Chapter 47: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

[ ]: Stand's names

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Mariah: My stand... Bast's magnetism... Once you get affected, there is no way to remove it.

Joseph: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!! Uh... Anyone ?! Can someone stop this escalator ?!

Joseph: Wait... That's it !! I'll press the emergency button ! Using my [HERMIT PURPLE] !!!

Joseph: Come on... Come on !! Where is it ?! There... Isn't one... ? No way !! This escalator has no emergency stop button ?!

The button was in fact on the other side, not even 10 centimeters away from where Hermit Purple was. But Abdul pressed it, so it's all good.

Your POV:

That was close. Abdul pressed the button just in time, but it looked like Mr.Joestar hadn't noticed it yet...

Joseph: AAAAAAA !!!! MY HEAD !!! MY HEAD !!! AAAAAAA !!!!

Joseph: I'M AT THE BOTTOM !!! THIS IS IT... !!! AAAA !!!!

"Uh... Mr.Joestar ?"

Joseph: I AM DEAD !!!! BWUUUH HUHUUU !!!

"M... Mr.Joestar... You're fine now..."



Joseph: AAAAAAAAaaaaaa... Uh ?

He finally snapped out of it and noticed that everything was fine now.

Abdul: It already stopped. The button was right beside it.

Joseph: Oh... Ev... Everything is fine !! This escalator passes inspection !!! The stop button is functioning !!

'Must not laugh, must not laugh...'

Joseph: Oops... It's getting late ! Are you the manager of the hotel ? Can you sign here please ?

Abdul: What happened, Mr.Joestar ?

Joseph: The enemy... I've been fooled !! My body is now...

An ashtray flew at him and hit him in the back of the head, while he had a bored/jaded face.

It was becoming harder and harder for me to not laugh.

Joseph: A... Mag... Net... Metals have been flying at me all day !! Get this off me !! And it keeps stronger and stronger !!

He then noticed someone hiding behind a pillar.

Joseph: That woman !! She's the user !!!

Abdul: Eh ?!

Joseph: Get her !!! We have to try and stop this magnetism, otherwise it's power will intensify, immobilizing us !

Abdul: Let me go get Jotaro and the others !!

On our way, a statue was about to fall directly on Mr.Joestar's head, but got stopped in-extremis by Abdul.

Joseph: No time for that !! She's going to get away !! We have to see her face at least !!

She turned a corner, and we followed her, until...

"Nope, I'm not going in with you."

Joseph: But Y/n, you have to help us !!

"Actually, no, I don't. I've read the script, and it's clearly said, I don't have to go in."

(A/n: Alright kids, say goodbye to the 4th wall with me !)

Joseph: we have to go in !! It's a matter of life and death !! I have to catch her !!

Karadock56: Well you'll go WITHOUT Y/n. He's not supposed to enter this room.

Joseph: W... Who's there ?!

"The author, now move on or she'll escape. Thanks bro by the way."

Karadock56: You're welcome.

Abdul and Mr.Joestar entered the bathroom, looking for our opponent.

Abdul: 'She's... Gone... Which stall is she in ?'

Joseph: 'That woman has amazing legs. We can find her if we find her legs.'

Abdul: 'Le... Legs ? We have to sneak peeks ?'

Joseph: 'Ugh... That's not them...'

Joseph: ...

Abdul: 'M... Mr.Joestar... Here... Over here... Come here !! Are these the legs ?'

At that moment, all the other stalls opened at once, and well... the sight that greeted their occupants... Was quite unsettling.

The last stall, the one they were also opened, revealing:

Old lady: Ah... It's the handsome man from before. You even came in for me... You're pretty bold !!

Joseph: HOLY SHIT !!! That woman !

Abdul: Uh oh... It's the wrong person. This is very bad !! Let's run !!!

They both jumped out of the window, landing on the street.

Abdul: Ugh... This is not me... Disasters in the bathroom is Polnareff's department... !!!

I gently opened the door.

"Excuse me ladies, I'm looking for two of my friends who entered that room, could you tell me where they are ?"

They all pointed to the now broken window.

"Thank you for your kindness."

I took a few steps back, and sprinted to the window, jumping through it myself, easily spotting Joseph and Abdul, chasing what seemed to be our target.

