Trancy Butterfly

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(Imagine all the green bits in red an the white bits in black. I don't own the image - Credit to the original Artist)

Your Pov

The days stretched into weeks, the weeks to months and I fell into a rather bleak routine. I wonder if anyone searched for me? Does brother know what I've become?

"(f/n), go pretty yourself up. I've been invited to a ball at the phantomhive manor" Alois smirks, grabbing my hand. "I must have the most beautiful woman as my date". "I'll put all other woman to shame, your highness" I smirk, slipping my hand from his grasp. The feelings that once hurt me have ceased to exist, yet in their place violent urges and devilish personalities have blossomed. The joy in causing mischief, in being the best and watching others worm beneath my feet. "I will retire to my room to prepare" I bow before strolling away.

"I wonder if my brother will recognize me"I hum, pulling dresses from my closet. "There it is" I muse holding the blood red dress against my body. "It won't matter. You no longer harbor human emotions" A cold voice calls from the door. "Ah father what a pleasant surprise" I smirk. "There is no doubt they plan to injure his highness" He cuts to the chase. "There's no doubt about it. Ciel really doesn't like your little boy toy" I chuckle, sitting at my vanity. "You will stay by his highness's side and protect him at all costs" He orders coming to stand behind me. "Of course father" I muse, smirking at him through the mirror. "Now let us show the world the Trancy butterfly" he smirks grabbing the brush from my Vanity. "In due time everything will fall into place" He states, brushing through my hair. "His highness will have his revenge and the quest to avenge your father will begin"

"I can see the carnage already" I chuckle. "To have a demon lord bleed and beg beneath my heel"I happily sigh "It sends shivers down my spine"

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