Chapter 45: Now THAT'S a katana !

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

[ ]: Stand's names

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Polnareff: I... Uh... I...

Polnareff: Now that I've taken a careful look at this sword... It's very... Beautiful...

He was totally hypnotized by that sword, but he broke out of his trance with the arrival of the rest of the group.

Your POV:

Joseph: Hey, Polnareff, were you here ? You went missing and we were worried... What would have happened if the enemy attacked you ?

Hearing that, Polnareff quickly sheathed the sword he was holding.

Joseph: Polnareff...

Polnareff: Huh ? Wha... Mr.Joestar ? 'Because I rolled around too much ? Or was it because of the injury ? I was a little dizzy for some reason.'

Joseph: Polnareff, why are you squatting on the ground ? You know they have bathrooms here.

"I... Don't think you got this right..."

Abdul: What's that... ? That sword... Did anything... happen... ?

Polnareff: I... I... Was ambushed by an enemy...

Abdul/Joseph: WHAT ?! AN ENEMY ?!

Polnareff: Over there...

Polnareff: It's finished already. He said he was the user of the Anubis stand. He was an expert swordsman. He could cut through anything, he was a tough one... (Although he sounds more like: 'There is no way he was as good as me'. His tone is very cocky...)

Polnareff: He used this sword to attack me and... Huh ?

Said sword was apparently being kidnapped by a bunch of mice.

Polnareff: What ? Mice ? The mice are taking the sword !! GET LOST !

Polnareff These mice are pretty smart ! If you want to steal something, go steal some cheese !

Joseph: As long as you are OK, just try not to act alone from now on. Be careful, they like to ambush us when we are alone. All right let's get back to the boat, we have to get to Edfu today.

Polnareff remained still, trying to unsheathe the sword, but couldn't even move it.

Polnareff: What the... ? That's strange... Now I can't pull it out...

Timeskip, a barber shop:

Jotaro: Polnareff, you brought along that sword ?

Polnareff: Yeah yeah. Hey, could you put this sword over there please ? Thanks.

The barber, busy with Polnareff's precious face, agreed and put it away.

Polnareff: I'm going to give it to the police later. It looks like a dangerous weapon. If I'd just left it at the temple, someone would've taken it. Besides, it looks pretty valuable.

"And which factor convinced you, the 'dangerous' one or the 'valuable' one ?"

Polnareff: That's a pretty dumb question. Of course it's both.

"I'll wait outside, just call me when it's done."

I exited the shop and sat on a nearby bench to wait. Apparently, Polnareff was complaining about the barber's blade not being sharp enough, but his complain soon turned into shouts of shock and pain, until the barber was thrown out of his own shop, a familiar looking sword in hand, as Polnareff and Jotaro exited the building too.

Polnareff: We... Did it ?

Jotaro: No, I didn't hit him that hard... It was hard enough to get that hit... Damn it, that guy is strong. It's been awhile since we fought a normal stand like this, rather than one that pulls trick.

"What the hell happened ?!!"

Polnareff: Y/n, be very careful ! The sword itself is the stand !! It can control people's minds, and it will grow stronger the more it fight !!

Barber: So that was Star Platinum... Just like the rumors say, it's very fast... But that movement... I've just memorized it...

Polnareff: D... Damn it ! The more we fight, the faster he'll get... His next attack will be his strongest !!!

the barber jumped, and went for a vertical slash on Jotaro, literally trying to cut him in half.

Jotaro: Get away Polnareff ! He's after me !!!

Polnareff: No, Jotaro, run !!!


Star Platinum: ORA !

Jotaro didn't move, instead, Star Platinum appeared, and managed to catch the sword between it's palms, stopping it, and eventually breaking the sword in two.

Barber: You caught the sword with you palms !! How... ?!

Polnareff: We... We did it !!

Barber: I didn't think... You were going to do that... I see, the strength of Star Platinum is not only because of it's speed and accuracy, it also has the calm judgment of Jotaro... I have... Memorized... That...

"Is he dead ?"

Polnareff: No ! He's just passed out ! Don't touch the sword ! Although it's broken, the stand might still be alive !!! If you touch it you're going to be controlled. Let's just put it in the sheath.

Polnareff: Phew... We've finally got it where it's safe. Now what do we do with it ? It's no good if someone else pulls it out... This thing knows all of our strengths and weaknesses... We can't beat it again...

