Chapter 20~ What Goes Up Must Come Down (Stalker's POV)

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  A/N- Brenden Urie is amazing and hot. Just wanna put that out there. Also I feel the song kinda goes with Bryan and the stalker's relationship so give the audio a listen ;). I love this song so much! Miss Jackson by Panic! At the Disco

The stalker's POV 

  I sit restlessly in Bryan's house with my feet kicked up on his expensive looking leather couch. How lucky is he to be able to afford such nice and luxurious things? And he takes it all for granted much like Marley. I exhale a deep breath and begin to pace the room. Where is he? What is taking so long? I gave him one simple task; to deliver a message that Marley and I will meet soon enough and I'm done playing games. How hard can that be?

  He follows me around like a lovesick puppy. It's irritating. Although, it has it's benefits because he does my bidding without having to question me. Unfortunately for him, his job is complete and I leave no loose ends. I wouldn't want to get caught now would I?

  "No we wouldn't," whispers a small feminine voice. I turn around and see May.

  "You've arrived! How did you get here?" I squeal and hug her. She laughs and hugs me back.

  "Anything for you. The boy doesn't lock his backdoor. How goes your affairs?" she asks with a slight British accent.

  I scowl. "Not well I'm afraid. He was sent on a simple errand and appears to be incapable of completing it."

  "It will be okay. When he get's back deal with him. I have to go," she says. I pout. One of my best friends is leaving.

 "Aw May don't be like that. You don't have to go," I whine while latching myself onto her arm. Her arm slips through mine and she hugs me.

  "I'll be back before you know it. It will be like I was never gone." And with that she disappears leaving me alone again. I sigh in frustration and pace the den again. His parents have left on an out-of-town business trip leaving just him and I in this vast mansion.

  This boy has been nothing but a pain in my ass since I've met him. When he first saw me he claimed it was love at first sight and I was his true love. But it isn't true love if it isn't returned.

  He wanted to spend more time with me and offered me a place to stay we just had to make sure his parents never caught him with a girl in his room. It would be too scandalous.  His parents were like mine; they didn't care about us. That nuisance went through my phone when I was taking a shower and caught on to my messages with Marley. He told me he loved me yet again and wanted to help me to prove his love.

  I didn't deny him. He was so willing and eager to please me.

  I told him what I wanted done and he did it without hesitation. So what is taking him so long now? He had one final task which was to tell Marley we would be meeting soon and his side of the plan just to scare her. Then I will be done with his services. The door abruptly opens to reveal Bryan. He runs a nervous hand through his hair. He spots me with my hands clenched into fists. I can't lose my temper.

  "Where have you been?" I question.

  "Talking to Marley like you said," he replies nervously fidgeting with his fingers. From the look on his face I can tell he did something wrong. 

  "What took you so long?"

  "I ran into some...complications." He winces and I can tell he's choosing his words carefully. I lose my temper.

  "What complications? You had one job; deliver a message! Even I could have done that, but you somehow managed to mess it up," I scream. He drops to his knees in front of me and takes my hands into his giving me small kisses on my knuckles begging for mercy. I hate begging.

  "I know I'm sorry babe please don't be mad. It was that bitch Marley. She's always messing things up like you said." My hand slaps him across the face. His head turns to the side from the force and his fingers immediately trace where my hand was on his face moments ago.

  "Explain it to me. What happened exactly," I say calmly. I try to recompose myself. He climbs to his feet his tall body hovering over mine. He could easily take me in a physical fight, but keeps telling me he loves me too much to actually hurt me in any way. He tells me how he tried to tell her, but she was being defiant and he had to use force to get her to listen. Then he explained how he got suspended for 3 days for hitting her. He keeps his eyes glued to mine.

  "I never should have lost my temper on her. It won't happen again," he murmurs. He's right. It won't because I won't let it.

  "She is my play toy and I am supposed to be the one who hurts her not you! She hasn't done anything to you. I'm the victim. You have ruined my plan because you don't know how to listen."

