Chapter 9: So you're the user ?!

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AN: So, long story short, my computer crashed, so I had to re-write this entire chapter in less than two hours. FML.

" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

[ ]: Stand's names

Your POV:

I'm sure I saw it, I saw it, I saw that form underwater, and it looks like I wasn't the only one to notice it.

Joseph: Jotaro !! There's something in the water ! It's trying to ambush you ! It's not a shark !

Jotaro then spotted what was following him, and tried to swim faster, but considering that he was dragging the girl with one arm, he couldn't do much more.

Joseph: Jotaro ! Quick, just swim to the ship !

"He's not gonna make it !"

Kakyoin: Let me handle this...[HIEROPHANT GREEN]

Fortunately, Kakyoin was able to drag them out of the water just in time, as the figure destroyed the life buoy the sailors send, as it was nothing but a twig, then suddenly disappeared from our sight.

"It's gone..."

Joseph: It was a stand ! That was a stand !

Abdul: An underwater stand. I've never heard anything like that.

The girl Jotaro saved was slowly getting her breath back, and shakily standing up, only to be met by our menacing and cautious glares.

Joseph: Maybe...This girl...

Polnareff: Could she be the stand user ?

Kakyoin: Did she jump into the water knowing Jojo would save her ?

Said girl was quite startled by all the glares she was given, but brushed it aside, trying to look confident,

Girl: What do you want ? Staring at me like that.

Girl: I don't know what's going on but you wanna fight ?

She took out a knife from her pocket and tried to look intimidating, emphasis on "tried".

Girl: Then let's go ! One on one ! Any one of you, come on !

Polnareff: 'She's just playing dumb. Let's throw her back into the sea.'

Kakyoin: 'But if she's not a stand user, she'll be eaten by the sharks.'

'She's either a really good actress, or she actually don't know a thing about us.'

Joseph: 'But all 10 sailors had their backgrounds checked. Who else could it be ? How can we make her reveal herself ?

Abdul: Hey... How is Dio doing ?

Girl: Eh ? Dio ? What's that ?

Polnareff: Don't play dumb, little girl.

Girl: What? What are you talking about ? Do you want to talk or fight ? 'Dio ? Is that a car brand ?'

Girl: My knife is crying for the blood of it's 340th victim !!!

Kakyoin and I quietly snickered at that attempt to scare us, much to her disappointment.

Girl: E-Eh, What's so funny, suckas ?

Kakyoin: "Suckas"... She doesn't seem to be it?

"yeah, she really lack credibility to be a stand user."

Joseph: Hmmm...

???: Is that the one who snuck on board ?

A huge shadow appeared, towering the girl, and quickly revealed itself to be the captain of the boat we were currently on.

Joseph: Captain...

Captain: I am very strict towards stowaways. Even though you are a girl, if I don't punish you, there will be tons of stowaways coming nonstop.

He proceeded to disarm the girl, which wasn't really difficult, considering the difference in size between the two.

captain: I'll lock you up below 'till we reach the harbor.

Joseph: Captain, I want to ask you, are all the background checks on the sailors correct ?

Captain: That's right, all of them have been working on this ship for 10 years. I don't know why you're so insistent about it.

Captain: BUT ...

He suddenly snatched away the cigarette Jotaro just lit, a glare full of reproaches on his face.

Captain: Please do not smoke on the deck. What were you going to do with the ashes and the butt ? Throw it into the beautiful ocean ?

Captain: You are a guest, but you should obey the rules of the ship, young man.

He crushed the cigarette on Jotaro's cap, and even though he seemed calm about this, I could tell he was really pissed, which makes no differences compared to his usual self...

Captain: You got that ?

Jotaro: Hold it !

Jotaro: If you would've just said so, I would have put it out myself. Who the hell do you think you are, you bastard ?

Joseph: Hey, Jotaro ! It's your fault, don't be rude to the captain !

Jotaro: I know that I was rude. I just figured out that this man is not the captain... HE'S A STAND USER !!!

Joseph: W...

Everyone: WHAT ?!!!

The captain seemed quite surprised and intrigued by this.

Captain: A "stand" ? What is that ?

Abdul: That's impossible ! Captain Tennille was introduced to us by the Speedwagon foundation, his background checked out: we can trust him. There's no chance he's a stand user !

Polnareff: Jojo, don't make wild accusations ! You're confusing us !

Captain: Wait, stand ? I don't know what you're talking about.

"Do you have any evidences ?"

Jotaro: I found a way to separate all stands users from normal people.

Jotaro: I saw that after users sniff some smoke from a cigarette, the blood vessels will show on their nose.

They all started to feel their noses, including the captain, and I was checking my reflection on the porthole, while the girl seemed to ask herself what was going on.

Joseph: Really ?!

"I don't see any differences..."

Polnareff: You're kidding us, right, Jotaro ?

Jotaro: Yes ! That was a bluff ! But I seem to have found an idiot.

Everyone: AHA !!!

The 'captain' was utterly shocked to be discovered like that, but quickly got over it, and took off his cap, menacingly.

Joseph: Jotaro, how did you know ?

Jotaro: I didn't know. So I just used this method to test all the sailors, and he failed.

"If it wasn't the case, you would've looked like a fool..."

'Captain': You are smart, really smart. I'm not the real captain, the real captain is at the bottom of the sea back in Hong-Kong.

Jotaro: Then you can sleep at the bottom of hell !

Without giving us enough time to react, a scaly hand reached from the water and grabbed the girl's leg.

'Captain': The trouble of water ! Lies and betrayal ! It stands for the fear of the unknown !

'Captain': The card of the moon... [DARK BLUE MOON] !!!

'Captain': There are five of you that I need to kill, so I tried to hide myself, taking care of you one at a time. However the situation now forces me to take on all six of you at once.

'Captain': With her as a hostage, it's a lot easier for me. I'll jump in the sea with her.

'captain': You will all have to jump in with me. My stand works very well in water. One in six is nothing to me.

Jotaro: Taking a child hostage to threaten me ? You think I'm scared of you ?

'captain': I see... Here is my prediction: I will defeat you all !

'Captain': I heard that Star Platinum is incredibly fast. But dark blue moon is pretty fast in the water as well.

'Captain': Why don't we who's faster ? My stand swims faster than any fish in the world !

'Captain': Come follow me, if you are brave enough to drown !

He then jumped into the water with the girl, but he wasn't falling fast enough, and Star Platinum used it to unleash ha flurry of punches, freeing the girl and sending him crashing into the ocean.

'captain': Y... you attacked me with a speed faster than my fall !

Jotaro: You are the only one who's going to drink sea water.

"Abdul, you may want to add something."

Abdul: Trying to predict something in front of a fortune teller ?...

Polnareff: "Isn't that kind of foolish ?" Hehe...

So I'm currently working on other stories at the same time, but I won't release them until that one is finished.

Until then... Stand proud everyone !!

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