Chapter 23~ Eliza

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  "She's missing?" I yell at no one. I just need to get my anger out. My eyes narrow in on Eva who remains her calm exterior. "Why don't you even seem so upset about this?"

  She shakes her head. "You don't understand. She wasn't right." She speaks slowly choosing her words carefully.

  "Stop speaking to me like I'm a child I can handle the truth." I'm sick of everyone walking on eggshells around me. I can handle it.

  "I did some research. From what I gathered in those few years of seeing her she was seeing imaginary friends until she was 10 maybe even after I stopped seeing her. Holding their hands when there was nothing there. Having actual full on conversations with them and giggling like they were actually there. She was 10 years old doesn't that seem weird to you?" She questions even though she doesn't actually want an answer. I know she has a point with this.

  "I did some research. She saw them everywhere. We could be at a grocery store and she'd be looking up to the side smiling like a maniac as if there was someone there. She was distant and didn't like people or change. She saw and heard voices, she would talk in weird ways, she was always so awkward and bizarre. It all adds up to schizophrenia. I did all the research and since I couldn't bring her to an actual psychiatrist she couldn't get treatments to help. It has probably only gotten worse and I doubt her adoptive family even noticed when they were to busy hitting her. I can't believe I didn't notice it sooner before when it wasn't as late."

  "So you're telling me the reason you don't feel bad that she is missing is because she has a mental illness? Wow maybe it's a good thing you put us up for adoption."

  "No that's not it. Marley put it together. She is hearing voices her parents abused her giving her a reason to hate them. She hated them and I've been thinking that the voices told her to kill them. They told her they were her friends and going to help her or something and she killed them which is why they haven't caught the killer. Who would suspect a child of murder?"

    "Well your theory could be wrong. There is only one way to find out; we have to find her." Her theory makes sense, but there's one question. Why is she after me? 

  "Do you trust me so far?" Eva asks snapping me out of my thoughts.I process her words. I guess I do even though she's hidden from me she is my mom.

  "Yes," I reply numbly.

  "Good because I can almost guarantee Eliza is your stalker."I saw this coming ever since this conversation began.

  "Why me though?"

  "Think about it Marley. You got everything she didn't have growing up. You had the ideal family that would do anything for you while she was beaten. You had so much and she had so little. She wants revenge."

  "I can't believe it's my own twin that wants to ruin me. Does she wants to hurt me? Although she does have the most motive compared to anyone else," I reason.

  Eva nods. "It's a possibility. But we won't let it happen. I won't let it happen."I want to snort with laughter. Isn't it ironic how the person who hurt me the most wants to protect me from getting hurt? I choke back my laughter and question her.

  "And how are you going to do that?"I ask skeptically.

  "You can stay here. I doubt she will try anything with two people in the house. It can be like a temporary protection. We can watch over you," she says hopefully.

  "I guess. But wait let me get this straight. My twin who was separated when we were children is schizophrenic. She lead a terrible life with her adoptive family and realized what I've had so decided to take it all away from me?" 

  Eva nods somberly. Well isn't that peachy. At least we know who it is now. That gives me both relief and anxiety at the same time. Don't ask me how. 

  "Why didn't you tell me?" Vicky mutters from behind us. Both Eva and I turn to face her. I almost forgot that she was still sitting there.

  "Vicky I couldn't have risked you getting hurt. Eliza cut off Lacy's leg and who knows what else she'd be willing to do to get at me and under my skin."I shudder just thinking about what she could do.

  "She cut off Lacy's leg?" she asks in horror. I nod remembering how I found her in my room. 

  "Sadly. I found her in my room along with another note from the stalker."

  "Why didn't you tell me? Any of this? I could have helped you!" She sniffles. Oh no here comes the water works. 

  "Helped me how, Vick? You could have done just as much as I could have in this situation which is nothing, but hope that it will be over soon. I told you already I can't have you getting hurt because of me." She crosses her arms and stomps to her room like a child. I groan. She is so immature.
I start to follow her to apologize, but Eva stops me.

