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The early morning, the early start for young Gareth Hutton, was dark and dull. The rain from the night before had long since stopped though the ground was still wet. Been up and ready for a while, it was time to make a move, begin a journey and no matter the fact that he is leaving his home for who knows how long, and to who knows where, he does leave readily and so much without even giving a second thought as to if he will ever get to come home again.

Out and on his way already, Gareth walked along a gritty dusty walkway, driven by a force he cannot yet know much about. How there could be so much dust on this walkway after a night of rain, Gareth could also not understand. Not long after having left his home, indeed possibly for a final time, a man wearing a ten-gallon cowboy hat would approach Gareth and would begin to walk along-side him.

'Hi, my name is Bill, most folks know me as Cowboy Bill.'

'That's nice' Gareth said sarcastically having no interest in conversing with this stranger and not being sure of what to make of the attire this gentleman was wearing.

'Can you see what I see?' asked Bill.

What an odd thing to be asked by a stranger and at that Gareth was unsure. He could sense something more than a little off, but he didn't quite know what that was. He turned towards Bill with a look that almost asked what is happening? Gareth had a sensation of being surrounded and he didn't understand this feeling.

The crystal, still being worn on a chain around Gareth's neck, had begun to glow bright and somehow Gareth could sense movement both to his left and to his right despite the fact that he could not see such movement. Is this what Bill's question was referring to?

'I need you to stand with your back to mine, do you understand?' asks this Bill fellow.

'I think so' was the reply, again Gareth understood something, what that something is to him is something he did not want to think too much about.

Both men stood back-to-back and, in a stance, both ready as if they were expecting a fight and a fight was what they were about to get.

Within seconds, they were surrounded by twenty men, all of whom were wearing crystals around their necks, crystals that varied in colour and all of which were smaller than the crystal Gareth wore. Within a few seconds, battle would ensue. Gareth and Bill fought together back-to-back against the surrounding circle of twenty men.

Just like before when he was with Lee, Gareth was amazed by his ability to defend himself. Defending himself from punches and kicks came so naturally and throwing punches and kicks of his own came instinctively.

Gareth and Bill became separated. This couldn't be helped. Gareth tried to run at each opportunity he got, defending himself from one-on-one attacks as he went along, then moving on until he found himself in a four on one situation and for a moment which felt like such a long time but actually only took seconds, Gareth was doing well for himself, doing well for himself that is until he found himself flat on his back.

Possibly doom had not yet visited him, for instinctively, Gareth spun on his back and with a human tornado like movement ... he used his legs to knock all four men who had surrounded him onto their backs. Briefly letting his surprise get the better of him, Gareth got up and had a look around before making a run for it until he came by a nearby bridge. The river beneath was running at a low tide. Gareth hid under the bridge.

'I don't know what hiding down there will do for you; your crystal will give your position away.'

Gareth couldn't see who was speaking to him, but he recognized the voice, he knew this voice belonged to Lee, the Asian fellow from the day before.

'I can't do this, why does this have to happen to me?'

'You are right, you can't do this.'

'What?' asked Gareth being somewhat taken aback with the response had had received.

'Hiding will not do you any good and this, all of this is happening to you, the crystal chose you, it could have chosen anyone, but it chose you'. Lee showed himself then continued to speak 'now get up onto this bridge, you are needed.'

The crystal was glowing strongly, and it briefly distracted Gareth. When he looked up, Lee seemed to be gone. As instructed, Gareth moved and climbed up onto the bridge, Bill was fighting off those who were approaching from the right side of the bridge, Gareth turned and was once again thrown into fighting mode, fighting almost back to back with Bill, Gareth fought off those coming onto the bridge from the left side.

When there was no one left to fight off, both Gareth and Bill began to run. They ran together until they could run no more and at this stage they were no longer being followed, so they both took a moment to sit in an out of view location.

'Where did you learn to fight like that?' asked Gareth.

Bill took his hat off with his right hand before he would begin to speak. Gareth did not even bother to ask as to how Bill had not lost his hat during the fighting.

'Ya know, I didn't exactly learn to fight like that, I didn't get the chance to explain earlier as to just who I am, as I said I am Cowboy Bill, I am from Texas in the U.S, and I am also your predecessor, I am or was the Sixth Protector. That crystal is telling you that I am saying is truth.'

'This is crazy ... so your ability to fight is the same as mine, it came from Lee.'

'Yes, that is right, plus a little Texan toughness. Remember just before the fighting began, you were able to sense that something was not right.'

'Yeah, it was a strange sensation, but I could feel it.'

'Well, that is something you get from me, I kinda have this sixth sense like ability that lets me know that things are more than a little off, and now this ability is also yours.'

'I am not so sure that I want this ability.'

'It's yours now my friend whether you like it or not. The crystal will add to this too, for when other crystals are near there will be a glow ...'

Bill would take the time to go on and explain that those who attacked them are after the crystal that Gareth now wears, and this partly is why it needs to be protected. Each of those attackers have a smaller crystal of their own and the colours of these crystals vary giving each individual holder an ability such as speed or strength, but these crystals are nowhere near as powerful as the one Gareth is now wearing.

As well as that, Gareth is aware to some degree that only some of these crystals bear gifts from their predecessors. Gareth's crystal certainly is the most powerful one in existence and indeed it will glow whenever someone wearing a smaller crystal is nearby. Within itself, it is a kind of built-in early detection system.

Gareth and Bill are soon on the move again and the journey continues along a straight road surrounded by numerous trees. A passing car slows down and pulls over before it would begin to reverse right back up alongside Gareth. The window rolls down and the male driver asks, 'need a lift?'

Gareth looks round; Bill is no longer with him. He vanished as quickly as he had first appeared.

'Yeah, sure' responds Gareth deciding that the road before him is far too long to travel on foot.

Accepting lifts from strangers is not something Gareth would be used to. Since he was having such a strange experience and along with the fact that his crystal was not glowing, he thought he may as well accept a lift, no matter the odd circumstances the offer has come to him. What would be the worst thing that could happen?

'Where are you headed?' asked the stranger.

'Don't quite know just yet but dropping me to the next town over would be great.'

'Alright ... get in.'

The passenger door opened, Gareth got in and the car began to move. Bill and Lee moved to stand together at the point where Gareth was picked up, watching on as the vehicle begins to shrink in the distance.

'Not sure about this one' commented Bill.

'Don't worry, he will do just fine' responds Lee.

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