Chapter 52: Butler of the mansion

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

[ ]: Stand's names

* *: narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Atum:-Power D

             -Speed C

             -Range D

             -Durability B

             -Precision D

             -Potential D

Probably represent something but I don't know, plus Y/n will not battle him.*

"What's wrong, Jotaro ? Is someone following us... Again ?"

Jotaro: No... Someone is... calling us...

"Calling ?"

From a corner to another street appeared...

"I... Iggy ?!"

Abdul: What happened ?! he's got injuries all over his body ! Did he get hit by a car ,

Polnareff: Hey... He lost his front leg...

Abdul: This was no traffic accident... Did an enemy attacked you ?

Joseph: Someone took care of his injuries though... And with great care...

Jotaro: not Iggy. A person is calling us...

???: Iggy seemed to have fought some enemies... he was barely alive, with a young boy beside him. The doctors from the Speedwagon foundation took care of him...

"T... that voice..."

Polnareff: Ah !! You... You're... !!!!

Kakyoin: Just like my eyes...

Everyone: KAKYOIN !!!!

Polnareff: You are Kakyoin, aren't you ?!

Joseph: We missed you !

Abdul: Are your eyes ok ?

Kakyoin: Easy, guys...

"Have you recovered ?"

Kakyoin: yes... I'm fine now... there's some scarring, but I've regained my sight.

Being bored by that, Iggy jumped out of Mr.Joestar's arms, seemingly leading us somewhere.

Joseph: hey, Iggy... Where are you going ?

Kakyoin: Iggy doesn't really care about humans and stands... But he's trying to lead us somewhere. He seems angry, he probably wants revenge on his attackers.

After some time, a shiver ran through all of us, resonating within my very being, just like I dive into a pool of frozen water.

Polnareff: Hey... What's this... ? I'm breaking into a cold sweat... the kind of pressure that rattles your nerves... where is Iggy taking us... ?

From the distance, a building revealed itself, some kind of manor... A really familiar manor.

Joseph: I know... This atmosphere... this feeling of darkness... !!!

"T... This is the mansion...... The one in the photo !!! Iggy found it !!!"

Joseph: He's here. I'm sure of it... He is in this house !!!

Abdul: Our journey...

Polnareff: ... has finally reached it's destination.

"And our final battle..."

Kakyoin: ... Has just begun.

The gate opened before us, without anyone seemingly activating it, so we proceeded to the door of the manor.

Iggy: 'It easily opened... It was shut tight yesterday...'

Joseph: Same as I sense him, he senses me as well... he knows we're here.

Abdul: If we walk in without precautions, it's like walking into the lion's stomach. What do we do now ?

The door opened by itself, greeting us with what looked like an endless corridor.

Polnareff: hey, look ! I can't see the end of this hall ! Maybe it's some kind of trick or illusion...

"Don't go in there, they should be some stand users left on guard here by Dio."

And right in cue, someone approached us from very far away.

Strange enough, he looked like he was just floating in midair, like something was supporting and pushing him forward. But by doing that, he basically told us he was a stand user.

Polnareff: Who's this ?! Another stand user ?!

He stopped right in front of us, by drifting in midair, and finally landed.

Butler: Welcome, Mr.Joestar. We've been waiting. I am the butler of this mansion.

Polnareff: I don't care who you are ! I'll kill you now and find out later !

Joseph: Polnareff !! Don't be rash !!

the butler "attacked" us, by throwing a card at Polnareff, that Polnareff cut in half using Silver Chariot.

Butler: I am D'arby, Terence T.D'arby. I am the brother of the D'arby you defeated. Come in, please. Relax. Take off your jackets.

"You're D'arby the gambler's brother ? Are you here to avenge him ?"

Butler: Ah, Mr.L/n, I presume ? Master Dio was waiting for you, please follow me.

"Don't try to play that game. You know way to well that I'll not follow you."

Butler: I see. Well, to answer your question, absolutely not. Didn't my brother tell you ? 'When you lose, it's your own fault for being cheated." My brother lost to you, that's his own fault. I don't hate you at all. My brother is my brother, I am me. I'm here to protect master Dio.

Butler: Besides, I am ten years younger than my brother... Oh, I do respect him, but we are people of a different time. He always tries to cheat people to win. that's a thing of the past. He can only beat old or stupid people like that. Master Dio noticed that too, so he keeps me beside him instead.

I glared at Mr.Joestar and Polnareff after that, half-amused and half-disappointed.

Butler: what now , if you want to fight me... then, step into the mansion.

Abdul: No ! Don't go inside ! This hall... It's a trap...

Jotaro: We don't have time to fight for souls, take us to Dio... Now.

Joseph: Jotaro !! Be careful !! Something is coming out !!

Butler: I'm sorry, but my stand... Is nothing like my brother's.

Joseph: Hey, he activated his stand, don't see that a lot.

Abdul: An enemy that revealed his stand so soon... ?

Butler: Who's first ? Who is my opponent ?

Polnareff: this guy's just in the way. Jotaro, kick his ass.

Butler: Let me guess.. Star Platinum is going to hit me with its left fist first.

This statement took all of us off-guard.

Butler: the first attack will be with your left fist, that's my guess.

Polnareff: Jotaro ! It doesn't matter ! With your strength, you can take him out in one punch !! Do it !!! Come on, Jotaro !! KICK... HIS... ASS !!!

he tried to hit it, with his right fist, but it dodged the hit with absolutely no trouble at all.

Joseph: what ?! He dodged it !!

Abdul: 'It was able to match Star Platinum's speed !!!'

Polnareff: 'It's incredibly fast !!'

Jotaro: 'No... it wasn't fast. He knew what I was going to do; He dodged before I actually made a move. So he already knew... About my right fist. He guessed that I'd use my left so I used the other one, but he already knew about it !! Why ?!'

'Almost like he... read his thoughts...'

Butler: Too bad, it looks like I lost this bet. I like to gamble like my brother too. So... I'll take you some place nice.

A hole opened on the ground, right under Jotaro and his opponent, pulling them both in.

Abdul: damn it !! it really was a trap !! It's going to suck us in !

Joseph: Jotaro !!!


Joseph: He's still falling !! pull him up !!

Butler: Oh well... I guess you can come too...

He pulled them both in the hole, falling alongside Jotaro.

Polnareff: Mr.Joestar !! Kakyoin !!

Abdul: Hold it, Polnareff !! it's too dangerous !!

Joseph: Abdul !! Abdul, can you hear me ?!

Abdul: It's Mr.Joestar's voice !! We can still hear him in the hole !!

Joseph: In ten minutes, if you don't hear from us, burn down the mansion !! Do... You... Hear... Meee... ? Abduuuul...

the gap closed, shutting him up.

Abdul: Mr.Joestar !!!

I know this chapter's a little short, i'm sorry.

I'll see you all next time, until the End of The World

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