Fluffy Crimson thing

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(Edited - 16/7/17)

Your Pov

"Fluffy crimson thing, you have ten seconds to remove yourself before I dissect you with my heel" I screech trying to push the mass of Red hair off me. "Oh bassy, where have you been keeping her" it shrieked crushing me in a hug. I think the dissecting thing only encouraged it... "Grell, you mistake of a reaper get off my sister" My brother sighs not making even the slightest attempt to help me. "Sebastian a little help! What if this thing rapes me!" I squeal as I feel skin rub against the top of my breast. "Grell's into men, you have nothing to worry about" he states watching me in amusement. "Hell it could have boobs for all I care, that doesn't change the fact it's touching MY boobs!" I scream.

"What's with all this noise.." A voice begun before Ciel entered the room and paused to take in the scene before him. I can only imagine what it looked like. Sebastian sitting smugly, while I was spread out on the floor with some random ball of red fluff that had their face buried in my chest. With a deep sigh, Ciel dragged a single hand down his slightly red face before turning to face the wall "Grell what are you doing here? And when did you start like females?" he drones refusing to face us. "Ah bocchan, your innocent eyes" Sebastian taunts. "Shut it, Sebastian!" He seethes whipping around to throw my brother a sharp glare. Such a hot-blooded child...Hang on a second the fluffy thing hasn't said anything... "Um, as much as I hate to break up this lovers quarrel, I think the fluffy things asleep. Can you, I don't know get it off me!" I yell finally catching their attention. "Think of it as a test. Come, Sebastian, we have business to attend to. Good luck (f/n)" the brat smirked before exiting with my brother close on his tail. It's official I hate men.

"Oi wake up already" I holler hitting the fluff ball a few times. "Do you get hit on a regular basis or something! why aren't you waking up!" I groan. It took a bit of time but I finally managed to shove the thing off me. I quickly sat up taking in a deep breath. "You sure are heavy" I murmur turning to face my offender. "huh?" It's a man? His long crimson hair had been pushed to the side revealing a pale face. At first glance, his face was almost feminine, with his long eyelashes and slender nose, but it was his jawline that gave him away. "Hmm for a paedophile you're pretty cute" I chuckle reaching for his glasses. They were the same shade as his hair, with a tiny skull on either side. 

"How are you suppose to see anything through these" I huff taking the glasses on and off. "Dammit I forgot to check if he was alive" I groan placing the glasses to the side before crawling over to his body. hmm, he doesn't look like he's breathing. Leaning in a bit closer to his body i pressed my ear against his chest. "No heartbeat? Oh god, maybe he smothered himself like I almost did to Ciel" I panic. "Hey Pedo man?" I pester poking his face. "Wake up already you can't die here" I whine. Then the world became upside down. "Quieten down, would you! I'm trying to get my beauty sleep" He seethes pinning me beneath him. "Then go home!"

That little Earl is in for it...

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