"Let's throw it to the bottom of the Nile."

Polnareff: the bottom of the Nile... !! That's right ! That's a great idea !!!

"Alright, give it to me, I'll do it. Meanwhile, you should try and look for the other piece of it, the one Jotaro broke."

3rd Person POV:

Y/n went to throw that sword in the river, but someone else grabbed it.

Police: Halt ! I am the police ! Someone reported a fight broke out here !! What's this ? Is this a sword ?! This is an illegal weapon !! Give it to me !!

Y/n: If you're looking for the one who started the fight, he's on the ground over there. Now stop pulling on that sword, please.

Police: Just give me that sword, or else I'll arrest you too !!

Y/n: I told you to stop pulling... On... It...

But it was too late. The sheath hit the ground, empty, as the sword was now on Y/n's hands, shimmering as his eyes were turning white.

Polnareff: Oh no... Y/n !!

Jotaro: Polnareff, quick ! Go find Abdul and gramps ! We'll need help for that one !

Police: AAAAH !!! You... !!! You pulled it out !!!

Jotaro: 'Y/n's eyes... Is he under the effects already ?!

Y/n: Heh heh ! You say I pulled it out ? Hey, cop... Stop lying... And you call yourself a justice maker ?!

Police: H... Hey ! What are you doing ?!

Y/n: You were the one who pullet it out !!!

He tried to rush and cut him open, but Jotaro, with a swift kick, threw him in a house.

Jotaro: I don't know where the real user is, but Y/n seems to be under the influence. 'However... I never thought I would have to fight Y/n ! If that "Anubis" can make him use his own stand, It's not gonna end well for any of us...'

Y/n: Hehehe... Don't forget that I remember the speed of your Star Platinum. An opponent I've fought once... I'LL NEVER LOSE TO AGAIN !!!

He went for a strike, and got countered by Star Platinum, using the 'metallic' parts on the back of it's gauntlets. It immediately tried to punch Y/n on the face, but this time, it was met by an elbow counter, counter that sent yellow sparks everywhere.

Jotaro: W... Wha... ?!

Y/n: So this is Hamon ? Quite handy, it can strengthen your body, allowing it to be stronger, faster and more resilient... I have memorized that now.

He attacked again, with stronger and faster strikes than ever, coated in lightning and slowly starting to surpass even Star Platinum in terms of speed.

Jotaro: This... This speed... This is not good ! It's getting faster and faster. I can't block it ! I have to stop the sword from moving !

It was such a desperate situation, even Star Platinum was sweating heavily.

Jotaro: I can only catch it with my palms !!!

He tried to catch it, but as he was about to, the sword accelerated, giving off the same lightning as it could be seen on Y/n's body.

Jotaro: What ?! It increased it's speed !!!

Y/n: Your head is mine... !!!

He almost had it, however, at the last second, Jotaro made Star Platinum hit the sword with the side of it's head.

Y/n: You headbutt it ?!

It narrowly deflecting the strike, making it cut it's shoulder, while sending Y/n flying away with a chop to the jaw, but the backlash also send Jotaro backward, into a fire hydrant, while Y/n crashed into a tree.

Jotaro: Huff huff... 'It was so fast and strong... This is the fastest stand I've ever encountered. I... Will lose this fight... If I don't seriously fight Y/n... I will die... '

Y/n: Heh heh heh heh. After you missed it with your palms. You hit it with your head... I was so close to killing you... Too bad. Now I've memorized that move.

Y/n: Heh heh heh heh. "If I don't kill Y/n, he'll kill me..." Is that what you're thinking ? That's too naive. Why ? Because I am going to show you my secret move.

Y/n: You won't be able to beat me, because you won't be able to touch me !!

His body started to coat itself in the familiar dark mist, producing the same lightning.

Y/n: [ANUBIS], [DARK VOID] and Hamon, The ghost sword of the Sun !!!

He started to juggle with his sword, showing off his skills, but soon stopped and started to feel his head, as the mist disappeared.

Y/n: Ngh... Not good... I can't use his stand for too long, or else he'll get back in control... It doesn't matter right now, I'll only need one attack to finish you off, Jotaro !!

He rushed in, completely unfazed by the countless punches Star Platinum threw at him, desperately trying to prevent him from getting closer.