  "Leave her. She'll be fine. She's just shocked. As I'm sure you are too." No duh. I found out who my stalker and found my birth mom. To be fair, I'm doing pretty well at controlling the fear inside of me.

  "Yeah. I'm terrified. I wonder when she'll stop." Eva rubs my arm.

  "It will be over soon," she smiles sadly.

  "Can we go get my stuff? I don't feel comfortable," then I mutter. "I don't think I will ever be comfortable as long as this psycho is still out there."

  "What was that Hun?" Eva asks while jiggling her keys to the car. Her heels clack against the asphalt. 

  "Nothing I just want to go." I mutter before sitting in her passenger seat. I sink into the leather seat. I keep my focus out the window at the scenery around us. I don't want to talk at the moment.

  She types on her phone and puts it back in her bag.

  "Sorry just had to send a quick text to Vicky. Let's go!" she says trying to cheer me up with a happy attitude. It doesn't work. I stare out of the window the whole time until we pull into the same driveway I have driven up since I was a child.

  "Okay what are we going to tell my dad?"This should be interesting. What lie will I tell next. I don't feel nearly half as bad though because all everyone seems to be doing is lying.

  "I'm going to talk to him," she states simply. And tonight seems to be just get better and better as it goes on.

  "Oh yeah? And say what? Hi I'm Marley's birth mom-"
  "He knows already." My nostrils flare with anger. Name after name floods into my mind to describe what a douche he's being.

  "Are you kidding me! And he never thought to tell me! What the hell?"

  "Don't be mad at him. I told him not to tell you. Trust me he wanted to so bad." I huff angrily and get out of the car. I don't care what she says to him at this point. I just want to leave.

  I get to my room and pull out my suitcase from my closet. The same one I used on my trip to Europe. The trip with my dad before I found out he was a lying douche. Furiously I chuck articles of clothing into my suitcase. I don't know how long I'm going to be gone. Hopefully a long time.

  I'm about to zip up my suitcase when my phone vibrates on my nightstand. I know who it is immediately.

  How are you going to protect your friend from getting hurt if you aren't there?

  I zip up the suitcase and stumble down the stairs dragging the heavy suitcase behind me. It thumps wildly behind me as I charge to Eva. I find her and my dad chatting happily sipping tea. When did they become all buddy buddy? Now's not the time. We have to see if Vicky is okay! I ignore my dad and address Eva immediately. 

  "Eva we have to go. Like now," I say while impatiently tapping my foot on the ground.
  She looks up at me. "But I haven't finished my tea," she protests. I narrow my eyes at her.

  "I have a bad feeling. We need to leave. Now." She clues in and stands up to leave.

  "Wait Marley can I say goodbye before you leave?" My dad asks with a puppy dog face.I'm not falling for it.

  "No," I say bluntly before we drive away.


I scramble out of the car to the front door. I bounce on the balls of my feet waiting for Eva to open the door. She fumbles in her purse for her keys and mutters a few curse words. Finally she unlocks the door.

  "Vicky?" I holler. All the lights are out and it's eerily quiet. I check each room. Eva searches the upstairs. I reach the kitchen. The table is pushed back and there's small drops of blood on the ground.

  Steadily I make my way behind the counter to see a pool of blood and a bloody hand print on the wooden counter. Bile lodges in my throat. I try to scream, but no noise comes out. I stare in horror at the crimson liquid on the ground.

  The phone echoes through the house. I jump in surprise and a small shriek exits my mouth. I pick it up on the third ring.


  "Hello ma'am. This is General Hospital. Miss Vicky Mason was admitted into the ER an hour ago after we got a call from her. She has a stab wound and a concussion from hitting her head. She's going into surgery in an hour and is heavily sedated. You may come visit now."

  "Um yes thank you. We will be there soon." I hang up the phone and turn around. Eva is standing directly behind me.

  "Who was it?"

  "The hospital. Vicky was attacked by Eliza."








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