The Girl

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Why am I adding this? Because I can...and, personally...yeah, cause I can...and, this story has to do with

"Now that you mention it, what's your name?"

"The name's Rheanna, but call me Reezy if you don't want to get socked in the face. Second, I was looking for the Mystery Shack, but I got here instead. Any clue where it is?" I answer, looking straight into Bill's eye. What, did you expect me to back down? One thing you have to learn about me is that I don't care who you are. I will not lose, and if I do, I do it with pride.

"...You got guts, kid."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"You shouldn't."

"Still will."

Bill facepalms before continuing.

"And that has to do with us because?"

"I was wondering...if I...could stay the night? Just for the night, then I'll leave. You don'-"

"Shut up, you can stay."

"... I can?"

"Yeah, just stop talking, please."

I stand there, letting the knowledge of what he said sink in. I want to hug him, but I won't.

Bill chuckles."You new here?"

"Yeah. How could you tell?"

"Oh, no reason. Just, an educated guess." He answers, laughing. I wonder why?

Bill's POV

... Oh good bajeezus, if she knew I could read her mind, she would have avoided thinking that... And, I'm not a huggable person.

'You look huggable...'

Third POV

Bill's eyes widen in shock as he turns around and looks at Reezy, who is looking right back at him with a smirk on her face.

'Why are you suprised?' She thinks. 'This is Gravity Falls, anything can happen.'

Bill rolls his eyes.

"...What is going on, here?" Dipper asks as he sits down on the couch.

"Nothing!" Both Bill and Reezy shout.

"Oh, it's gots be something..." Tad says, slowly walking down the steps.

Reezy looks at the two before asking if they're bros.

"Unfortunately..." They both answer, glaring at each other. This  causes Reezy and Dipper to laugh.

"Why do you guys hate each other?"

"We don't hate eachother, we just get into heated arguements." Tad answers.

"... Wait... I know you... YOU'RE THE PRINCESS OF THE-"

Reezy clamps a hand over Bill's mouth, causing confusion to rush over Tad's face.

'Yes, I am...happy?'

Bill just stands there. He doesn't know what to do in the presence of nobility. All he can think of is to bow, but she probably doesn't want him to. Not that he was going to anyway.

"Princess of...?" Tad asks.

Reezy sighs before answering."... Princess of the Underworld."

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