Y/n: Idiot... You're literally punching into nothing !! Your body is wide open !!! Take this... Jotaro !!

He embedded his sword into Jotaro's guts, making him stagger, as well as making Star Platinum slowly vanish.

Y/n: I did it !! I won !!! I beat him, Dio ! I've beaten Jotaro... I, Anubis, have beaten Jotaro AND took control of Y/n at the same time !! I've done it !! And it didn't even took that much effort with his stand activated... I understand now why Dio fear him, this power is truly terrifying...

With what little bit of strength he had left, Jotaro made Star Platinum grab the sword.

Y/n: Heh heh heh... You may be holding it now, but you can't pull it out or stop it from going in. This sword... Has memorized your strength... I am going to stab it deep into your body !!!

Jotaro: You... Are you really going to do this... ?

Y/n: Of course !! Dio will be very happy !

Jotaro: Stop... Stop it... If it goes deeper... You... Will be defeated...

Y/n: How can I stop ?! I'm going to tear your insides TO PIECES !!!

Jotaro: Heh, you seem to have forgotten the main weakness of Dark Void.... It can ONLY COUNTER OTHER STANDS !!

With everything that was left, he kicked Y/n away while holding on the sword, making him lose his grip and let go of it. It then fell from Jotaro's wound to the ground.

Jotaro: That's why I said you'll disappear if you stab deeper. Once Y/n is close enough, his stand isn't really a problem.

Jotaro fell to the ground too, exhausted and bleeding out.

Jotaro: that was a tough enemy... I just put forth all of my strength and freed Y/n... Good thing I beat it before it memorized that one. I've never been this tired... I... Hope Polnareff will Bring Grampa and Abdul fast...

Meanwhile, Y/n was slowly waking up from what happened.

Y/n: Uh... Wh... What happened ? Did I get possessed by that sword ?

Jotaro: Yes, but it's done. Polnareff went looking for Grampa, I can't move at all.

Y/n: Leave it to me, Hamon has healing properties.

Meanwhile, the piece of the sword Jotaro broke sooner was on the ground, and got noticed by a little boy passing by, who picked it up.

Anubis: I remember now... Anubis true user was the man who made this sword 500 years ago, only the stand survived 'till now. I am a stand without a user... Dio found me in a dark museum...

Anubis: Dio's stand, [THE WORLD], was too strong, I couldn't defeat it. That's why I swore loyalty to him. Jotaro, I... WILL DEFINITELY KILL YOU ... I've memorized your strength, and your speed, and your skills, you won't dodge this !! Into your back !!

He went for launching the sword, but tripped over... Iggy, who only was here to eat the lollipop the kid let fall on the ground. Due to him tripping, the kid completely missed his throw, and it passed way above Jotaro's head, heading straight for the Nile.

Anubis: Damn it !!! I missed !!! That dog tripped me ! Where did it come from ?!

Y/n: Hey Iggy, don't just eat stuff you find on the ground ! Here, have some gum...

Anubis: AAARRRGGG !!!! That... That river is...

Anubis: THE NILE !!!

Anubis: No... No !!! Am I heading straight for the river ?! If I sink to the bottom I'm finished !! I'm going to rust !! Someone stop me !!!

That's when it noticed a wall that was on its way.

Anubis: AH ! A wall !!! That's great ! If I keep going, I'll hit it and stop ! I'm so lucky !

It effectively hit the wall, and stopped on the ground a little farther.

Anubis: Phew... That was close... Now all I have to do is wait for someone to pick me up, then I'll possess that person and finally kill Jotaro !!

He waited some time, and luckily for him, a few minutes, later, someone approached him, and stopped, out of curiosity.

Anubis: That's good ! If this guy pick me up... Huh ?!

He finally recognized who was above him, and well...

Y/n: Well well well, what a PLEASANT surprise... Look what's there.

Your POV:

I was on my way to throw what was left of that damn sword in the river, when I stumbled upon what seemed to be the rest of the sword. I picked it up carefully after making sure that my own stand was already activated.

"You won't be able to possess me like that, it's useless to try."

Anubis: Wh... What are you gonna do with me ?! Throw me into the river ?!

"That's what I was originally planning to, but thinking again, I have new plan now."

I smirked devilishly, and I'm pretty sure it would've gulped down if it had a throat.

I'll see you all next time... Until the End of The World !!

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