Chapter 28: A weird quiet freaky town.

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There's a little surprise for you at the end of this chapter.

" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

[ ]: Stand's names

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Justice:-Power D

                -Speed E

                -Range A

                -Durability A

                -Precision E

                -Potential E

Usually symbolize consequences and the need to recognize them. Usually.*

Joseph: What the hell happened to him ? Why did he die on the side of the road ? What could have done it ? Heart failure ? Stroke... ?

Jotaro: Possibly. However... It doesn't look like your normal heart failure.

That's when we noticed the smoking gun that guy was still gripping tightly in his hand.

Polnareff: A gun !! This guy is holding a gun !!

Kakyoin: You just noticed ?

"I just did. I was mostly focused on his face, honestly..."

Joseph: The barrel is still smoking. If it was fired it was very recently. Maybe two to five minutes ago ? Shortly before we arrived...

Polnareff: Su... Suicide ? He shot himself ?!

Kakyoin: No. there are no wounds on his body nor is there any blood.

"And beside, if he shot just that recently, why didn't we hear anything ? In that quiet town, a gunshot should be easy to spot."

Polnareff: Then why did he die ? Look at the expression on his face ! It's all twisted like he was scared and died screaming !

Joseph: I don't know... What was this man shooting at ? What the hell happened here ?!

Kakyoin: No one in the town has seen this ?

"Seen or heard ?! Seriously, a gunshot is loud enough to make you deaf forever !"

Kakyoin: That woman over there... Excuse me ! There is a dead person here, please call the police.

Said woman turned to us, and well...

Let's just say her face wasn't in a good state, with some of the boils bursting and leaking pus...

She hid her face before answering.

Woman: I am sorry, the boils on my face are getting infected. Now... Why did you call me ?

Kakyoin: Uh... I wanted to ask you to get the police.

Woman: The police ? Why ?

Kakyoin: Look !! A man is dead !!

Woman: ... I see, a man is dead... So what should I do ?

Kakyoin: I though I told you to get the police !!!

Woman: Yes yes, I'll go get them, I see. They are infected, I am so itchy...

"Try not to touch them, or it'll only get worse."

She didn't responded, and disappeared throughout the fog.

Around us, the people were just walking around like everything was perfectly normal, not caring in the slightest about us, or even noticing a man just died before their eyes.

Kakyoin: What the hell ? The people in this town... a person is dead, but not only are there no crowds, no one seems to care. A shot was fired, but no one heard it ? The people here are even colder than the ones in New-York or Tokyo...

"You've never been to Paris. In here, the people would probably complain about us making too much noise."

Meanwhile, Jotaro and Joseph were still kneeling over the corpse.

Jotaro: What now, Grandpa...?

Jotaro: Why did he die ? I really want to find out. Can this be the work of a stand user ?

Joseph: Hmmm... I don't get it... Not at all. The user got here before we did and killed an innocent man. If that's the case... For what reason ?

Jotaro: But just in case, since he died this way, let's not touch the body before the police arrive.

Polnareff: The fog is getting ticker and thicker. The whole town seems to be covered in fog. It's kinda freaky. Doesn't that cloud look like a skull ?

"The situation is already weird enough, there's no need for you to make it even freakier."

I may be saying that, but I have a bad feeling about this, like if an ominous presence was looking down at us this whole time...

Mr.Joestar started to examine the corpse, trying to figures things out.

Joseph: He appears to be a traveler like us. He has tickets for the train and the bus. He looks East Indian and he has Indian money on him. He's not from this town.

He uncovered a part of his clothes, discovering what looked like a hole in his chest.

Joseph: HUH ?! A wound !! Just below his throat there is a wound around the size of a 10 yen coin. Could this be the cause ?

Jotaro: Why isn't there any blood ? Normally a big and deep wound like this would have a lot of blood.

"This is definitely not a normal murder case."

Jotaro: Now we have a right to know. Screw this, just remove his clothes.

We did so, and what was waiting under those was even more disturbing.

Everyone: WHAT !!!

Everyone: What happened to his body ?!

Polnareff: There are holes all over his body !! Just like the cheese from "Tom and Jerry" !! And there's no blood at all !! How was he killed ? What does this mean ?

"Those holes are way too clean to be normal wounds, and even with tools no one could make them that round and regular."

Joseph: Be careful... This probably means there are some new stand users among us.

Kakyoin: if that's the case, it's very possibly hidden somewhere in this town. This fog gives an excellent advantage for them. We have to be extra careful from now on.

Polnareff: I have to say... Although there are no attackers, this town is still very strange. These cops don't even seem to care about a murder case as strange as this.

Joseph: Everyone ! let's take the jeep and get out of here !

While he said that, we all wondered why the hell did he jump over a metal fence.

Joseph: It's not the jeep !! How is this possible ?!

He summoned his thorns, and dodged the fence by an inch.

Jotaro: Hey gramps !! What are you doing ?!

Joseph: Oh god ! What was I doing ?! Wasn't the jeep parked here ?!

"The jeep ? It's right over there. What do you have in the eyes ? You need glasses ?"

Joseph: Just... Just then...

At that exact moment, while Mr.Joestar was still trying to process what happened to him, an old lady approached us.

Enya: Are you travelers ? It's dangerous to take a car in this weather. I own a hotel... if you don't mind, you can stay there for the night. I'll give you the group discount.

Polnareff: Hey hey ! Finally, someone normal !

Enya: Come ! Come ! That's my hotel over there, Mr.Joestar. I'll lead the way, please follow me.

Something was bugging me with what she just said, but I couldn't figure it out.

Enya: that hotel, though small, was part of a 007 film 20 years ago. The famous John Lennon of the Beatles lived here for a time too.

Polnareff: Wow !! is that true ?!

Enya: Uh... No it's not. I am just honored by a hotel as great as this. There are no other customers in there now.

'The fog must be bad for business.'

Enya: Do you want meat of fish for dinner ?

Jotaro: Hold it, old woman. Did you just call him Joestar ?

That's what was bugging me.

Jotaro: How did you know his name ?

She seemed to be taken back by the question, and took some time to answer.

Enya: Come on, mister. Didn't that sir over there call him Mr.Joestar ? She said pointing to Polnareff.

Polnareff: Eh ! Me ? I... Uh... Maybe I did... Maybe not...

Enya: You did. I've been in this business a long time. It's easy for me to remember people's names ! It's true !

Polnareff: By the way, what happened to your left hand ?

Enya: Oh, this ? I burned myself. I'm getting old, I accidentally spilled hot water on myself. Hahaha.

Polnareff: You're getting old ? What are you talking about ? You look 40 at most. I was thinking about dating you.

Enya: Hahahahahaha !!! Stop joking around sir !

And so they burst in laughter.

Enya: 'What's this idiot talking about ? The one I hate the most is you, Polnareff ! I want you to feel 1000 times more pain than my son felt. I'm going to cut your balls off, disembowel you then kill you !!!'

Thank you, thank you all. We reached 10k reads for this story, I didn't think it was possible. To thank you guys, I decided to release my second story a little sooner than originally planned. You can read it now.

Until next time... Stand Proud everyone !!

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