1 Year Anniversary! (Bonus Chapter)

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It has been one year since I started this book! I have gotten so many comments and votes and reads and I am so thankful for each and every one of them! This was my first book and I didn't know how well it would go, but I'm so happy I've gotten this far! Thank you so much!

  So this book originally started as a "short story" which was like a 10 page word document for my grade 8 Language Arts class. I adapted it into a much longer and more detailed story. Since it's been a year, I'm going to post the original story I wrote 2 and 1/2 years ago so you can see all the differences. It's kinda the same but not really. I hope you guys like it!



  Alice Wilde walked slowly down the newly paved road. The scent of fresh asphalt filled the air. She crinkled her nose but soon got used to the aroma. She shoved her hand deep into her navy blue trench coat, letting her hand fumble around until she grasped onto her creamy white ear buds. She attempted to untangle the misleading knot of wires. She followed each strand, directing all of her attention to the buds. Annoyed, she stuffed them in her pocket. She glanced around her. Directly in front of her was her old Tudor style home. The brown wooden beams were chipped as the seasons released a beating on the home after all the years. It's egg coloured white paint desperately needed a new coat added. On the right side of the house. This had always been her sanctuary. No one could harm her as long as she stayed within the walls. Her dad's car, a priceless Austin Martin Vanquish, was parked awkwardly in the driveway. Almost half of the car was parked on the grass and the other half occupied the width of the drive way. Her pace slowed down. She was still a solid 100 meters away from her house.

   She turned her head, only to be left staring at lumbering pine trees that seemed menacing in the moonlight. The thick needles were a luscious shade of emerald green. A gust of cold air immediately rushed against her already cold body. She shivered. From the corner of her eye, she saw a shadow lurking in the forest. She squinted her eyes to see what it was. There was definitely something there. Even in the darkness, Alice could see the sapphire blue eyes staring back at her. The figure seemed to be moving closer, but never left the blanket of darkness cast out by the forest . Alice was instantly paralyzed with fear but was drawn to the figure. Why was it watching her? she wondered. The figure had an odd human shape, judging by its frame. It was skinny and slim, almost feminine. The figure stopped. It seemed like it was...examining her. Alice released a gasp. The figure turned around, almost as if it heard the quiet gasp that barely Alice heard. It darted back into the forest, the darkness swallowing it. The final glimpse Alice had caught was a strand of wavy golden hair, riding in the breeze.

   When Alice bolted home and bolted the door shut, she released a sigh of relief. The house gave a small shudder, the building shaking in its foundation. It settled down almost as soon as it started. She felt secure now, in the open arms of her welcoming home. All the terrible thoughts of the figure flew out the window. Instead, a new thought popped into Alice's head, a very exciting one which she had been waiting all night to tell her dad. She waited in the den, remaining close to the door.

   "Dad! Come here!" she yelled biting her lips trying not to smile and blow her cover. She kept her coat and boots on, not bothering to have any distractions from her initial intent. She heard the sound of heavy boots colliding with wooden stairs. Of course that's where her father was. He was always in his office working on his medical stuff. With a final thud, her father entered the den, only to find his beautiful olive skinned daughter leaning against the door with her hands behind her back. Her father walked over stood in front of her. He raised his bushy eyebrows, questioning what he was doing here. Alice swiftly moved her position so she was pressed against her father in an embrace. Her father, confused by all the commotion released an oof! She smiled coyly and backed away from her dad.

   "You'll never guess what happened!" she yelled, every fiber of her being tingling with excitement. She was eagerly bouncing on the balls of her feet.

   Hmmmm. Well, let me see-" her dad began. He placed his hand on his chin, his fingers rubbing against the stubble of hair. He hadn't shaved in a while.

   "I got accepted into the gifted program at my high school!" she screamed, releasing all her energy and enthusiasm. Her eyes stared at her father, waiting for him to join her in this state of happiness.

