muttering hushed 'thank you's to everyone passing by. Jeongin could tell he had a big heart and that he would most likely end up being the leader of the team -- he already gave off the sense of comfort and kindness he'd want in a leader of such a big project.

Please take care of Seungmin-hyung for me, Seonghwa-hyung. Jeongin thought with a soft smile, watching Seonghwa climb up on stage and shake everyone's hands before taking his seat. 

"Okay, everyone." Sana cleared her throat. 


"The last and final slot, deciding the complete team of KNVT for 2020!" Seoyeon's voice rang out.

"Who do you think it will be?"


"Sana . . ."

Sana put her hand in the box. Jeongin squeezed his eyes shut, his nails digging into the skin of his palms as he clutched them to his chest. Please, please, please . . .

. . . "Yang Joongin."


Jeongin snapped his eyes open. No one was budging – there's no Yang Joongin here, what the fuck? – and a buzz of confusion was quickly arising as time passed with no one going up onstage.

"OH," Sana exclaimed, making the crowd's chatter die down.

"Sorry. I've made a mistake. It's YANG JEONGIN."

The first thing Jeongin saw through his blurring vision was Seungmin as he got up and started screaming and jumping. He felt a lump rising in his throat, all of his past worries suddenly flying away – he felt his knees buckle but held himself up, wiping away his tears and pushing through the crowd to get to the stage.

A strained sob escaped his throat.

I made it.

Seungmin ran into Jeongin's arms before he could even get to the team, all of who were standing now.

"We did it, Innie," Seungmin's voice came out muffled, but Jeongin could make his voice out perfectly.

"We did it." Jeongin repeated in a smaller voice, his grip on Seungmin tightening. He could hear the crowd cheering and clapping, loud whistles and words of encouragement echoing back to him. Seoyeon tapped the mic, her voice cutting through the chaos.

"And that's the selected team for next year's Bon Voyage! Another round of applause for these nine courageous individuals, please!"

The cheering got louder.

"Kim Seungmin, Lee Noeul, Lee Felix, Nam Dohee, Go Ryulhee, Abigail Do, Song Chunhua and Yang Jeongin."

The team lined up in the said order, waving and smiling, some still teary-eyed and others happier than they'd ever been in their lives. Jeongin looked down the line at his (some) new friends, familiarizing with their faces. He'd spend the entirety of the next year with them. Might as well start learning beforehand.

He was going to look back at the crowd when Seungmin caught his gaze. With a grin, he turned around, suddenly feeling exhilarated from the overflowing emotions.

Korea National Voyage Team, 2020. His new friends. Suddenly the world was so much more than just Seungmin and his dandy ass.

And they were, Jeongin was certain – going to dominate the seven seas – together. 


hi! sorry if this isn't what you were expecting, this was super rushed but i hope u like the ugly simplicity of it lmaoo i promise the pirates reveal (and character introductions) will be so much better oof jskjdkf bUT!! 

this will be the last update for a long long while. i have exams (starting on the 10th and ending on 18th) and afterwards i'll be completely focusing on preparing to leave for korea. i'll try to work on the chapter on the plane or sth bc i'm more productive in those times of night (cough) 

anyway ! congratulations to the ones who got the slots: NORTH ATLANTIC -cluelessly ], ANTARCTIC JENOIRS ], ARCTIC chiracha ], CARIBBEAN MINHOBOTS ], and SOUTH PACIFIC cosmocha ]!! i loved all of your forms so much and i'm sorry to the ones whom i didn't accept, i hope you'll look forward to seeing similar cameos like the ones i added in this chapter !! <3 

i love you so so much <3

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