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"Have you heard?" The girl leans carelessly across the picket fence, hair dangling over her shoulders precariously.

"Heard what?"

"The rumors about the King" she whispers despite there being no one for miles within earshot.

"What rumors?"

She sighs, leaning one hand against a soft cheek while curling a strand of loose hair around her fingertip.

"I swear Ji Eun you live under a rock" she grins lopsidedly at the other.

Scoffing she drops the basket full of white linen in her hands onto the grass. Reaching up she unclasps the clips from the clothing line.

Grabbing a wet linen sheet, she shakes it a few times, clips held in her mouth as she splays it across the line. Clipping it securely she smooths out the wrinkled edges of the sheet that now sways with the breeze.

"Aren't you even a little curious?" the other girl whines impatiently.

Turning around to face the other, she places her hands upon her hips exasperated.

"Enlighten me Areum," she says dryly.

Areum grins widely as Ji Eun continues to hang sopping wet sheets across the clothing line which begins to droop under the weight.

"Every year, our devilishly handsome King leaves his gloomy abode to visit the main square of Narcisse. He scours the town like a beast, prowling on all fours, in search of his next prey. When he spots one, he pounces, swooping her off her feet and dashing towards the castle. She's never to be seen again".

"Is he some kind of mountain lion? What kind of story was that?" Ji Eun laughs as Areum rolls her eyes.

"But in all seriousness, it is kind of freaky. I mean he's had six brides, one each year, and they all go missing before the year is up without a trace"

"How do you know it's true? What if that's just it, a mere rumor"

Areum rolls her eyes "always a skeptic"

"Is there any proof? For all we know he could be as harmless as a fly"

Areum eyes her wearily "you've never seen him, have you?"

"Considering I've only lived here for a year now, no"

"There something almost unnerving about the way he stares into your eyes. It's like he's searching for something that isn't there".

Ji Eun eyes her suspiciously before a sly smile spreads across her face

"Sounds like someone is smitten for our dearest royal majesty" she giggles.

Areum's expression morphs into one of unease as Ji Eun's laughter dies down.

"Honestly speaking, as handsome as he is, I don't trust him. He may be our King but it's not at all reassuring to me".

"Geez Areum lighten up, you've been in this town way too long. I think the rumors are getting to you" Ji Eun reaches over to her, patting her head gently.

When the other doesn't respond, eyes lost in thought she nudges her softly. "Shouldn't you be heading back about now? I'm sure your mother will be worried".

This snaps her from her daze "Ah, right, I'll come by tomorrow anyway. See ya later Eun". She waves as she prances away.

Smiling at the now retreating figure she sighs. She bends over picking up the now empty wicker basket as she spins on her heels walking back towards the cottage.

The sky blooms forth hues of orange and pastel pinks as the sun begins to sink below the horizon.

The warm summer breeze cools down significantly.

She sits on the creaky porch of her little cottage. Kicking her shoes off, she runs her feet through the soft blades of grass below her. Smiling as they tickle her toes.

She discards the wicker basket to the side and stretches lazily lying back against the wooden porch.

The sky has morphed into a twilight blue stretching beyond the horizon and she spots the twinkling of stars as they glitter through the night sky.

"Another moonless night" she mumbles.

Areums words run through her mind.

Could the King be as terrifying as the rumors say?

She had only moved into the quiet village of Lis a year ago, it lay on the outskirts of the main Kingdom of Narcisse, only a short walking distance. Upon her arrival the other villagers paid her no mind, leaving her to her own accord. Not that she minded, she enjoyed her solitude.

Of course, she had heard a few rumors here and there but who could believe words of uncertainty with no solid proof.

Quiet villages like these always had stories brewing within them.

A cold sensation washes over her and she sits up abruptly, shuddering.

It felt as though she was being watched.

Grabbing her basket, she looks at her surroundings cautiously. It's silent, save for the crickets chirping in the distance. The lanterns have been lit by the porch of her neighbors' home but no one else besides her is outside.

The chilling sensation doesn't leave her until she is tucked away under her covers, staring up at the canopy of her bed, soft silky curtains are draped over them falling around her.


Outside, the rustling of leaves ceases once the figure steps out into the clearing, eyeing the quaint cottage. Shadows of a figure moving about against a dim, flickering light through the window diminishes suddenly and all falls still.

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