   Her father smiled and winked at her. He pulled her into him again, giving her another hug. No words were exchanged. Alice knew how proud her dad was of her. She was always coming home with wonderful news. Like when she won first place in the 3rd grade talent show. She pushed away from her dad. She looked up at him. His hair was a mess of brown curls on top of his head, a sign that he hadn't had time to brush it that day because he was too busy. He had creases on his forehead from furrowing his eyebrows. His nose was large and wide. He had emerald green eyes that shone bright under the fluorescent light bulbs. He had a pair of thick black glasses perched on the tip of his nose. He reached up a finger and swiftly pushed the glasses up to the bridge of his nose to prevent them from falling to the ground.

   "Hey why don't you go get Lacey? She's part of the family too!" He suggested. Lacey was their 80 pound border collie who had a gorgeous black and white coat. Alice had gotten her when her mom was very ill in the hospital with a tumor. Her mom was very kind but when the tumor was discovered, her mom's brain was slowly being worn down. They had gotten Lacey around the time her mom couldn't keep fighting it any more. Alice worshiped Lacey with all her heart. She had always been a loyal companion when Alice needed her and a fierce protector when Alice felt uneasy.

   "OK!" Alice raced around to the back of the house, narrowly missing furniture and objects that were lying around. A bundle of paper work that her father left on an oak stand placed in the hall was sent scattered around the floor. She flung open the back door. It hit the wall with a crash. She was a speeding train. Nothing could stop her. When Alice slowed down and stepped down onto the patio, another icy gust of wind nipped at her body. She shivered. Furiously, she rubbed her hands over her arms in a desperate attempt to reheat herself.

   The air surrounding her was cold. She scanned her backyard. Lacey was nowhere to be found. She possibly could be in the forest. Lacey got side tracked a lot. When she saw a bunny, she loved to chase the thing until it jumped down it's hole and disappeared from sight.

  "Lacey!" she yelled, wanting to hurry back inside and sit with her father.

Her eyes darted from one side of the yard to the other. The only light that was providing her with visibility was the moon and a small porch light that hung just above the back door . It cast haunting shadows across the yard. Alice had grown up in this house ever since she was little. She knew better than to be afraid. But the very thought she had been dreading crawled back into her mind. The figure. She was sure it was just an animal. After all, it was a forest. Many times before she had seen a coyote passing through without so much as a second glance But then again, it looked human. Those endless eyes full of mystery staring back at her. She was being ridiculous, she knew. She shook her head, pushing the thought into the back of her mind. Lacey she thought, I am here to find Lacey. She immediately went back to searching.

   Her yard was lined with tall pine trees. They formed a barricade, preventing anything large from entering or leaving. Lacey could easily squeeze through the branches and frolic through the forest. As Alice grew closer to the back of her yard, the trees grew until they became towering giants. The yard was covered in luscious green grass that seemed to maintain itself. It drank all the fresh water the spring showers provided them with, soaking it all up. The blades of grass had slight dew drops from the spring mornings. Alice approached the tree border that was like a fence between her world and the world beyond. She spread apart the branches, allowing her to get a better view of what laid beyond . The needles pricked her face, giving her unwanted piercings. Her ankles rested uncomfortably as she stood on the blanket of rocks that lined her yard.

   She was about to leave when she heard the loud Snap! of a twig under a heavy weight. She twisted her head to the right, to locate the source. Automatically, she assumed it was Lacey. From the corner of her eye, she saw the figure again. Her heart began to race. She could hear it thumping wildly against her rib cage. She stumbled backwards, hoping that it didn't see her. It didn't see her... did it? She repeated that phrase over and over again. Allowing it to run wildly around her mind. It didn't see me! It didn't see me! She started to believe it the more she said it. She walked backwards, slowly, careful not to make a sound or a sudden movement. She tripped on a loose twig, sending her falling backwards. She landed hard on the solid bed of stones and branches that lined the ground. A burning pain instantly rose from the back of her head. She yelled at the top of her lungs, praying someone or something would help her. She couldn't move. It was no use. She was too far away that no one could hear her. All attempts of assistance would be futile. She would lose consciousness in a matter of time.

