Chapter 25~ Game Changer

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Am I dead?

I can't move my body and I can't open my eye lids no matter how hard I try. I'm in darkness and can't see anything. But I can hear. People are bustling around me and I can hear the steady tempo of a heart rate monitor. Does that mean I'm still alive?

I hear soft crying, but can't identify who it is. Voices clash over one another and are not distinct. It's so dark. So very dark and cold. I concentrate on moving something. Or anything. If I could move my eyebrows right now, they would be furrowed. I groan in frustration.

All the low mumbles around me stop. I hear a faint whisper. Did my groan of frustration actually come out of my mouth? I make more noises and I hear a rustling. A small voice whispers in my ear.

"Marley? Can you hear me? Make a noise if you can." I recognize that voice. It's definitely masculine and I've known it for a long time. My brain isn't functioning properly at the moment. I make a low grumbling noise.

"Marley. You're alive! The nurses say to rest you will be up soon. Just relax," it soothes and slowly I fall back to sleep.

I don't know how long I've been sleeping for, but when I open my eyes they are bombarded by a bright light.

I raise my hand to shield my eyes. "Will someone turn that light off?"

I look down and see I'm wearing a hospital gown. Why am I in the hospital? The memories of the car crash come flooding back.

I hear a chuckle from across the room snapping me out of my thoughts. Wait a minute. I can see and think properly! I sit up and instantly regret that decision because I feel dizzy. My arm shoots down to steady myself.

"Easy there tiger," the same male voice from before says. I look at him and my heart drops. I wasn't expecting to see him here or ever again.

"Hi Jace," I mumble weakly. My throat burns from saying those two words.

"Sorry that I can't turn off the sun. It doesn't come with a switch." He walks over to the curtains and pulls them shut. I sit speechless.

"I bet you're wondering why I'm here," he says. I nod. My throat is so dry and it hurts to talk.

"Before we do anything I need two things. One water and two the bathroom," I say while pushing myself up. My head hurts and I feel like passing out. My body sways in place. Jace steadies me by placing one hand on my back and the other on my arm.

"Whoa there. You might want to go easy. You've been unconscious for three days."

"Three days!" I screech in a raspy voice. He helps me to the bathroom.

"I don't think you need any help in there. I hope you still know how to work your body," he says with a wink. "I will go get a nurse and some water. I'll be right back."

I do my business and wash my hands. Why is he suddenly being so nice to me? Weeks ago he didn't even want to look at me because I disgusted him so much.

I exit the bathroom and see a plate of hospital food and a glass of water on a tray in front of the bed. I gulp down the water and wipe the back of my hand on my sleeve. That feels so much better.

"You should eat. You haven't eaten properly for three days," instructs Jace who walks in with a nurse.

"Hi Ms. Harris. I just came to see how you are."

I wave my hand dismissively. "I'm fine thank you."

"Okay. But first is your body working fine?"

I press my thumb to each of my fingers and wiggle my toes. "Yes. Everything seems fine."

"Do you remember your name?"

"Marley Harris."

"Do you remember who the president of the U.S is?"

"Obama, but there's an election going on." She nods with approval.

"You seem to be fine. You can be discharged on Wednesday. We just have a few more tests to run then you're free to go then," she says happily before leaving the room. Now it's just down to me and Jace and I can finally interrogate him.

I sit on the bed with my legs dangling and swinging against the side.

"Why are you here?" I question.

"Can't a boyfriend be here when his girlfriend needs him?" He says with a smirk. I want to slap that stupid look off of his stupid face.

"Um yes, but we aren't dating. You made that very clear remember that?"

"Yes I do. And as it turns out I made a mistake." He fidgets with the food on the tray. He scoops some jello onto a spoon and brings it to my mouth. I slap it out of his hand and the it goes crashing down onto the floor. He frowns.

"Yeah so did I by ever dating you. Could have saved me a lot of heart ache."

He rolls his eyes. "Oh come on. Now you're just being over dramatic. You knew I was a heart breaker before you dated me."

"Really? Well why don't you explain yourself to the cheating whore." I put air quotes around the last part. That is exactly what he called me at the party. He raises an eyebrow and sinks back into his seat. I cross my arms. This better be good.

"Well as it turns out you didn't cheat on me." He stops and looks at me probably waiting for me to yell at him.

"I would say I told you so, but you already know that I did so continue."

"Yes, well, I was really mad about it and I used Stella as a way to get back at you. I regret that. She's nothing compared to you. Even though I was incredily mad at you for what you did I still thought about you every minute. It was maddening like an itch you can't scratch." My thoughts exactly.

"I was going to Bryan's after practice one day. It was a couple days after the party. I knocked on the door and he didn't answer. I waited a solid 5 minutes and tried the door which was open. I walked in and heard his voice echoing through the house. He was in his kitchen talking on the phone. He mentioned your name several times. His words were clear. He said he kissed you and our break up went according to plan. He hung up and put his phone down. I knew that you didn't cheat on me after that phone call," he explains.

"Whoa that was so touching," I say sarcastically while placing my hand over my heart.

