Chapter 38: I'll be the judge.

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

[ ]: Stand's names

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Judgement:-Power B

                       -Speed B

                       -Range C

                       -Durability B

                       -Precision D

                       -Potential D*

*The Red Sea... Every scuba diver says: "This is the most beautiful body of water in the world." To the East and West, the coasts are covered by red deserts. That's why it's called the Red Sea. There are no cities around it to pollute it, nor are there rivers that fill the body. It's pristine.

Joestar and company are crossing the beautifully blue Red Sea, heading for Egypt. However......*

Jotaro: Hey, grandpa... Something's wrong. This is not the right direction, aren't we supposed to go West ? Toward Egypt ? It looks like we're heading for that Island !

"Don't tell me, that even with a compass, you managed to lose us ?!"

Joseph: No, that's not it. For reasons I can't tell you, I want to meet someone first before we go to Egypt. That's why we are taking a different route. That man is very important to our trip...

Polnareff: An important man ? He lives on that island ?

We landed on the island, island that looked way too small for someone to lives here.

Kakyoin: Mr.Joestar, are there really people living here ? This island seems deserted...

Joseph: There is only one person living here. "He" told me in India.

Kakyoin: Huh ? Who ? Who is "he" ?

Polnareff: What about curry ?

(Note: 'He' in jap is 'Kare' which sound like the Japanese pronunciation of 'curry'. This is a shitty joke/pun.)

Unknown to us, except for Jotaro who was the first one to spot it, there was actually someone who was watching us from within the bushes.

Jotaro: Hey hey. There's someone peeking at us.

Polnareff: Huh ?

Being discovered, he fled, but something seemed awfully familiar about him...

Polnareff: Ah ! He's running away !

Kakyoin: That figure...!! I've seen him before !!

We followed him, until he reached a small shanty, where he picked a bowl of kernels, and started to feed some chickens.

Man: Come on, come on. Are you hungry ? Miguel ? Prince ? Stop eating that fast ! I put clams in the feed, your favorite ! Get fat, and become tasty chickens...

Polnareff: Who is he ?

Kakyoin: That hair ! Maybe that man is...!!!

"B... But it can't be... Right ?"

Joseph: Hold it !! I'll go talk to him. You stay here.

Joseph: My name is Joseph Joestar. I am on my way to Egypt with these four people here.

Man: Go away !! I am not going to listen to you !

Man: Don't... Don't talk to me !!! Whenever people come to see me, it's always about bad things. Only bad things will happen !!! I don't want to listen !

He turned to us, and reality hit us hard, almost like we got crushed by a giant cross made of stone.

Man: GO AWAY !!!

Polnareff: AH !

Kakyoin: M... Mr.Abdul !!!

Jotaro: Abdul...

"H... How is that possible...?!"

Joseph: He's Abdul's father. He deserted everything and lives on an island by himself. I never told you anything because I was afraid Dio might be able to find out about this place. Then his peace would be disturbed. I was concerned about that.

Kakyoin: His father...

Joseph: But... To tell him about Abdul's death... It's going to be hard...

The most affected by this was obviously Polnareff. Even now, he was still feeling bad, estimating that he was responsible for his death.

Joseph: Abdul's death has nothing to do with you, Polnareff.

Polnareff: ... No. It's my responsibility. I've already taken that up.

Kakyoin: Is he a stand user ?

Joseph: Yes... But I don't know what it is...

Kakyoin: It doesn't look like we can expect him to help...

"At least he's not our enemy. It's good enough."

Joseph: Leave that to me. I'll go talk to him.

Meanwhile, Polnareff left, most likely thinking about what he think he did.

A few hours later:

After Mr.Joestar finished talking with Abdul's father, a discussion that was apparently pretty useless at the end, we were all back at the boat, waiting for Polnareff.

Joseph: Hey, where is Polnareff ? It's getting dark.

Jotaro: Maybe an enemy has found him ?

"*sigh* I'll go and look for him, it shouldn't take long."