   Her eyes fluttered. The air surrounding her became heavy and she couldn't breathe. She was gasping for air, clawing at it like it was a material thing she could grab. A warm pool of blood surrounded her head. It was matting down her hair. The smell over whelmed her. She was desperately clinging to consciousness. Her mind was scattered. She was slowly beginning to blackout, she could feel it. The sound of footsteps filled the air. They were light, softly crumpling the crisp autumn leaves. The distinct aroma of burnt wood over powered the stench of blood. She opened her mouth. Her lips were dry and cracked, she could feel it. She assumed she had a concussion but her mind was all over the place, she couldn't remember much at this point.

   Suddenly she felt a damp cloth carefully being pressed to her mouth. Her eyes grew heavy. She didn't struggle against it. It felt so natural to just give up. Before she passed out, a lock of wavy blonde hair danced before Alice's intense royal blue eyes. For a brief second, it reminded her of her mom's hair. But her mom was dead. Was this her? Alice thought. Am I dying? It had to have been. She was so convinced it was. The disturbing memory of Alice's mother in the hospital flashed before her eyes. The way her mom looked propped up on the bed. Her mom's eyes dark and sunken. Her skin was pasty and pale. The memory of the beeping as the heart rate monitor went flat. The doctors rushed in so suddenly. The female nurses giving Alice little pushes in the back to get her to evacuate the room. Her father picking her up by the waist and holding her in his arms as he whispered softly in her ears everything would be okay. Alice released a tear. The words her father spoke rang in her ears. Everything will be okay. And then, everything went black.


   She snapped awake, her senses igniting in a flash. She waited a second for her eyes to adjust to the intensely bright lighting. She blinked a few times before taking in her surroundings. The feeling of drowsiness was casually leaving. She felt something cold against her skin. Around her ankles and wrists were metal cuffs. She was strapped to a chair. The chair itself was made of wood with metal cuffs on the arms and legs of the chairs. It was located precisely in the middle of the room. She moved, twisting her wrists in uncomfortable positions, hoping to glide her hands gently from the cuffs. They didn't budge. It was useless, she was trapped. She furrowed her brow in confusion, pondering why she was there and strapped to a chair. She sat there in a daze until she assumed she was dreaming. Eventually she would awake, and continue on with her life. She would study for all her tests and move on. Attend college, meet a boy, get married and have kids. She played along, following the dream.

   She glanced around the room. The room itself was a medium sized rectangle. On the wall directly in front of her, was what appeared to be a mirror. She measured the distance from the chair to the mirror, she guessed that it was 20 feet away. Beside the mirror was a flight of stairs that lead up to a steel door. The door was shut closed. Even from where she sat positioned in the room, she could tell it was locked. She looked at the other walls on her sides. They were wooden with burnt scorch marks in random places. This indicated to her that this place had been burned down. A place had burned down a few years ago. She was only 9 when she watched the news that night informing that the old orphanage she once called home went up in flames. She knew exactly that's where she was. Why here? Alice knew she lived her once, at a very young age. Who would want to hurt her? Yes, she did get bullied at school for being a "nerd". But that had died down when her father told the principal. She took a closer look at her reflection, only to find differences.

   Alice had gorgeous dirty blonde straight hair that extended down to her shoulders. The reflection's hair was wavy but the same colour and length. The reflection's hair was greasy and dirty. Alice also noticed that the reflection had a faded yet noticeable scar on her neck that was as long as her pinky finger. The doppelganger Alice looked almost the exact same. But one thing really confused Alice the most was that the other Alice was not wedged in a small chair. After a few brief moments of confusion, the other Alice moved. It was an illusion, it wasn't a mirror at all.

   The doppelganger waltzed up to the Alice and bent over, leaving her face only inches away from Alice's. Alice could feel the doppelgangers' breath on her skin. Alice crinkled her nose, it's breath smelt horrible, as if they hadn't brushed her teeth in weeks. A lock of hair tucked behind the doppelganger's ear loosened and brushed softly against Alice's nose, leaving her with her nose tickling and Alice trying to fight back a sneeze. She felt uneasy and nervous. Her palms became sweaty and slid around the arm of the metal chair. All possible scenarios rolled into play through Alice's mind. She came to the conclusion she was being held captive by a psychopath. The doppelganger shot up, her body straightening again. Alice winced and didn't know why. The motion had startled her, she supposed.

