Chapter 1

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It narrowed its eyes, hiding their glow in the dim light. New persons filed into the Maze, looking around nervously. Each was told to choose a weapon, and they did.
Then 'it' slunk closer when the guards were done instructing the people, letting out a soft growl.

"Dude, you hear that?" One asked.
The others shushed him as he guards filed out, testing their weapons on the columns.
This time, they all heard it. Their postures tensed, and they all glanced around.
In the shadows, 'it' closed its eyes fully in bliss at the scent of fear welling up from the crowd. It snuck even closer, growling a bit louder.

"Dude..." The same one said, fingering his sword. Fear spiked from him the most.
The 'it' decided to save him for last.
'GROAAR!' It rumbled, then leapt out and sunk its fangs into a small child at the back of the group.
Chaos erupted, all shoving to get away from the large beast. It grinned a wolffish grin, and- one by one- killed them all.

"D-dude, th-this isn't c-cool! I want to go!" The one said, backed into a wall. The beast let out a roar, and the male ran- shrieking a very similar note to a dying bird.
The beast grinned and began to lope easily after him. After all, he had managed to bite the male and get a taste of his blood. The others in the Maze would steer clear of him now.
They all knew what would happen if they messed with the beast's prey.
'ǟֆᏆʏ ɮʟօօɖ.'
Sneaking about, the small male maneuvered around every corner suspiciously and cautiously. A slight breeze ruffled his short, spiky black hair, and he pulled his mask a little farther up his face.
'Maybe I should check on the blondie again... He seemed pretty strong...'
Slipping around countless turns, the masked came upon the blonde male easily. He wasn't very quiet about walking, so he was easy to track.
Hiding around the top of the passage, he observed. A small dagger was hidden in the folds of his mask, positioned with extreme care. The blade lay coolly against the male's thin neck. He, for some reason, found watching the blonde fascinating, and had yet to pull the dagger from his mask.
But the male started to turn, and the masked instantly fled to avoid being seen.
'You must be quiet. You are the assassin. You get caught- Game Over." They'd told him. He was determined to follow directions, but at the same time, evade them for as long as possible.
He understood he was destined to be caught, but unless someone searched him, they'd never think to pull down his mask. In which case, his knife was forever hidden.
A rustling, and the blonde came around the corner. The male crept around the blonde, and slipped around another wall. With mere seconds to spare, the male darted to the top of the corridor, and tried his best to blend into the shadowy stone.
A small male turned the new corner, and the masked watched carefully. He was clad in a very torn checkered jacket. The eyes of the masked widened. This was the one the beast had bitten recently. He knew all too well that the beast delightfully stalked this one, and he had no intention of taking the beast's attention.
The masked monitored quietly, until the male started glancing at his surroundings. That's when the male left the checkered alone to wander the Maze more... At least until the beast caught up to him.
The assassin slunk around several halls, hitting no dead ends, and hid again. The blonde had reappeared. Now with a weapon drawn, he was a little more cautious as he traveled.
With a gloved hand, he brushed long, golden blonde hair over his shoulder. His bangs fell into his eyes, and covered his right eye- consuming it in even more darkness. His still- visible left eye was a gentle light blue, and it was darting around frantically.
The masked felt no intimidation whatsoever, so he moved past, and did the best job of being silent.
The beast yawned, teeth glinting in the dim light. It glanced at the familiar sent for feet as they passed the usual spot.

'Ꮖɦɛʀɛ ɦɛ ɢօɛֆ ǟɢǟɨռ...'

If anyone is confused, this story is loosely based off the Shadow Maze PVP minigame. The entire Pack plays it together, so if you really are confused, go look it up on YouTube. Every perspective is on there.
Love you guys!

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