Chapter 27~ Family Reunion: Part 1

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Her smile widens. She pushes her body up to her feet with her hands and walks over to me. She may be my identical twin, but we have some differences. As she approaches me I can see she is an inch taller than me. She has the same wavy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes that I do. Her face has a few dirt smudges, but other than that it is pristine. Unlike me she has no makeup. Her porcelain skin looks even paler in the moonlight. Her body has more muscle than me and she could probably beat me in a fight. I guess she's been preparing for this moment for a while. I wonder what her plan is. At this moment I wish twin telepathy was real, so I could know more about what she has planned.

She places each of her hands on my arms and leans back to look me over.

"Wow. And I thought I was the one with the looks in the family," she says sarcastically. She's mocking me.

"Cut the crap Eliza," I say boldly. Her hand goes sailing in the air and collides with my face.I refrain myself from fighting back. My hand wants to grip the knife, but I ignore the feeling.

"That is no way to talk to your sister," she hisses. Her jaw clenches and I can see fury in her eyes. "It is unladylike to swear."

"Oh please. What kind of sister harasses the other? You were never there for me and have only made my life hell since you started this," I scream at her.

"You will come to understand my reasoning soon, but first I want to show you something," she says with a menacing smile. She walks elegantly into the other room that connects to this one. I stand with my knees shaking. She doesn't reappear. Slowly I creep to the doorway. It's so dark. My heart is pounding in my ears and it feels like it's going to bust out of my chest. I can't show her fear. She will only use it to my advantage. I assume she's going to get Eva and hold her against me. My body is completely in front of the doorway now. The room is pitch black and I furrow my brows in confusion. Where did she go? She's like Houdini which isn't good for me. She knows this place better than I do and if I tried to run and hide I guarantee she'd find me.

Suddenly from behind me I feel someone grab my arms and pin them against my back. I yelp in pain and raise my knee to kick them. They move to the side swiftly. They struggle and finally pin me to the ground. I thrash around trying to break loose. A cold damp cloth is pressed to my mouth. No matter how hard I try and fight it my eye lids become heavy. Eliza's face pops in front of my face. She wears a crazy grin on her face while strands of her wavy blonde hair tickle my nose/ In a matter of seconds I am swallowed by darkness.


My eyes flutter open slowly. They try to readjust to the lighting. I can tell we aren't in the same room as before. The decor is all off. On the table in front of me is a table lamp which provides minimal lighting. From the faint light that the lamp gives off I can see a knife. Wait that's my knife! I try to move my hands and pat my thighs.

Key word try.

I can't move my hands or my ankles. I squirm and wiggle, but can't break free. I've been tied with rope to a chair.Profanities slip out of my mouth before I start to scream as loud as I can.

Suddenly Eliza appears in front of me. My screams only get louder. I ignore the burning sensation in my throat. She grabs my chin roughly and forces me to look in her eyes.

"I will gag your mouth," she threatens. I instantly close my mouth and look at her fearfully. She stands straight and smiles clearly pleased with my decision.

"Good. Now to the ground rules. I want you to keep your mouth shut and listen to what I have to say. There's a reason I'm doing this. It's for the greater good, Marley." I hate her saying my name.
I glare daggers in her direction. She smiles in amusement.

"I got a lot worse than just glares from the family I came from." She rolls up her sleeves to produce multiple of cuts running vertically and horizontally down her arms. The sight is sickening. Fresh blood oozes from the cuts. She must have been picking at them. Unintentionally, my head turns to the side. I feel bile rise in my throat which leaves a burning sensation. Eliza laughs which sounds more like a witch cackle to me.

"Oh honey. When we're done with you there will be more than just blood coming out of you." My eyes widen. She turns around and pulls up a chair directly in front of me. She sits perfectly on the chair with her one leg crossed over the other and her hands resting on her lap. My eyes drift over to the knife. How am I supposed to get out of this mess?Wait did she say we? As in more than one.

"There are reasons why I'm doing this Marley. And I'm going to explain everything to you and you will listen whether you want to or not. I can force you if I must."

"And what if I don't listen?" I challenge cockily. She immediately jumps out of her seat and presses the knife I brought to my wrist and makes a small cut. I bite my lip to hold in my cry of pain. I can't let her have the satisfaction of knowing she's caused me pain. She runs a cloth against the blade and returns it to the table before siting back down.

"Now as I was saying. You will listen." She picks up the knife and fiddles it between her fingers. Sweat accumulates on my forehead. "It all started when I was 13 years old. I had been beaten and abused for several years not that anyone knew or cared. Only one person cared. Miss May-weather. I would take beating after beating until one day I was sick of it. I had some help and finally I escaped. I slipped out the backdoor as quietly as I could while they were sleeping. I ran into the forest, but they noticed I was gone. Papa brought out his hunting rifle and called my name yelling threats to lure me back to him. I hid behind a tree. Finally someone helped me. They gave me a bat and told me a plan. It was dark out and I couldn't really see. Nonetheless, I took the weapon. They dashed in front of Papa while I ran behind. I bashed his head with the bat until I released all my pent up anger from all those years worth of beatings. I didn't feel complete yet knowing the woman who stood and watched it happen and did nothing about it was still alive. Miss May-weather kept whispering in my ear to kill her like I did papa. She kept telling me I would feel better and feel free of all the pain and suffering I went through. She is my friend, so I listened to her. I knew mama was still in bed acting as if nothing was happening like usual. I crept up the stairs and to the room where they would sleep every night. She had a sleeping mask on and wouldn't notice me walk up to her. It was simple really. Once I killed them both I felt a lot better. Almost complete. I hid the bodies in the forest buried near a river. Five years later they were found, but they wouldn't find me."