   The doppelganger spoke with such great intensity, it only left Alice in awe.

   "Do you recognize me?" she questioned. The doppelganger's face remained calm and serious. A wave of surprise crashed onto Alice like a ceiling collapsing from above. She was hesitant but finally built up the courage to say,

    "Who are you?"

   "I am your twin sister, you silly git. We were separated at birth. We both lived at the foster home together. We were only children. You got adopted by a young man. Handsome with dark brown hair and emerald green eyes." she replied as if that explained everything. Her voice remained monotone and her facial expression gave no hints of her inner thoughts and feelings.

    "Oh" was all Alice could utter. Her mind exploded, a million thoughts swarmed her, pounding her head. She couldn't think properly. She needed more information. She absolutely had to have more. " Can you tell me everything please. I'm begging you! Why did you capture me? What happened?"

   The doppelganger raised her hand, signaling for Alice to stop and be silent. Alice went dead silent. The noise of traffic from the streets filled the awkward silence. Tears began to well up in the corner of Alice's eyes. But she wouldn't let them roll down. She had to be brave.

   "My name is Grace Martin. As you now know, we are identical twins. We were put up for adoption when we were 6 due to the sudden death of our parents. They were tragically killed in a car crash. We immediately went here when all our relatives refused to shelter and love us. We spent much of our time here, together. We occasionally went out to the park or did small tasks like errands. Life here was simple. You and I were the best of friends," she smiled at the memory, hinting that she was fond of it. Her expression soured, and her beautiful smile turned into a frown.

   "Before you were adopted, we were 7. We were so content and happy. we were on top of the world. But then you got adopted. Your father and mother came in and snatched you out of my hands, leaving me alone. I had no one but you!" she said bitterly. One thought occurred to Alice. She spoke, her voice and newfound courage surprising her.

   "Why didn't they adopt you?" Grace raised her arm and slapped Alice across the cheek. Alice couldn't see the mark it left but she could feel the sting. Tears built up at the corners of her eyes, but she did not give them the ability to roll down her silky skin.

   "They didn't want me. No one wants me! I have been left alone! Don't you understand? I wasn't like you! I will never be as good as you!" she spat at Alice like she had eaten something foul. Grace's lips were quivering. Grace backed away slowly but not far enough that Alice couldn't feel her breath. Grace quickly composed herself. She laughed hysterically.

   "They left with you, leaving me in the dust. You never looked back at me. Later, about 2 year after you were adopted, the orphanage went up in a blazing fire because of some stupid prank that went wrong. The flames licked at my heels as I ran out of this place and sprinted away. I lived on my own. No one bothered to look for me, no one cared to much about me. I was different, they all said. I would never be able to fit into society. All because I was left damaged from the accident. I wandered the streets in solitude, eating any scraps I could find. The city left the burnt building here. After a few months of living on my own, I returned to what I found familiar."

   "A few years ago, a lovely and wonderful thought occurred to me. Why should I be suffering on my own? Huh? I've been neglected all my life while you were pampered by some rich guy. I was mistreated by everyone when no one wanted me and you should be in my shoes. You should see what I've been through!" She was yelling fiercely at Alice. Alice felt like slouching down in her chair. At this moment, she felt worthless. She hated how Grace was talking about her dad, but this girl was insane. Alice knew if she said something, more pain would be inflicted upon her fragile body. Alice continued to stare at her new found twin in horror as she continued her psychotic rant.

   "You should feel how I felt and I should take your spot. It isn't fair! Nothing is! You deserve everything that you get from me!" Grace recomposed herself. A look of such evil encompassed her face.

   "I'm going to lead your life and put you through all the things I went through. I watched you for some time, ever since I was left alone, considering the perfect time to kidnap you. Time was all I needed. And time is all I had." Her face was beat red from all the blood that was flowing through the veins. Her eyes were wide and full with fury and hatred.