  "I know and I'm so sorry,. Please let me make it up to you," he mutters while dropping his head down to my neck. He brushes away my blonde hair and kisses my neck. I smile wickedly. I have a plan to get rid of him the same way I did with my parents.

  "Bryan, please can we go upstairs?" I ask softly while biting my lip. He leans back and looks at me happily.

  "Of course." His eagerness is disgusting, but I play along. I have to if I want to get my way.

  And I always get my way.

  It won't be long until I have no loose ends like Bryan. He intertwines his fingers in mine and leads me to his room. He closes the door behind him and turns to me. He takes his shirt off and walks back to me. I stop him by placing my hand on his chest.

  "I want to freshen up first. Because I love you." That took more effort to say, but I must have done a good job because the fool believes it and nods eagerly. He lies down on his king size bed. I saunter to the bathroom adding an extra sway to my hips. Might as well give him a little show. I close the door and start running the tap so he doesn't here me shuffling around in his bathroom.

  I left my large dufflebag with all my belongings in it in here in case his parents ever were to walk into his room it wouldn't raise suspicions. I pull out a hammer. I cringe at the sight of the blood from when I murdered my parents. I should have cleaned this better. I place my hand behind my back concealing the weapon.

  I swing open the door and place my arm against the doorway. He smiles and I walk over to him. Like a predator stalks it's prey. I flip my hair with a jerk of my head and straddle his waist. His hands rub at my thighs. I push my weight forward causing him to fall onto his back. I kiss his chest and work my way up until I reach his lips. I feel so dirty but it must be done.

  "How long are your parents gonna be gone for?" I ask against his lips.

  "Um another 10-12 days they're in Europe. Why?" Good I can stay here even after he's been disposed of.

  I lean back so I'm sitting with my back straight. I pull my hammer out from behind my back and watch his eyes widen in surprise. A wide smile spreads on my lips.

  "Is this like some kinky fetish you have or..." he trails off. What an idiot. He uses his hand to push himself up, but I move my body up so I'm sitting on his stomach. He can't get up because my body weight holds him down.

  "Kill him," a voice tells me.

  I lean forward and plant one last kiss on his lips before bashing his skull in with the hammer. I hit him in the same part repeatedly until a crimson liquid flows out signifying he's dead. I stand up. This hammer is filthy. Now that Bryan's out of the way I can figure out what to do with Marley.

  I walk into the bathroom and clean off his filthy blood off my hammer. I watch as the water flows down the hammer and turns a light pink. I drop my hammer back into my bag and walk out to where his body lays lifeless on the bed. His head is cocked to the side and his eyes look lifeless and cold. No there's only one problem; how do I drag his lifeless body to the forest. I grab his feet and drag it to the top of the stairs. I position him and then kick it down the stairs hearing a snap as it thumps down the stairs.

  I grunt and descend the stairs. I grab his legs and drag him out back taking breaks because his dead weight is heavy and tiresome to pull. I'm glad he lives in a mansion on the outskirts of town. This would be so much more work if he lived in the suburbs. Once I reach the security of the dark forest I fell free and alive. It's dark with no one to watch you. I continue the treacherous journey to where I dumped the other bodies, well where they were before someone stumbled onto them.

  I thankfully hid a shovel in a log near the spot I want to bury him at. By the time anyone finds him I will have my plan completed and no one will suspect a thing. I drop his body off near a tree and start to dig.

  The canopy of trees provides some shade, but rays of light stream through causing e to sweat in the hour it takes to dig a hole big enough. I wipe the sweat accumulating on my forehead away with disgust. I take his wallet before tugging his body into the hole and fill it back up. That took longer than expected.

  "You did the right thing," a voice tells me. I nod in agreement. I return back to his house and collect the blood stained sheets. I toss them into the fire in the fire place and contemplate what to do about Marley. The fire roars on. For now I'm glad that I have gotten rid of Bryan and now don't have to worry about him anymore. I can handle things on my own from here on out.




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