I left the group, and started to progress through the tall grass that was covering this island. It effectively didn't took long before I started to hear some voices in the distance. But they were accompanied with a ruckus that could only have been caused by a violent battle.

I activated [DARK VOID] and rushed toward the noise, only to encounter an extremely baffling scene. Polnareff, on the ground and wounded, attacked by... Abdul ?! While a second Abdul was trying to take the first Abdul off of Polnareff, before disintegrating it with fire, disturbing that strange mechanical humanoid figure that I assumed was an enemy stand.

???: What the ! You should be dead !! You were stabbed in the back by J.Geil's Hanged Man... AND DIED !!!

Polnareff: Abdul !! Is that you ?! Is... Is that really you ?!

"I would like some explanations as well. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE ?!!"

???: Impossible !!! You're supposed to be dead !! According to our source, after you were stabbed, your head was struck by Hol Horse's bullet !!

Abdul: Yes, I was shot between my eyebrows. However, because I was stabbed in the back, my face looked up, because I was leaning back. This is the best of a bad situation. Hol Horse's bullet only scratched the skin and my skull. It didn't reach into my brain. But I completely lost consciousness.

"I'm gonna punch Kakyoin. He knew from the beginning and never told me, I'm gonna punch him."

Abdul: You are the judgement card stand, Cameo ? I'll finish you off first... And send you to hell !! HELL 2 U !!!

Cameo: It's shocking news. However, it will be changed before I release it. "Cameo of judgement killed the idiot Polnareff, and while at it, also killed Abdul ho was found to be still alive. He even captured Y/n, who was passing by". Oh ! That's good news now !!

Polnareff: be careful, it's not only strong, it's fast too...

Cameo: Hehehe... Abdul, tell me your three wishes ! i'll make them come true for you, before you really die this time... Come on ! Try it ! Three wishes.

Polnareff: You... You're still playing around...

Abdul: ... Give me four wishes...


Polnareff: What...?

Cameo: What ?!

Abdul: The wishes, I wish fir four wishes instead of three. Heh Heh.

Cameo: You... Make a joke of this...!!!

Abdul: Can't you do that ?! Cameo !!! You said it yourself !! You have to grant my wishes !!!

Cameo: Abdul ! You want to have another pointless test of strength ?

Magician's red threw a kick, that utterly destroyed Cameo's arm and a part of it's head, much to its surprise.


Polnareff: You got him !!

Abdul; Tsk tsk. My first wish is for you to scream in pain. That's already come true.

Cameo: What the... That was strong !! Much stronger than before !!!

Abdul: The injury sustained in the fight with the hanged man is still not completely healed yet. I was trying to cover my wounds, that's why I didn't go all out. I was finally able to get up in India around 3 days ago... I was able to get here by plane without incident.

Abdul: My second wish is...!

Magician's red appeared behind Cameo, and strangled him with some ropes made of fire, making his eyes explode from the heat and pressure.


Abdul: ... To make you scream in fear !!! And the third wish is... CRIES OF REGRET !!


To avoid his complete annihilation, Cameo flew away and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Polnareff: Ba... Bastard !! He got away ! Stop running !! You son of a bitch !!!

Abdul shushed him.

Abdul: That strength and speed...

"The user has to be nearby. It's the rule for stands."

Abdul: Where could he be...?

While searching, we stumbled across... A pipe, that was sticking out of the ground.

Polnareff: AH ! M... Maybe that pipe...?

Once again got shushed by Abdul, who picked up a leaf and put it on top of the pipe, and soon enough, that leaf got blown away by some air coming from the pipe.

I decided to plug the pipe with my finger, and it didn't take long before whoever was under it started to struggle to breath.

Polnareff: 'Son of a bitch. He's really down there ? Damn it... How are you gonna pay ?! You even used my sister... I want you to go to hell !! Hell 2 U !!!'

Polnareff: I'm gonna put stuff in...

But it wasn't effective, he blew everything away.

Polnareff: Damn it !! No good ! No good !!

"Let's just plug the damn thing and let him to suffocate."

Polnareff: But I want to punish him !

(A/n: I don't wanna write this scene, so I'll just skip it.)

