The Shadow

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Chapter 1 The girl in the shadows

The Justice leauge was an a major mission and another case needed solved so they sent the sidekicks as a team to do the small mission. The younger hero's were getting their butts kicked by some wanna-be gangsters. Robin was almost dead and all the other young heros were too but they kept fighting. A gangster was about to kill Robin when a black knife was thrown at the gangster. The knife stabed him in the head then the knife turned to ashes. Robin turns around and see's a shadow of a person, he couldn't tell its gender though because it was to dark. He chases after it figureing it was a bad guy. The shadow and him were out of sight of his team mates so the shadow stoped. "I'm on your side, Grayson" the shadow says. He stops and says "Who are you", he moves closer trying to identafiy me. "I'm your shadow, remember me" I say,but since i'm still in the shadows he can't see me.

He smiles and says "Jade, what are you doing saveing me I should be saveing you." I give him my black amulet, "everyone needs a hero even heros themself." I vanish in the shadows so his team wouldn't see me. Kid Flash runs over to Robin and yells "are you crazy you just run off without a word!" Robin says "I chased the girl who threw the knife." Miss Marsion says "Robin there was no one there, you threw a birdarang and killed that man". Robin says "Yea there was, I know that because she is my sister." The hero's were shocked by what Robin said, they never knew he had any sibling let alone a sister. Robin proudly says "I'm going to find her, she gave me her amulet so I could find her." He shows them Jade's amulet because they don't beleive him. "Help me, Dick please" a  familar voice says in his head at that moment he knew it was me. Miss Marsion was reading his mind and heard what I said to him.

             "Every one needs a hero." My voice plays in his head and he realizes what I ment by that.Then he ran over to a door and kicked it down because it was locked. He finds a small beaten up child. That child is me curled up in a cornner unconsions.Robin picked me up craddleing me in his arms. He quickly talks into his communacator "Batman we need medical attention, fast." After a few silent minutes Superboy asks "who is she?" Robin sighs and says "My sister, my Shadow."  He uses the code name I picked before I left for magic school. Kid Flash says "come on Rob we gotta go to the watchtower so she can get better". Robin stays silent then puts his hand over my ribs (its where I got stabbed at) and a white glow appears. "Wow" Kid Flash says as my blood goes back in my body. 

                         With my emotionless face I look at my brother. Robin smiles and says "You were right I did have the other half". Miss Marsion asks "Who is the youngest",Robin quickly points to me.  We all go back to the watchtower. Batman helps me wrap my cut over my ribs and asks me lots of questions. If only I could focus but there were so many heros walking around. My powers have gotten stronger and I still haven't gotten control of them yet. Then Batman wispers something in my ears and I smile. "YES TOTALY!!!!"

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