Landon in London

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A/N - There are some really beautiful and talented cosplayers out there.

(Edited - 17/7/17)

Your Pov
The streets of London were packed and bustling like usual on a afternoon during the week. The rich smell of freshly baked bread, the high pitched squeals of children running amongst stalls. I've spent so much time at the manor, I've missed this. "Ah (y/n)!" A voice suddenly shouts. "Landon?" I mutter catching sight of the blonde man. "I've been looking all over for you" he states grasping my hands in his. "Why didn't you come see me. You know I would've hired you in a heartbeat" he sighs placing a tender kiss on my gloved hand.

"Landon. I've told you this many times. I'm not interested in becoming one of your 'wives'" I seethe ripping my hands from his hold. "Come on (y/n)" he whines reaching to grab me once more only to receive a swift hit to the face with a lacy red fan. "I believe she said she was interested" Grell lowly growled standing between us. "I suggest you find someone else to bother before I take matters into my own hands" he quietly threatens. As if for dramatic effect his piercing green eyes flash for a moment causing Landon to scurry off. Is it hot out here or has Grell suddenly become......attractive?

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