Chapter 10

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Returning to the dead end, he froze, and looked down at the entrance. In the dirt and mud, were a lot of little footprints. They were small, probably belonging to a 6 or 7 year old.

Preston appeared at the other end.

"Hey. Back already?"

Rob scowled slightly, but answered positively.

"Yeah. Didn't run into anyone. But, who was here?"


"Who. Was. Here? There are footprints here. Who came here?"

"A group of little kids. And another guy- I can't remember his name."

"Describe him?"


Getting a bit mad, he asked again, "Tell me."


Now quite angry, Rob punched the wall, making Preston flinch.

"Tell me now, or else, Preston."

"Fine. But first, why are you so mean to those who find you? Ya know, besides me?"

"No. But describe this person. I might tell you later."

"Fine. He had long blond hair, blue eyes, twin hatchets, tall, etc, etc, etc."


"Yeah! I don't know where he went though. He was with a group of boys. They kinda ran off."

"Oh? What happened?"

"Uh... Lachlan may have told me a few things I didn't know about you. So did a mysterious Vikk person."

"What'd they tell you?"

"They told me you killed people. More than I could count. Rob, is this true?"

"I did what I had to. It was for my own, and now your, survival. It was to protect myself. I had to live off those around me. I still do. The weapons I bring back? Where do you think I get those? Trees?"

"Well, the more rare stuff I assumed you'd found the Pumpkin Trader. He doesn't give bad stuff, ya know."

"Yes I know. Some is from the trader, but most is loot."

He sighed. "Well, don't go too far. Slow down and take a break. Ignore Lachlan and this Vikk character."

"Nope. C'mon."

"What? No!"

Mitch stirred awake to find himself lying on his stomach with the beast's paws on his rear.

Why me? Just... Why me?

Its paws twitched, and Mitch heard it growl lowly, paws moving, until the beast was quite literally standing on his back, back paws on his thighs and front claws on his shoulders.

"ϭϵϯ ῠϼ."

"I'm already awake, you douchebag." Mitch grumbled back, trying to move but failing. It let out a raspy chuckle.


Tugged up by the hood of his jacket, Mitch found himself eye to eye with the bloodthirsty creature. A smirk edged its thin... lips?

"Come on. Leave me alone." Mitch glared.

"!ḟ ! ℓḙḟт ⑂✺ṳ ᾰℓ✺ℵḙ, ⑂✺ṳ'ᖱ ḙṧḉᾰ℘ḙ." The beast replied, stepping off of Mitch. He sat up, then lay back down.

"... Why don't you just kill me now? He asked, looking at the furry creature, who snorted.

"т✺✺ ṳṧḙḟṳℓ."

"Tell me more about yourself," he unexpectedly demanded. The beast bared its fangs.


"Can't? Why?"

"ℵ✺т rϵϻϵϻϦϵr."

"Oh..." Mitch replied, looking back down at his lap. He then looked back up. "Can I pet you?"

"You're all over the place, huh?" A voice mumbled.

A child, probably around 6, with dark skin and sleepy eyes, appeared. Another child, this one blond, followed him. The beast tensed, and Mitch quickly embraced it to keep it there.

"Who're you?"

"Tobi and Harry," the first kid said. The second looked at the beast in something akin to admiration.


Mitch would've laughed, if the situation hadn't been so serious.

"No, it's not a dog, sorry."


"No. Not a pet. A wild beast."

Harry pouted, "You wanted to pet it!"

"Because it doesn't get angry when I do it. It's very dangerous. Shoo."

"ϣhϵͷ ϒϴῠ δϴ ῖϯ?" The beast snarled, mischeiviously, too quiet for the boys to hear, as they were leaving. Mitch turned red and began to stammer, wide-eyed, at the smirking creature.

"ϒϵαh ῖ ϣϴῠlδͷ'ϯ ϭϵϯ ϻαδ αϯ ϯhαϯ..." It rumbled, leaning up to lap st Mitch's neck...

Lachlan kept an eye on Vikk, who sat, nonchalantly, sharpening his knives.

"You gonna kill us on our sleep, eh?" He stared, hugging the boys who were sleeping around him to himself. Vikk let out a raspy chuckle.

"Honestly, I don't think I could. I've seen you in action. Your name really suits you, doesn't it... Power?"

Sorry it took so long, guys!

I lost the notebook for a while then realized I hadn't updated in a bit too long. This will continue on! Trust me. It's still a WIP.

Isabel and I have up to Chapter 12 written and planned, so it's a good one.

Love you guys!

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