   "It wasn't hard to find where you had gone. After the fire, they abandoned the building without second thought. I suppose they thought everything had burned along with the building," she said.

   "I stalked you. As your life progressed and you became more and more successful, I knew that this was torture and that you were leading the life meant for me. I watched from a distant. The perfect moment presented itself when you were outside while your dad disappeared into the basement. no traces of evidence would be left! You making the gifted program only added to my fury. You get everything! You are a spoiled brat and don't appreciate the life you lead! I was left alone. No one to love and care for me! Or to tuck me in at night, kiss my forehead and whisper 'I love you' " She smiled psychotically . Alice was confused and horribly scared. She flinched, preparing for another slap. She asked timidly,

   "So I tripped and almost got a concussion, was that all part of your master plan too?" Grace's smile widened.

   "No, that was a happy coincidence. Sheer luck for once in my life." she whispered. Alice grew more frightened as Grace announced each and every syllable. The thought of Alice's pain bringing her happiness made her disgusted and worried. She had no idea what was going to happen. her life laid in the hands of this psychotic girl.

   "We are identical twins," she repeated.

   "No one will know who killed you. I have disappeared and no one's noticed. They barely know I even exist. I've lived here since I was 9, and no one has even bothered to inspect this place since it burned. They walk by without a single glance. You're body will rot on this very floor. No one will even be able to tell the difference. I'll just lie and say I permanently turned my hair wavy. Of course with all that makeup I can easily cover it up. I got the scar from looking for Lacey. Of course with all that makeup i can easily cover it up. That's your dog's name, isn't it?" she smiled sweetly. Alice's eyes grew wide. She began to scream at the top of her lungs, her fear getting the best of her. Grace stroked the hair at the back of Alice's hair, soothing her and the shhh as she tried to silence her like a mother to her infant child.

   "Sweetie, no one's going to hear you. We're in the basement and I've made sure no one can. I've thought this plan through thoroughly. I've had plenty of time" Alice began to sob hysterically. She felt as if the air wasn't quite reaching her lungs. Grace disappeared from view, skipping behind Alice where she could not see her for a few moments. She knew she had to act fast. Furiously, she tugged at the cuffs, praying for any sign of movement, hoping she could escape this lunatic. But it was no use. Grace returned and waltzed in front of Alice, kissing her forehead, leaving a giant red mark was left in the middle of her forehead. Alice's body was shaking uncontrollably. Her sky blue eyes pleading for mercy. She got none. Grace raised her hand. Alice looked in the mirror. She just caught the gleamed of a medal baseball bat.

   Grace lifted the bat, swinging with all the force she could muster. With one quick blow to the back of the head, Alice Wilde was dead.


   Alice rushed through the back door, luring in her loyal pet. Lacey remained a few feet back examining Alice with her big brown eyes. Alice laughed and patted her dog on the head. Her father yelled up from the basement,

   "Alice? Honey? Is that you?" She could hear him coming from another room within the house. She smiled,

   "Yeah Dad! It's me! Who else could it be?" She loved that her dad was protective and generally cared about her well being. When he entered the back room, he looked worried.

    What happened to your neck?" he said, panic in his voice. He gestured to her neck.

   "Oh you mean the scar? I got it when I was out looking for Lacey. It healed extremely quick." She said cheerfully.

   Unconvinced, her dad accepted the answer. He nodded several times before saying, "So what took you so long?"

   Her smiled widened. "Lacey was in the forest chasing after a squirrel or something. It was dark so I got kind of lost. She wasn't close to where she usually was."

   Her father smiled. He extended his arm's, his invitation for a hug. She accepted and let him wrap his arms around her body. After a moment, they separated.

   "So how are you feeling? Hungry?" She bounced up and down, giddy.

  " Well, I did have some pretty big news today, so I was hoping to have a fancy dinner. Like we can go out some place?" She hinted.

   Her dad laughed. "You are so spoiled. I bet you other kids wish they lead your life."

   Her smile faded. "You have no idea."

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