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The prologue opens up as we see a 19 year old boy with black hair in a hooded Ranger uniform with two swords behind his back. It seems he fell into some kind of parallel world.

Y/N: Mom!?? Dad!!?? Timothy??!!!

Suddenly, the world smoothly flows into Y/N's memories. We see him training with his father.

Talion: That is a perfect swing for killing chickens. *He says as he tosses Y/N a sword*

Y/N: You sure about this dad??? I Wouldn't want to hurt you.

Talion: It'll take a lot more than that. Haha! Y/N, the mighty chicken killer. *He parried Y/N's attack* Come on, come on. Show your father what you have.

Y/N smirks in a cocky way and charges at him before clashing swords with him.

Talion: You'll have to hit harder if you want the best your father.

Y/N strikes again almost hitting Talion.

Y/N: Hard enough?

Talion: Parry, son. Don't forget the block.

Y/N nods and parried his father's attacks and dodging.

Y/N: Perhaps you should not forget to hit.

Talion: Stay alert, Y/N. Your enemy will not always be as he appears. *Y/N strikes again but misses* Easy son, you're not a soldier yet.

The memory changes dramatically as Y/N is seen fighting multiple orc's in the rain alongside his father.

Talion: Y/N!

Y/N: I'm alright! *He shouts as he stabs an orc in the throat* My blade shall rest in your throat!

Talion: Y/N, remember your training!

They continued fighting off the orca killing them one by one until eventually killing them off.

Y/N: These Orcs are much stronger than any we've ever seen.

Talion: They're not Orcs, they're Uruks. They're far worse and there's too many. Go find your mother and your little brother, keep them safe. I'll be right behind you, go!

Y/N nods and rushes inside the castle.

The memory smoothly ends. Y/N returns to the parallel world.

Y/N: Am I........dead....??

???: You are banished from death.

Y/N turns around and looks for the source of the voice until another memory is shown. Y/N is walking inside the castle smiling at the sight of his little brother drawing on the ground.

Y/N: Hey Timothy, what you drawing there??

Timothy looks up and grins excitedly upon seeing Y/N.

Timothy: I'm drawing a dragon! *He points to the squiggles drawn on the ground.* Look, it has wings and fire!

Y/N chuckles, amused by the childish scribbles.

Y/N: Wow, that's really cool! You're quite the little artist, aren't you? *He crouches down next to his brother, peering at the drawing.*

Timothy beams with pride, clearly pleased with Y/N's positive reaction.

Timothy: Yeah! I'm gonna make it breathe fire! *He adds a few more squiggles to the drawing, representing flames shooting out of the dragon's mouth.*

Y/N continued to smile at the sight until he slowly frowned thinking about something.

Timothy notices the change in Y/N's expression and looks up at him, tilting his head in curiosity.

Timothy: What's wrong, Y/N? Why are you frowning?

Y/N: It's just...... you do know we have to go away with mother and father to gondor eventually right....?

Timothy's cheerful expression fades as he nods solemnly.

Timothy: Yeah, I know. I've heard mom and dad talking about it. We have to go to Gondor and live there forever.....

He continues to draw but his movements are slower now, the excitement from before replaced by a sense of melancholy. Y/N notices the change in Timothy's mood. He gently places a hand on his brother's shoulder.

Y/N: Hey, it won't be that bad. Gondor is a beautiful place, full of new people and exciting things to explore. Besides..... it's a good idea to get away from Mordor...

Timothy nods, a hint of understanding in his eyes.

Timothy: Yeah, I guess you're right. Maybe it will be good to get away from all the darkness and danger of Mordor.

He adds a few more details to his drawing, trying to push the fear and sadness to the back of his mind. A moment passes and one memory suddenly jumps into another where a hand is suddenly covering Timothy's mouth startling him.

Y/N: Sh, sh, it's ok! It's just me! Listen to me- we must hide now, just stick with me and I promise you'll be ok!

The scene transitions to Y/N inside the castle with a scared Timothy alongside him. Timothy follows Y/N, his small hand gripping onto his brother's tightly. He looks around fearfully, his eyes wide and panicked.
Timothy whispers, his voice trembling slightly.

Timothy: Y/N, what's happening? Why do we have to hide?

Y/N: Shhh.... Try to be quiet Timothy.... The uruks.... They're here....

Timothy's eyes widen even more, fear coursing through his tiny body.

Timothy: Uruks..? *He clamps one hand over his mouth to keep himself from speaking any louder, and clings even tighter to Y/N's side.*

Y/N:'s ok. Mom and dad are waiting for us- stay here, I need to clear a path first....

