Sucked In // Kyle's Dorm

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-take me out of the crowd, buy me some... Time to go."


"Agh, this is boring. I'm going to my dorm," Kyle said leaving Lilah.

Ella catches up with Kyle right before he enters his dorm.

"Hi Kyle," Ella said.

"Oh hi Ella," Kyle turned around.

"Is it true that you're dating Lilah?" Ella asked.

Kyle grabbed Ella by the hand and brought her in, closing the door shut.

"Just between you and me, Lilah and I are not dating," Kyle said.

"Then what was she talking about back there?" Ella asked.

"Like I said, she's crazy from head to toe, but please don't tell anyone, she just wants to get back at Kevin for something pretty stupid," Kyle said.

"Oh well that's great!" Ella smiled, "well not the getting back part, just the part that you're not dating her. I mean! Not that either! Um... Agh!"

"You're adorable," Kyle smiled.


"Why are you here?" Tyler asked still lurking around.

"Time's running out," Venamus chuckled.

"What do you mean by that?" Tyler asked.

"When some, shall I say, pros turn evil, they will get their revenge. When you've been bitten, your time to death is near. When couples argue, it's time to break them up. All working perfectly," Venamus voice faded away.

"Couples? Pros? I'm going to die? What?" Tyler was now all alone in the darkness. He saw some light.

"Would it be good to, follow the light?"


"No. I'm not doing that to a friend," Rebecca said.

"So you only see me as a friend?" Kevin smirked.

"I mean, I'm not going to do something bad for my friend just so that you would be happy and yes, I do only see you as a friend," Rebecca walked off with Kevin still following.

"Forget the kiss, we don't have to go that far," Kevin said.

"We are not even a 'we'," Rebecca said.

"We are friends though," Kevin said.

"You know what I mean," Rebecca stopped, "look just ask her out or something."

"Didn't you pay attention? She turned me down, and to make matters worse, she's dating Kyle. What does she see in him that's not in me?"

"Maybe he doesn't use jealousy as an advantage."

"You're right..."

"Finally, now can you just talk with he-

"Come on Rebecca!" Kevin grabbed her by the hand to Lilah's dorm.


"Since you're here now, do you want to play something?" Kyle asked.

"Sure, what do you want to play?" Ella asked.

"Um I don't know, you pick. The games are over there," Kyle was getting the controllers ready.

Ella walked to the bookcase or referred as the video game case by Kyle in the corner of the room.

"Hmmm this one seems nice. But this one seems... Special. Isn't this the game he said he wasn't going to open until five days passed, it's been only two days, but what's the harm?" Ella grabbed the game.

She took the cd out and it was unlike any other cd. It was pitch black on both sides and had a weird light glow to it. Ella walked back and gave the video game to Kyle who without seeing the cd, just placed it into the system.

"And here you go, a controller for you," Kyle handed her the controller.

"Uh wait, I really really need to go to the restroom," Ella ran to the restroom in the dorm.

"Ok, let me just start this up and..."


"K then! Let's begin! Um... Kyle? Where are you? Kyle, this isn't funny... Kyle?"


"Ow you're hurting me," Rebecca said trying to have Kevin let go of her hand.

"See now Lilah will for sure come on and see what's happening!" Kevin exclaimed.

"So this is what this is about, huh. Two can play this," Rebecca said.

"What's the noise? Um Kevin? Rebecca?" Lilah came out.

"Look she's dati-

"Hi Lilah! We're doing a skit and you're the um the girl who Kevin has to save from me cause like I'm the witch and he's like grabbing me to stop me from casting a spell on you," Rebecca lied.

"Sounds nice," Lilah smiled.

"What? That's not what this is about," Kevin said.

"Who came up with that line? It sounds so how do I put it, great!" Lilah said.

Rebecca nudged Kevin and he knew what to do.

"And Kevin defeated the witch! Um I shall leave, and they lived happily ever after!" With that Rebecca was free from Kevin's grasp and left.

"So what happens next?" Lilah asked.

"So I know you're dating Kyle and all that, but would you consider going out with me?" Kevin asked.

"I'm not dating Kyle. I was mad and just wanted to make you jea- I mean I just didn't know how to say yes," Lilah replied.


"Yeah, I'll go on a date with you."


"What? Where a-am I?" Kyle asked.

Sucked in to the game. The game which brought forth another universe at where the Pros where being held at. They had all turned evil because of Venamus' doing. The Pros where now set to eliminate Kyle.

"Hello Kyle...." Zack hysterically laughed.


"Aha finally free from that weird feeling," Rebecca said.

"What are you doing here?" Trixy asked.

"Trixy? Trixy! You can talk now! Well other than repeatedly saying I know..." Rebecca said.

"Well the spell was lifted," Trixy said.

"How?" Rebecca asked.

"This imaginary person was blocking me from everything because I heard that it had something to do with Lilah's love life," Trixy assumed.

"Lilah with no love casts a spell on you, Lilah with love breaks it! I get it now," Rebecca said.

"The tournament is about to start, let's go," Trixy said and Rebecca followed.


"Well, I have to go. But I'll come back as soon as possible," CJ said leaving from Tyler's side for the first time.

"Ready CJ?" Radiance asked.

"I think, I mean if just one more bad thing happens I'll just break-

"Guys! Kyle is missing!"


"What do you mean he's missing?" The announcer asked.

"He's not anywhere!"

"He probably went off and did something."

"But I've texted him a thousand times and he hasn't answered!"

"Well if so many bad things are happening, how would a break sound?" The bot asked everyone.

"Cool! Like where do we get to go?" Lilah asked.

"I hope it has to do with some sort of water environment, I could sure use something refreshing!" Rebecca said.

"We could set up to go to a hotel filled with pools and we would have to come back in two days or so," The announcer planned.

"Two days?" Shope asked.

"Yes you all came here to fight in battle so you will use this vacation to train and after that we will proceed in the search of-

"The search of what?" CJ asked.

"The um the search of the..." Mem stuttered.

"Just tell them. They deserve to know, I mean we have gone this far into the tournament already," Zen said.

"Hey Trixy hasn't said I know," Kevin said.

"Cause the spell broke," Trixy said, "like a long time ago."

"That's great!" The Roach exclaimed.

"What about Kyle?" Ella asked.

"We'll inform the Benevolent Alliance about this," The Bot informed.

"So you're informing them about this and not Tyler?" CJ asked.

"We did, you were just resting in the room when we did," Radiance said.

"Well... Vacations here we go!."


Mem got saved before he had some explaining to do, but like, not for long!

New Chapter Every Tuesday & Thursday at 12:(00) A.M. (the free time I have on wattpad)

You can also ask questions about the story or your character anytime. I probably won't reveal much, but you will get an answer.

Feel free to draw any character or scenario!

As always, love ya lots my noobies :)

P.S. you can roleplay in the comments! It's like a behind the scenes thing!!

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