"Oh, hey guys, long time no see. So how was it ?"

Joseph: Stop messing around, Y/n, and help us !

Joseph: Also, I forgot to tell you... Don't touch anything that looks like a plug outlet ! It doesn't matter where it is !! That's the stand !! Once you are shocked you will have the magnetism !

"Um... About that, I have bad news."

Abdul: I've already touched it, Mr.Joestar.

Joseph: W... What ?!?! WHERE ?!?!

Abdul: Just beside the emergency button. There was an outlet and I was shocked !!

Looking closer, Abdul already already had a bunch of metal stuff stuck on his back.

Joseph: That... That woman !!!

Abdul: Mr.Joestar... Please get away from me ! You are sticking to me and it's hard to run !

Joseph: You are the one who should move, Abdul !

Abdul: What... What are you talking about ?! it's you who came to me !!!

Joseph: Oh shit !! Magnet and magnet... Attract !!

We all fell to the ground, them since they basically tripped each other, and me as I was currently suffering from my biggest fit of laughter ever, not even considering the option to hold it in.

Joseph: WAAAAAA !!! this enemy... Is very strong !!!

All of that under the giggling of the woman we were all chasing.

Abdul: What is going on ?! My own body is a magnet now !!!

Joseph: Calm down, Abdul ! We can't do anything about it now ! let's just think of a way to beat this stand !

Their feet and wrists now stuck together, they had to temporarily forget the idea of chasing her.

Joseph: Where is that woman, damn it ?! I can't find her.

Abdul: Ah ! I have iron all over my body !

Joseph: Alright, stand up slowly, Abdul.

Not being completely heartless, and between my fits of laughter, I also helped them stand up.

Joseph: We are up. Now let's try to separate. Thinking logically, there is twice as much magnetism now that we are stuck together. let's move over to that fence. And use it to separate ourselves. let's go Abdul ! Concentrate and try to match our steps.

Abdul: Yes, Mr.Joestar..

But there were some kids, looking especially at them.

Abdul: M... Mr.Joestar... I... Feel very embarrassed...

Joseph: Hey ! You kids ! What're you looking at !! We are practicing dancing ! Go away !!

Abdul: It's nice to dance in the street.

"Come on gentlemen, 3, 4... Let's start with a waltz, then we'll continue with a tango."

Joseph: Got it ! I got the fence ! that's great !! we didn't fall !!

Abdul: Y... Yes...

Joseph: Abdul, can you move your body slightly ?

Abdul: Yes, slightly.

Joseph: All right... I'll grab the fence, and you move lower down. Then we can separate at my feet. If my head is stuck to your head, then your head and my feet should deflect each other. Help us, Y/n !

Abdul: He can't hear you, he's back to laugh at us on the ground.

And I effectively was. Meanwhile, Abdul was slowly and carefully making his way toward Mr.Joestar's feet, eventually stopping near his *cough* special area.

Joseph: W... What's wrong, Abdul ?

Abdul: This... This position... it's a bit... Very... Embarrassing... What will someone think if they see us ?

Joseph: N... No one is going to see us, just keep going...

"Wow, look at that audience ! Incredible !"

Joseph: They've brought a lot of friends here... Hey ! Hey you ! Go away !!! Don't look at us !!

Nothing happened, apart from me struggling to get my breath back.

Joseph: Hey ! I'm telling you to go away !! You punks !! Abdul, hurry !! Hurry up and separate !!

Abdul: I can't help it !! Comedy is not my department either...

Abdul: over there, it's that woman...

Joseph: She's still smoking leisurely... Abdul ! Go over to that side. This time, she can't get away ! She's hard to deal with, she may have set traps...


Abdul: Uh... No, Mr.Joestar. We are in a trap now.

Joseph: AH !!!

Abdul: the railroad tracks !! our feet are stuck !

Joseph: NOOOO !!! We are stuck together again!!!

Mariah: Hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm...

Having his ear stuck to the track, Mr.Joestar was the first one to hear it, the characteristic sound of a train approaching them.

Joseph: D... Damn it !! This is bad !! Abdul !! Use Magician's Red to burn the track !! let's get out of here !!! Come on !! The train is here !! Burn I !!