"Good to know the accident didn't affect your sarcasm," he mutters under his breath.

"You could have literally talked to me any day about this at school or come over since you found out, but you didn't. Why now?"

He scratches the back of his head. "I figured you'd yell at me and publicly humiliate me or something. You can't really do that now. Besides it took your near death experience to make me realize how much I missed you."

A part of me wants to forgive him and jump his bones. The other part wants to pick up the spoon from the floor and beat him senseless. I scowl. We're in a hospital and he would get treated right away. I want him to suffer a little.

"That is so cheesy. Anything else you'd like to say before I call hospital security and tell them you're harassing me?"

He leans forward and has wide eyes. "Marley there's something you need to know about Bryan."

Oh great more problems. As if I don't have enough already. I give him a look that tells him to continue although I don't really care.

"I went to his house yesterday. No one answered and it was unlocked. I walked in to confront him, but he wasn't there. I searched the entire house and still couldn't find him. I sent messages and could hear his phone buzzing from his room. His phone was still there, but he wasn't. I opened it to see if I could find where he was. It opened to messages to a number I didn't recognize. The other person- whoever it was - mentioned your name several times and what other things they wanted to do to you. They said you were in the hospital and that's why I came to get you. What is going on Marley?"

"You don't get the right to know what's going on in my life," I say bluntly.

"But if they're hurting you I will make that my business. We are friends and have been for a long time. Just let me help you," he begs.

"Why should I? You didn't believe me. If we are as good of friends as you say we are you should have trusted me. But, you didn't. And so I'm not telling you anything," I say simply. He won't waltz back into my life and put this all behind us and act like nothing has happened.

"Marley-" he's cut off when a phone rings from his pocket. He pulls it out. Wait that's my phone.

"Give it to me," I hiss.

"Ah ah ah. You didn't say the magic word," he scolds.

"You're a douche. Give it to me." He stands up and waves it high above his head. Real mature.

I slowly stand on my feet and take a minute to see if I will be okay. My head feels fine now. I stomp over to him and jump in the air. Each time I jump he raises his hand higher and lowers it when my feet are planted on the ground. I don't have time for his games. I stomp on his foot hard and watch him double over in pain. Triumphantly, I take my phone back. The message is longer than what I usually get from the stalker.

The time has come that we meet face to face. These games grow tiresome and it's time to take it to the next level. On the outskirts of town is an old hotel that has remained uninhabited for years. To find which room I'm in is simple. You must take my birthday, the day number, and subtract this years anniversary and add your age plus my age together. Simple right? If you don't do your math correctly and end up in the wrong room there will be things waiting in each room to end your life. You have until midnight tonight to find me. Don't show up or decide to call the cops then Eva will die :) Let the games begin. XOXO

My eyes scan over the text repeatedly. What if this isn't Eliza and someone else completely. What if they added the birthday and age to mess me up so I would die? Or what if this is Eliza and she is playing games. She has wanted revenge for me getting the better adoptive family and the notes started on the 10th anniversary.

Jace snatches the shaking phone from my hand quickly. His eyes stare angrily at the screen.

"I knew something was going on. You can't go to this Marley. It's suicide. I'm calling the cops." He pulls out his phone. I need to think quick to stop him from dialing 911. I slap it out of his hand. It falls to the ground and shatters into pieces.

"You couldn't have just taken it away!" he yells furiously.

"No because you could have easily called when I was asleep or when I leave!" I yell back just as angrily. Our eyes lock and neither of us say anything. We just stare each other down.

"So you're going," he whispers. He looks away, but I can tell he's going to start crying.

"I have to. I can't have anyone get hurt. Not you, not Eva, not anyone. If she wants me she can have me. I'm trying to protect people."

"By sacrificing yourself. You're 18 years old Marley. You have the looks, good grades, an amazing personality and I was so lucky to have you just for that one year because you made me so much better. You're willing to jump into who knows what and die to save . That's not heroic. That's tragic." As he says his speech his voice becomes softer. A couple tears stream down his face.

I raise my hands and cup his face using my thumb to brush off some of the tears. "I have to do this Jace. I hope you understand."

"Let me come with you. I can protect you. I can stay in the car until you're done or-"

I shake my head. "Jace I'm sorry. I promise that I can do this myself. You want to help me then just trust me to do this on my own. I'm not a little girlanymore. At the first sign of trouble I will call the cops myself. I can't have anyone getting hurt. You didn't trust me at the party. Make up for it now and let me do what I have to do."

He sighs deeply. "I don't like this. I have a really bad feeling about this. But, do what you have to do. I have faith in you. Just please come back safely. I lost you once out of my own stupidity and I can't lose you again. This time it could be permanently."

I hold him in my arms. He presses his head against my chest. The truth is I have no idea what waits for me at the hotel. This could be the last time I ever see Jace again or anyone for that matter. I hold him in my arms for a while until visiting hours are over. He gives me back my phone and kisses me goodbye one final time. I climb into bed. It's 9pm. Somehow I will have to break out of this hospital and figure out my game plan. Time is ticking.

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