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Evelyn trudged down the cracked sidewalk, the sun beating mercilessly on her back. She wiped away the beads of sweat forming on her forehead, muttering curses under her breath amd kicking the pebble on the way to home.

"Why does it have to be so damn hot?" She grumbled, kicking a loose stone and watching it skitter away.

The walk from school to her house usually took fifteen minutes, but today it felt like an eternity. Her bag weighed heavy on her shoulder, and her shirt clung to her skin. Every step seemed to pull her deeper into the sweltering air, she couldn't help but groan on the weather.

"Ugh, I so hate summers!"

As she turned onto her street, she was greeted by an unusual sight. The normally deserted neighborhood buzzed with activity. Workers in blue uniforms moved briskly, carrying boxes and furniture into the house directly across from hers.

"What the...?" Evelyn slowed her pace, curiosity piqued. Her eyebrows furrowed together as she fastened her steps to her home.

She finally reached her own front door, which was thankfully in the shade. Pushing it open, she stepped into the cool interior of her house, letting out a sigh of relief out loud making her mother tut at her.

"Mom, I'm home!" she called out, dropping her bag with a thud.

"I know babe." Her mom sighed under her breath making Evelyn snicker at her acts.

"In the living room, darling," her mother’s voice drifted out, calm and composed as after she pinched her nose of bridge to let out sigh of exhaustion on her daughter's not-so-girly-beahvior.

Evelyn made her way to the living room, where she found her mother sitting on the couch, a magazine spread open on her lap. She glanced up as Evelyn entered, raising an eyebrow.

"You're a bit late today," she observed.

"Yeah, had to walk slower because of the heat," Evelyn replied, plopping down on the other end of the couch and stretching her legs on the table makin g her mother glare at her.

"What's going on across the street? Did the house finally sell?" She asked tucking her knees under her chin and curling into a ballm

Her mom sighed, closing the magazine turning her attention over the wide open door of their home.

"Yes, it seems so. New neighbors moving in."

Evelyn snorted. "Great, more people in this dead end. Why would anyone want to move here?"

Her mother gave her a pointed look. "It wouldn't hurt you to be a bit more sociable, Evelyn. Making new friends might do you some good." She scolded her and sighed on her daughter's nature. Evelyn should leave her selfishness behind.

"Yeah, because I need more friends," Evelyn retorted sarcastically. "I've got enough on my plate already."

"Is that so?" Her mom leaned back, studying her. "Sometimes I wonder if you actually enjoy being so cynical."

Evelyn rolled her eyes. "It's not cynicism, it's realism. This place is practically a ghost town."

"Well, it's changing now," her mother said, a hint of amusement in her voice. "You might as well get used to it."

"Whatever," Evelyn muttered, standing up. "I'm going to my room."

"Just think about it, Evelyn," her mom called after her. "Give them a chance."

Evelyn paused at the doorway, feeling a pang of guilt. She knew her mother meant well, but the idea of making new friends seemed like too much effort. Especially in this heat.

"I'll think about it," she said, not turning around.

As she climbed the stairs to her room, she couldn't shake the feeling of change stirring in the air. Maybe her mom was right. Maybe these new neighbors would bring something different, something interesting to her monotonous life.

But for now, all she wanted was a cold shower and some peace and quiet. The rest could wait. Jumping into her room, she stripped away her clothes and padded into the adjoined bathroom. Fixing the shower, she stepped under it and sighed as she felt the cold water calming her rushing senses. Cold water in summers are perfect escapes.

Washing herself thoroughly, she stepped out and slipped into her regular comfy clothes, consisted of a worn out grey t-shirt and comfy white cotton shorts. Her eye roamed around her room until they landed on the closed opaque window of neighbour. The was a shadow standing right infornt of her.

Confusion marred on her face as she tilted her head and moved closer to the window, but the shadow seemed unfazed. Leaving the wet towel on her head, she raised her hand to wave as if to get a reply from the shadow; in her trance.

She was too involved to get any reaction out of the shadow to notice her mom entering her room.

"Evelyn," she began but her sudden call startled Evelyn making her gasp and turn around with a ferocious speed.

"Woman! Have some decency." She called out to her mother still panting from the scare.

Her mother, Jenny walked over to her with her eyes narrowed and pinched her ears.

"Talk with respect." She scolded her then asked her, "what were you looking at?"

Evelyn turned around with her finger pointing at window infront of her and said, "there was, wait where did that thing go?"

"Which thing?"

"That shadow." She slowly let out the words with her furrowed brows.

"There's no such thing there. Now, come here and help me out with snacks. Go and deliver it to the neighbours." Jenny dismissed her fear by waving her hands and said to her making her tilt her head at the window.

"Yeah, must be." She murmured under her breath and scratched her temple in confusion following her mothers steps out of her room.

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