Chapter 2: A very bizarre power

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" ": you talking

' ': You thinking

3rd person POV

So here you are now: inside of the Kujo residence, kneeling over an unconscious Kakyoin, while Jotaro's grandfather was telling you everything about those spirits or "stands" as they call them.

Joseph: Those "spirits" are not just some ghosts that possess your body, they're the projection of you willpower and fighting spirit, and since they always stand by our side, we decided to call them "STANDS".

Y/n: I understand everything but how am I concerned by all of this ?

Joseph: You see, stands are invisibles from normal humans, only stand users are able to see them, and since you were able to witness Jotaro's fight...

???:...It can only mean that you're a stand user as well. Said that Egyptian guy which is named Abdul.

Y/n:So I have one of those stands.

Abdul: You're correct, you see, each stand have unique powers that depend of the user, so you need to awaken yours to see which stand you possess.

Y/n: And how do I do that ?

Abdul: Close your eyes, and focus your mind, since you're already able to see stands, it should be easy.

Your POV

I did as he told me, I closed my eyes and focused, trying to concentrate.

At first I didn't felt anything, but after what seemed like a few minutes, I started to notice something, like a black fog of some sort, surrounding my body, while I felt like a torch was just being lit inside of my heart.

I then opened my eyes, looking at them as they had mixed expressions on their faces: Joseph and Abdul were looking at me with a mix of surprise and interest while jotaro was...well looking as unamused and bored as ever, but this time with a slight hint of a smile on his face.

Abdul: Good job, I'd thought it would take you more time than that.

"So did I awakened my stand?"

Abdul: It would seem so but...

"But what?"

Abdul: I... think it's better if you look at it by yourself, here." He said, giving me a mirror.

When I looked at my reflexion, nothing seemed to be off about it, except for the slight dark aura that was engulfing my body.

"I don't see anything wrong with me in this mirror" I said them, giving the mirror back to Abdul.

Abdul: That's the whole point, nothing about you changed, except for that energy your body is releasing.

"And ?"

Abdul: Well, since you awakened your stand, it should appear right next to you, just like Jotaro's, but there's nothing.

"Maybe it's invisible then ?"

Abdul: That's a possibility, of course, we'll need to experience later on. He said turning to Joseph. But I believe we have more urgent matter to discuss right now.

Joseph: That's right, we need to act very quick, or this young boy over here will die. He said pointing Kakyoin, who was still on the floor unconscious.

"Why would he die, did Jotaro went too far while fighting him ?" I said, earning me a glare from Jotaro, making me flinch.

Joseph: No, you see, even if Jotaro haven't defeated him, he would have died, because of THIS !

He then removed some of Kakyoin's hair, showing us what looked like...a throbbing flesh bud ? Well whatever it is, it's clearly one of the most disgusting things I have seen in my whole life.

Joseph: This tiny flesh bud, which extends inside his brain, is manipulating his mind, making him a loyal servant of Dio !

"Dio ? Who is that ?" You asked, clearly confused about this whole situation.

Joseph: Ah yes, that's right, you don't know that, well to put it into simple terms, Dio is a vampire.

"...What ?"

Joseph: You heard me right, a vampire; I thought he died a century ago, but now he's back, and he's the reason why mine and Jotaro's stands awakened.

"How is that possible ? And how did he came back ?" You asked, slowly starting to freak out.

Joseph: We all believed he died when the boat he was in sank, but he managed to survive a whole century at the bottom of the ocean before his coffin was finally discovered and opened 4 years ago.

Joseph: And not only did he managed to survive, but he did it after stealing the body of my grandfather JONATHAN JOESTAR !!

He then handed me a photo showing the back of the head of a blond man; what was odd is there was some sort of scar around his neck, just like his body and head...weren't be together.

"Alright this is just the most unbelievable story I've ever heard"

Joseph: Indeed, me and Abdul are on his tracks since he came back, but we weren't able to locate him yet.

"I understand, well you can count on my help, but for now, I think we should focus on Kakyoin"

Joseph: You're right, but there is not much we can do, this flesh bud is lodged deep inside his brain, and if we don't do anything he'll be dead in a few days.

Jotaro: Why didn't you said that sooner old man. He said summoning his stand, making me stumble back a little.

Joseph: Jotaro, What are you doing ?!

Jotaro: Don't touch me old man, I need to concentrate so I can remove that flesh bud with my stand. It has enough precise movements to catch a bullet in midair.

Joseph: Stop it !! Don't you understand why a part of it is coming out ?! That's why even the greatest surgeon ever couldn't remove it !

And right in cue, at the exact moment Jotaro tried to remove the flesh bud, it extended a tentacle right into his hand, slowly making its way toward Jotaro's head.

" gross"

Abdul: Get your hand away, Jotaro, It's trying to invade your brain !!

Joseph: Hold on, Abdul.

Joseph: I truly have an amazing grandson, look, his body is being invaded, yet he's keeping his cool, He's not shaking in the slightest, and neither is his stand !

Joseph: He's acting firmly, with more precision than a machine !

He finally managed to extract the flesh bud, from both Kakyoin's head and his hand, and Joseph blasted it with some sort of lightning coming from his hand, and it finally vanished into nothing, literally.

I then saw Kakyoin waking up.

Kakyoin: Why? Why did you saved me, at the risk of your own life ?

Jotaro: Well...I'm not even sure I know why myself.

Abdul: Well, now that this problem is solved, we can focus on discovering what your stand is Y/n. He said turning to me.

Kakyoin: That's right, I remember now, you were able to see our stands at school, so that mean you're a stand user as well?

"It would seem so, but even if I awakened it, we still can't see it"

Abdul: Well, stands are often revealed through situations of great stress so...

'I don't like where this is going'

Abdul: Jotaro, if you would.

Jotaro: With pleasure. He said smirking a bit.

'Oh god no !!' I though closing my eyes, bracing myself for the impact, only to feel...nothing.

I then opened my eyes to see Jotaro's stand fist...phasing right through my chest, and coming out of my back.

And a cliffhanger for you guys ! If you want to finally find out about your stand, you'll have to wait until next chapter !

Until then....Stand Proud everyone !!

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