The train

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After a long conversation with a crying Benny, he calmed down enough to want food so Carly went into her bag to get some strawberries she stole from a garden. "Here." He gobbled up the strawberries.

"What are we going to do?" Benny asked "we are going to stay in town for a few days and when we get your cat we will leave"Carly would have preferred to leave as soon as that driver ran away, but Benny wanted his stuffed cat badly.  "Where are we going too?" Benny asked. "Where ever the train takes us." Often Carly hopped onto a train to leave town it was fast and convenient some other ways she has left a town include; hitchhiking with people who don't care that she is a kid and she's on her own, sneaking onto open backs of trucks, and once being invisible and riding a plane with some extra seats.

"Cool we are riding a train!" "Yes Benny." Carly just had a realization if she was going to save shadows how would she take care of them all? She could barely get enough food for her self never mind a bunch of five year olds. Also she couldn't bring a lot of kids around her! That would totally get her noticed how would she do this!

Carly started to cry. "what's wrong?" Benny asked. "Oh, Benny." Carly said between sobs "I want to save you and all the other shadows but I don't know how!" Benny looks thoughtful. "Thomas says he has an idea!" "Who is Thomas?" Carly asked "A dead person." Benny said as if it was the most normal thing in the world. "What is his idea?" Benny pauses  "He says get the cat now and then get on the train at five-thirty."

"Okay. Does Thomas think you should go with me?" Carly asked. "Thomas says he will get me to the train station while you get my cat."Benny said. "What does your cat look like?" "He's pink and he meows when you hug him."

"I'll go for your cat now." And then Carly turns invisible and heads over to Benny's house and once she gets there she can tell the driver set traps. Carly transforms into a fly and flies over all the traps. The drivers are to dumb to expect a fly, what do they think I'll turn into a rhino and charge in? Carly thinks. She flies into the chimney and at the bottom (there is no fire.) she quickly turns back into a human than turns invisible 

After keeping an eye on Benny for about a month she knew where his room was. She also knew from experience that his room would be the most heavily trapped. She quietly avoids traps and goes up to his room but she doesn't have to go in to find Benny's cat because it is laying down right in front of his door obviously trapped.

His parents must have told the driver about the cat. Carly studies the cat how can she remove it without activating the trap? It would be designed for any shadow powers. She looks up at a clock in the hall way it was five. She had half an hour before the train came. Carly has an idea it would be against shadow powers not every day objects she opens a nearby window. ( which wasn't trapped rookie driver) grabs a vase on a shelf and throws the vase next to the trap an alarm goes off. Carly quickly turns into an eagle grabs the cat with her talons and flies out the window.

After flying for a few minutes she spots the train station and dives when she got close to the ground she shifts back into a human and faints flying takes a lot of energy.

After waking up she finds her self on a train car with Benny who is holding his cat. "Wha?" Carly says. Benny says "Thomas told me you fell asleep and needed help to get on the train. So I made a grown up put you on the train by going into his head." 

So Benny had mind control powers to. Huh.

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