(Fun fact: The part of the brain that is responsible for the personality is the frontal lobe, And it's precisely where Abdul was shot.)

Timeskip after... After... After.

It didn't take long for the user to come out of the ground, and no one could blame him for panicking after what happened.


Abdul: My 4th wish... Is that your wish, will not come true. Magician's Red will not forgive you. EVER !!!

And so he got roasted, both figuratively AND literally.


Polnareff: Hey guys !! Don't be shocked !! Guess who I met !!!

This startled the last three of the gang, who were waiting for quite some time now.

Joseph: Polnareff ! We were worried about you !

Kakyoin: What's wrong ?! Those wounds !!

Jotaro: Were you attacked by an enemy ?!

Polnareff: Who cares about any wounds !!! listen, don't be shocked, Jotaro !! Be prepared, Kakyoin !! Guess who I saw, Mr.Joestar ! Get ready !!!

Polnareff: TA DAAA !!!


Joseph: Ok ! let's go now.

Abdul: Guys, let me help with the luggage.

Jotaro: Hey, Abdul.

Kakyoin: Long time no see. How's your body ?

Joseph: Is the injury on your back OK ?

Abdul: I'm fine. There's some scarring though.

Joseph: how was the trip from India ?

Abdul: the enemies shouldn't know I'm still alive.

Meanwhile, Polnareff was stuck in the same position.

Polnareff: Hey... Hold it... You guys...

Abdul: I haven't seen you guys in two weeks. It's good that everyone is safe. Jotaro, you're still wearing those clothes ? Don't you think it's too hot ?!

Polnareff: HEY !!! I'M TELLING YOU TO HOLD IT !!! YOU...!!! What's going on ?! What kind of attitude is this ?! A dead man is still alive !! What's with the casual conversation ?!

Joseph: Oh... Polnareff.. I'm sorry. When I said I buried Abdul in India... I lied.

Polnareff: W... W... W... W... W... W... WHAT ?!?!

Abdul: Mr.Joestar and Jotaro treated my wounds back in India.

Polnareff: You... You knew about Abdul, but you never told me ?! Kakyoin ! Are you the same ?!

Kakyoin: Polnareff, you talk too much. We were trying to prevent the enemies from finding out. I am the one who suggested keeping you and Y/n in the dark...

Abdul: About that, Kakyoin, I think you should start running now.

Kakyoin: Why should I-


Hearing the voice of his doom, Kakyoin immediately started to sprint along the beach, soon followed by a very angry dust cloud.

Abdul: We decided to not tel Y/n, because we knew he would tell you the truth to help you feel better.

Jotaro: If you let it out... Abdul couldn't rest and heal.

Polnareff: R... Right ! Abdul, your father is on this island. I'll go tell him you're here.

Abdul: That was me.

Polnareff: What...? You guys are all mean... You all excluded me... Have you no shame ?

Abdul: I'm sorry, Polnareff, and I'm sure Kakyoin too is really sorry right now. There's a reason I came here dressed as someone else.

Joseph: We didn't want the enemy to find out about his status. But I also asked him to buy something for me...

Polnareff: Buy something ?

Abdul: It's a bit too noticeable, so I posed as a rich Arabian man and bought it.

From the depths of the ocean, emerged... A freaking submarine.

Polnareff: A sub... You bought that ?!

After they managed to separate me from Kakyoin, I calmed down a little, understanding why they didn't told me, and we all went onboard.

Jotaro: We're going to cross the Red Se in this ?

Abdul: We can stay out of sight this way.

Polnareff: This trip is getting expensive ! Abdul knows how to operate this thing ?

Joseph: I know how too !!

"Oh boy... Where are the life vests ? We'll need them."

The submarine's engines started, and we prepared to cross the last line toward Egypt.

Alright, serious talk here. I'm back on holidays, the year just ended, so I have two choices:

1- I could try and write more stories at the same time. However, these stories will only be published once a week.

2- I could focus more on the stories I'm currently writing, and increase the publishing rate.

What should I do ?

Until next time, Stand Proud everyone !!!

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