Chapter 16: oink oink

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

[ ]: Stand's names

* *: Narrator/voice-off

Your POV:

After we took the train from Singapore, we changed to a boat when we reached Thailand, and we were currently about to accost in India. But some of us seemed quite anxious about it.

Joseph: Abdul, we are finally going to crass India. The fact is...

Joseph: I am a little worried. Of course I'm worried about enemy stands; but actually it's my first time here in India.

Joseph: India gives the impression of beggars, thieves, curry-eating, disease-ridden people.

"You have something against curry ?"

Polnareff: I'm worried we might get sick.

Abdul seemed quite amused with those prejudices.

Abdul: Ha ha ha !! Those stories are all false. You don't have to worry, this is a fine country, full of nice people.

Abdul: All right !! We're here, let's go !!!

We all got off the boat, and what happened next was... How can I put it...?

Yes, a huge mess.

As soon as we got off the boat, we were immediately surrounded by a huge crowd, most of them were asking money, or proposing us some change, but they were some of them who tried to make other deals with us, trying to sell us tattoos, medicine against stomach pains or oils. One of them even tried to interest us into meeting a girl, while some kid started singing for no reason.

They were peoples sleeping literally in the middle of the sidewalk, lost kids, some dogs, and a guy, trying to make his way through the crowd with his scooter while carrying an absurdly high pile of eggs boxes

A cow was just roaming around, we were completely surrounded by flies... And kids begging us fore some money, threatening us with the "divine punishment" if we refused.

It was obvious that some of us weren't exactly enjoying that.

Polnareff: Aarrgg !!! I stepped in cow shit !!

Kakyoin: My wallet is gone !!

All of this while the singing kid was asking them for some money after he finished.

Joseph: God I can't take it anymore !!! There's a taxi, let's get the hell out of here !!

As soon as he said that, three men immediately rushed the taxi to open the door for us and get the tips.

But sadly for them (and us) there was a cow in the way.

Taxi guy: I am sorry sir, this cow is napping right now. I cannot move until it leaves. Cows are holy animals here.

MORE people approached us, still mostly asking for money.

Kid: Hey, give us money !!

Polnareff: Wipe your nose kid, your nose !

Kakyoin: Y/n, what are you doing ?

I was currently standing against a lamp post, a few meters away from the crowd.

"I-I've never been that good with crowds, s-so I'm just gonna stay here until we find a taxi."

Joseph: Ab...Abdul, is this really India ?

Abdul responded quite playfully.

Abdul: Yes ! Isn't that wonderful ? It's a great country because of all of this !

"Isn't that exactly what Mr.Joestar was worried about ?"


*Calcutta... Population 11 millions people, more than 2 millions are homeless. The nineteenth century English called this city "The worst place in the entire world.*

...To a restaurant:

*India's common drink: chaï, cooked with red tea, sugar, ginger with milk. One can buy two cups for 1 rupee (15 cents).*

(It looks like that when it's well done)

We were all inside of a restaurant, waiting to get to our hotel.

Abdul: All you have to do is get used to it.

Jotaro: I like it. It's not bad.

"A little too much crowded for me, but other than that it's fine..."

Joseph: Jotaro, Y/n !!! Are you freaking' nuts ?

Polnareff: Man, India... This is cultural shock. "You'll like it once you get used to it" ? I people can adapt.

He headed toward the bathroom, after the staff gave him... a stick of some sort ?

It intrigued me, so I decided to follow him, and right as I was approaching the door, Polnareff burst through it, his pants unzipped and a look of pure terror on his face.

Polnareff: WAAAAAAAAAAA !!!

"Polnareff, what's wrong ??"

A staff member quickly approached us.

Staff: Sirs, what's wrong ?

"I'm asking the same thing..."

Polnareff: Wa-Wa-Wa-You're asking me what's wrong ?! The t....t...t...toilet ! I can't believe it !

He was frenetically pointing the toilet.


At first, I though my ears got me wrong, but there WAS indeed, a pig in the toilet... a PIG in the TOILET !!!

The staff member seemed awfully calm about this.

Staff: This kind of toilet is rare even in India, but the design is wrong. The person made it too shallow, and there is a pig stench underneath here. The pigs come here when they are hungry.

Polnareff: That's not what I'm talking about !!... Wait, it's coming up here for food ?!

"I don't even want to know anymore."

Staff: That's right, I'll show you how you do it.

He grabbed the stick he gave Polnareff sooner, and used it to knock out the pig.

Staff: Just poke it *GROUUUINK* And you can use it while the pig is gone.

Polnareff was sweating bullets.

Staff: But our boss says it's even cleaner if the pig lick your ass ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!

Staff: You may use it now.

He leaved the bathroom, with me following close behind him.

Polnareff: Wait ! Don't leave me !! Y/n !

"I'll just leave you to your 'business', I don't want to see it again."

I closed to door, but Polnareff came out almost immediately, and just washed his hands.

"Not a big fan of that kind of toilets huh ?"

Polnareff: ..a pig... A freaking PIG.

"Let's agree to never tell the others about that."

Polnareff: Deal.

All of a sudden, we both noticed something in the mirror, like some sort of figure watching us from the other side of the window.

We turned around, only to see nothing at all.

Polnareff: What the hell ?! It's gone !

"Or was it even here to begin with ?..."

Polnareff: We...We didn't see it ? Just then... Something was here by the window...

Polnareff: Well why not. There are pigs in the toilet, monsters in the window shouldn't be too surprising. It's just the cultural shock.

"I don't know, it seemed extremely real..."

It was still here, we could still see it in the mirror, and it's was slowly creeping its way toward us, but it seemed... yes, it definitely had two right hands.

We turned back and forth, between the mirror and, where that thing was approaching us, and the window, which was still closed.

Polnareff: What ?! This guy !!!

"We can only see him in the mirror !!!"

Polnareff started to freak out, and summoned his stand, just as that guy was about to stab him.

Polnareff: S...something is wrong ! [SILVER CHARIOT] !

He tried to impale his attacker, but only managed to destroy the mirror.

Polnareff: What the fuck?! That son of a bitch !!!

"Calm down Polnareff."

He just opened the window, and frantically looked around.

Polnareff: That was a stand ! Which one is the user ? There are too many people, dammit !

"Polnareff, I watched it closely, and I'm positively sure it had two right hands."

Hearing the commotion going on, the others got here.

Joseph: What's going on Polnareff ?

Abdul: What happened ?

Polnareff: That thing !! If that was a stand... With two right hands... Finally !!!!

Polnareff: Finally he's here ! Jotaro, Y/n ! The stand user who uses mirrors is here !!

Polnareff: The man who killed my sister... I'VE FINALLY FOUND HIM !!!

Since I'm working on several stories, should I try to release two of them at the same time ?

Until then... Stand Proud everyone !!

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