My mouth drops in horror. I was way off when I said she is crazy. She needs some serious mental therapy. She needs to be locked up in a white cushion room away from weapons. Yet here I am trapped listening to a sociopath talk about murder.

"I had no real family. I was so alone and even Ms. May-weather wasn't enough. I needed my family. I needed my sister. I found you not that it was hard with some help from someone I knew. Once I learned you had gotten everything I knew I had to make you feel the pain and suffering I felt. It wasn't fair," she screams. Her hand crashes onto the table causing the knife to jump in the air. I flinch a little. "You had the perfect life while I had nothing. I had to make you have nothing and realize how terrible your life was. Ms. May-weather told me that if you had nothing too we could be a family again."

"I will never be your sister. You need serious mental help. You murdered your own family. I can't just ignore that and run off into the sunset with you and act totally normal about it." She smacks my face hard. My hand jerks to touch it, but I can't move them. She picks up the same bloody cloth she used to clean the knife with and waves it in the air in front of my face. I move my head several times trying to avoid her, but am unsuccessful because she manages to tie it around my mouth. The metallic taste of my own blood overwhelms my taste buds and causes me to gag several times.

"Now as I was saying," she plops back down in her seat a few feet away from me. "I started off as wanting to control you. You know make you suffer a little and threaten you. Then I realized why not have some fun with this?"

She's insane. I try to make words come out of my mouth, but the cloth muffles them together to make weird noises.

Eliza cups her ear. "What's that? I didn't quite catch that. Maybe try speaking up."

I twist my hand and show her my lovely middle finger on my left hand. Her nostrils flare with anger and she takes both of hands and snaps my finger backwards. I hear a snapping of bones and scream. She broke my finger. Warm tears stream down my face. All she has ever done is cause my pain.

"That was what it turned into. A game sort of. Ms. May-weather encouraged me and told me that what I was doing was okay. It's not like I had anything better to do than screw up your life," she cackles. I squirm my lips and move the cloth down enough so I can talk.

"What about Bryan?"

"What about him? He was useful when I needed your number and to break you and Jace up. He was so willing to please me. You have to understand you were better off without Jace. He was stopping you from being with me your family. I couldn't have let that happen. Anyways Bryan started to get more involved with things that didn't concern him, so I had to...dispose of him." Oh my god she killed Bryan. I hated him and he was a cruel pig, but I would never wish for him to die.

Anger rises and I start to scream. "You are crazy. I will never be your sister." Then a plan dawns on me. I can distract her while I untie the ropes behind my back. I have long nails and I could probably do it without her noticing as long as I distract her. Once I'm free I can grab the knife and find Eva. .

"So what do you plan on doing with me now that you have me? I've heard why you're doing this, so what are you going to do now that you have me?" I ask while my fingers tug at the knot. It's almost loose I can feel it. Just need to keep turning and twisting. I maintain eye contact with her the whole time.

"Well actually I didn't just do this because I wanted you for myself. Someone has a bigger picture for you and-" I don't get to hear her finish that sentence. Once my fingers have untied the knot I catch Eliza by surprise and jump from the chair causing it to soar backwards. The rope falls to the ground in a heap.

I punch a very shocked Eliza in the face without wasting a second. She falls from her chair and collapses on the ground. She spins her body around to face me while I go to the table. She grabs my leg and yanks me causing me to fall to the ground with her. I hit my head off the wooden floor and feel my lip turn puffy. She still has a firm grasp on my leg and starts to tug me towards her. Using me free foot I kick her right in the face leaving a dusty foot print. I hear a crunching of bones. Definitely did some damage there. Her hands let go and protect her face. While I'm free I grab the knife. I run to the exit and look over my shoulder. Eliza is no longer on the ground. She's gone.

I run as fast as my feet can carry me. My body flies when I turn to run out of the room. My body is propelled backwards when Eliza comes out of nowhere and tackles me to the ground. She pins me down and straddles my waist. The knife goes flying out of my hand in the process. She pins my arms to the ground above my head and growls inhumanely at me. I use my hips and thrust her forward. Her grip loosens and instead she grabs the ground to steady herself. I loop my elbows through her arms and flip her, so I'm on top. I punch her in the face until her nose starts to bleed. I scamper off of her and grab the knife. She stands up quickly and grabs my arm and punches me in the face repeatedly. Without thinking I thrust her in the stomach with the knife.

I stare in awe at what I have just done. Her hands form a circle around the knife. The beige top she is wearing soon has a crimson stain in the center. She collapses to the ground. A tear falls from her eye.

"Oh my god," I whisper faintly with my hand covering my mouth. I stand over her body. She grips the handle and pulls it out quickly. She looks me in the eye and stabs me in the leg with a grunt. I scream in pain and double over.

"It's over. I have won the game. See you soon sister." Are her final words before she stabs herself in the heart to finally end her life. She knew that when the cops found her she'd spend the rest of her life in a psychiatric ward and prison. She chose the other option of death instead of paying for her crimes. Her words echo through my ringing ears. I have to find Eva and get out of here and explain this whole thing to the cops.

I limp down the hall with my hand covering the stab wound. With each step I take I wince in pain. I only take a few steps before I run into a wall of flesh and clothes.

"Eva what are you doing here? I thought you were being held hostage."

"Not exactly. You see it might be over for Eliza, but for you it isn't over for you yet," she says with a menacing smile.

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