Timothy nods silently, his eyes filled with fear and trust. He stands in a corner, back pressed against the cold stone wall as he watches Y/N with wide, scared eyes. Y/N steps cautiously out of their hiding spot, peering around the corner to survey the situation. He can hear the guttural voices of the Orcs, the sound of heavy footsteps getting closer. Y/N sneaks around the area and takes them out using stealth until suddenly he hears his little brother screaming as he turns around and sees two Uruks holding him hostage. Y/N's heart sinks as he sees his brother being held captive by the Uruks. The terror and fear in Timothy's eyes mirror his own, and his body instinctively tenses up to spring into action.

Uruk: Put the sword down. Ranger......

Fallen Angel: Now! Or the boy gets it!

Y/N hesitates for a moment, his eyes flicking between Timothy the two Uruks and the fallen Angel. His fingers tighten around the hilt of his sword, but he knows he can't do anything without risking Timothy's life. Y/N slowly lowers his sword, placing it on the ground. The Hammer appears behind Y/N and repeatedly beats him with a mace, but the Tower stops him.

Left: The hammer
Right: The tower

The Tower: The Black Hand and the fallen angels want him alive!

The Hammer grunts in frustration as he's stopped by the Tower. Y/N groans in pain as the hammering blows rain down on him, each hit sending jolting pain through his body. His vision swims as he struggles to stay conscious. The Tower snarls, addressing Y/N.

The Tower: You're coming with us, whether you like it or not. The Black Hand and the fallen angels want you unharmed.

Y/N: No!!! Timothy!!

Timothy's wide, terrified eyes watch helplessly as Y/N is struck and taken captivity.

Timothy: Y/N!!!

He struggles desperately against the grasp of the Uruks, trying to break free and reach his brother. The hammer knocks him out as the screen fades to black. Y/N's consciousness fades into darkness as the hammer connects with his head, knocking him unconscious. Everything fades away into absolute nothingness. The scene transitions to a rainy are where they are taken outside there we see an already pretty battered Y/N alongside his parents and little brother.

Y/N: Mom! Dad! Timothy!

Timothy: Mommy!! Daddy!!! Y/N!!!! *He cried*

Talion: Y/N, Timothy, look at me. I'm right here, my sons! I'm right here!

The Black Hand: Ghurarmu shirkush' agh azgushu (A sacrifice of blood and bone.) *He cuts Timothy's throat.*

Y/N: NOOO!!!

Talion: TIMOTHY!!!

loreth: NOOOOO!!!

Y/N's heart sinks as he watches in horror as the Black Hand kills Timothy, the sound of his mother's screams and father's yells echoing in his ears.
Rage sears through his veins, the urge to tear the Black Hand apart with his bare hands overwhelming. But his grief and despair hold him frozen in place, helpless to do anything but watch as his little brother's life is taken.

Talion: loreth!

Y/N: Mom!!!

loreth: We will be together my son! My love!
Soon! Forever! *She says to Talion and Y/N*

The Black Hand: Ghurarmu shirkush' agh azgushu (A sacrifice of blood and bone.) *He cuts loreth's throat.*

Y/N: No!!!

The Black Hand: Zant ya apakurizak (A bridge for you to follow.) Gul-n' anakhizak (You will emerge a shadow.) Ghurarmu shirkush' agh azgushu (A sacrifice of blood and bone.)

He cuts Talion's throat as Y/N is seen with his head down tears flowing down his face in defeat and despair before gritting his teeth and speaking in the most hateful and coldest tone ever.

Y/N: You're all going to die for that!!!!!

The Uruks surrounding Y/N scoff at his statement, their eyes gleaming with cruelty and amusement. The Black Hand, Dohnaseek, Kalawarner, and Kokabiel sneers, stepping closer to Y/N.

Dohnaseek: You think you can threaten us, little one? You're nothing but a broken child, a shadow of what you once were.

The Uruks around them snicker, enjoying Y/N's helplessness and pain.

Kalawarner: You've lost your entire family to us. What could you possibly do to us now, huh?

Kokabiel chimes in with a mocking tone.

Kokabiel: Please, tell us. What are you going to do? Cry? Beg for mercy?

The Black Hand: Zant ya apakurizak (A bridge for you to follow.) Gul-n' anakhizak (You will emerge a shadow.) Ghurarmu shirkush' agh azgushu (A sacrifice of blood and bone.) *He slowly cuts Y/N's throat.* Zant ya apakurizak (A bridge for you to follow.) Gul-n' anakhizak (You will emerge a shadow.) Come back to me, Elf Lord.

As Y/N's vision starts to fade, the world around him losing its color and sharpness, fear grips him. He knows what's happening, and panic sets in.
Y/N struggles weakly against the inevitable, his will to live warring with the inevitable fate that's coming for him. Suddenly a blue elf like ghost is seen in front of him.

???: Finally..... all will fear me and rejoice....

Y/N looks up in surprise, his vision blurry and fading. The spirit in front of him is glowing and elvish, clearly otherworldly. He listens to the spirit's cryptic words, his fear replaced with curiosity and a hint of hope as his vision suddenly fades to black.

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