Abdul: No... I can't !!! If I burn the tracks the train is going to derail ! Many people will die from the accident !!!

Mariah: *more humming*

Joseph: Th... That woman !! That damn woman !

he tried to use his hermit Purple on a nearby pole, to pull themselves out of the railroad.

Joseph: I was going to use my vines on that woman, but she's out of my range ! let's just get out of here by pulling on that post !!

But the force was just too strong; After a few moments of struggling, the post finally broke, just as the train was passing on their level.

Mariah: I win...

Mariah: Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho !!! I won !! Dio... Now I am going to kill Polnareff and Jotaro...

But her victory was short. Once the train was gone, they were both nowhere to see, but looking up, I was holding the fence with all my might, with Hermit Purple and Magician's red's fire wrapped all around me, with both their users perfectly fine.

Joseph: Hey, Abdul !!! That was good thinking... Using Y/n as an anchor to get out of here..

Abdul: That's right !! This is Muhammed Abdul's image ! Ingenuity is my department !!

Mariah: These... These goddamn bastards !!

Mariah: You guys got lucky !! You goddamn bastards !!!

After managing to escape a horrible death, Mr.Joestar user his Hermit Purple to restrain the enemy, wrapping it around her neck and strangled her with it.

Joseph: We've escaped the tracks and got you ! Listen, young woman... Although it's a bit harsh, I'll have to break your neck so you stay hospitalized for awhile. Your ability is difficult to deal with...

Joseph: Eh ?! Eh ?!

"Mr.Joestar, remember you are married."

Mariah: What are you thinking ?! My chest hasn't increased in size... it's your magnetism getting stronger !! There are weapons under my clothes !!

Abdul: Mr.Joestar !! Get down !!!

Mr.Joestar got hit by the shots, but before he got too badly wounded, Abdul burned and melted them with Magician's Red.

Mariah: Hm hm hm hm hm... It's going to get stronger and stronger... Until your bodies are crushed !!

Abdul: She's getting away !!

Joseph: No... She's not running away... That woman is keeping a certain distance from us... She won't get too close or too far from the fight. If she gets to close, we can get her. If she gets too far, the magnetism will weaken. It's a stand. According to the rules, if she gets to far, her power will diminish.

Abdul: What do we do now ? Do we run until the effect disappears ?

Joseph: No... If we get away from the effect we still can't beat her. Although I did so a few times because of tactics... Joseph Joestar has never ever run away from a fight. And I will continue to fight !!!

he then used his stand to draw a map of the nearby town, indicating our and her position.

Joseph: This is the map of the town ! We are here now, and she is here. If she continue in that direction, she's going to hit a road that connects to itself ! Let's split up... We'll get her here !!!

Joseph: I won't treat her like a woman anymore ! I will beat her ass in !!! let's go !! Come on !!

Once I finally managed to separate them, for real this time, the three of us started to chase her once more. But the two humans magnets of the group were attracting everything that was metal on their way.

Mariah: You're chasing me... I can't let you catch me...

(Stop 1:35)

Mariah: Hm hm hm You are almost immobilized... You can't chase me anymore.

Joseph: Is that so ? I seem to be more familiar with the streets. Look behind you.

Abdul: We've got you. We finally got you surrounded. We turned the situation around just in time.

To our surprise, she started to laugh loudly in an obnoxious way.

Mariah: You surrounded me ? You guys don't get it. I wanted you guys here. Look above you !!!


Mariah: The high voltage cables !!!

She went for throwing a knife to cut the cables, but another hand caught her wrist before she could.

"Abdul's department is ingenuity, Polnareff's is bathroom disasters... Mine is to save the day at the end !! *REBUFF OVERDRIVE* !!!"

I drove my elbow in her neck, and she immediately lost consciousness and control of her stand, freeing Mr.Joestar and Abdul.

Joseph: D... Did you just killed her ?!

"No, she's fine. She'll stay unconscious for a few hours, more than enough to find the other and leave. I wonder what they're doing right now."

"I'm sure they're fine."

Joseph: indeed. Now we can go for breakfast.

Abdul: Good. All that running made me hungry.

I'll see you all next time, until the end of The World !!

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