Chapter 3~ Change of Plans

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  Song- Little Bit of Red by Serena Ryder

Michelle Trachtenberg as Vicky


  This is a threat. Who's threatening me and why? What did I do to them? So many questions swim in my head. I shake my head. This is an empty threat. No one has signed it or left any mark at all to indicate who it's from, so it could be anyone. It also never said it was for me. I'm not going to make a big deal about it. After all it's one note.

  Sighing, I crumple the note into a ball and shove it back into my binder. I straighten my back and turn my attention back to the lesson. I see Mr. Evans staring at me expectantly. After taking a quick glance around the room I notice the entire class is. Panicking, I realize he asked me a question. I say the first thing that pops into my head.

  "7?" It came out more as a question than an actual statement. I mentally face palm myself for being so stupid. The class erupts with laughter and I can feel my face turn bright red.

  "Ms. Harris I can sense you're distracted. I asked if you were alright because you look pale. Your answer confirms your mind is somewhere else. You should go get a drink," he chuckles.

  I put my head down so no one can see my red face. I grab my bag and throw it over my shoulder as I exit the class not wanting to embarrass myself any further. I walk up to the fountain down the hall and brush my hair onto my left shoulder. I lean over and take large gulps of the cool water to help calm me down. The note still lingers in my mind.

  I need to stop thinking about it. It will blow over eventually. It might not even be for me! It could be nothing. I need a distraction. So, I quickly pull out my phone and text Vicky.

From Me: Hey girl meet me in the second floor washroom.

From Vicky: You're amazing! You saved me from history class! Cinderella wasn't kidding dreams do come true ;)

  I laugh and make my way down to the bathroom. There, already waiting for me, is a very eager Vicky. She had her  brown hair in a messy bun that was on top of her head. Plastered on her face is a crazy grin and her bright blue eyes are filled with excitement. She rushes over to me and hugs me. She may be small but she is strong.

  "Seriously I owe you one. You saved me from one of Ms. Fitzgerald's tangents. Her cat recently died and she is still grieving. She started to cry and went on and on about all her memories with the cat. I couldn't stop thinking about how lucky the cat was to be dead  because it didn't have to listen to her talk anymore. The woman's voice sounds like a chew toy because it's so squeaky," Vicky complains as she pulls back from the embrace.

  I smile. Vicky is very dramatic and easy going. She's bubbly and full of life. We'd been best friends for 5 years, ever since she hit me in the head with a football and wouldn't stop apologizing.

  "Now you know how I feel when I listen to you talk"," I tease nudging her in the ribs with my elbow. She gasps.

  "Shut up! I know you love me and my voice!"

  "The only time I love you is when you give me food or talk about giving me food," I retort. She rolls her eyes playfully.

  "I'll take what I can get," she says and we both break out laughing. She leaves my side and jumps onto the counter between two sinks. I position my body in front of her.

  "So, I've been squatting lately. To make Bryan wish he still had this ass. I'm trying to make him jealous. But I refuse to take him back after our breakup. I'm going to try and make him jealous at Alec's party," she informs me. She wasn't particularly upset about Bryan. To be honest I'm surprised she even remembered his name. They'd only dated for a month.

  The thought of a party intrigues me. I've never been to one before. All the alcohol and drunk sweaty people crammed together on a dance floor never interested me. These type of parties were known to turn elite students into easy bimbos. But what better way to forget about this note than a party with my friends?

  "I'm coming too! Jace invited me to tag along with him and I thought why not? I haven't been to one before and thought I'd try. When is it exactly?" I ask.

  She looks at me shocked, "You haven't gone to a party with me before," her expression changes to beam at me, "Oh well! Maybe this is a new side of you! I can help you get ready and everything. You can be my wing woman and help me get back at Bryan. You can be the Ted Mosby to my Barney Stinson. It's at 9pm on Friday. It will be great!" She exclaims. She jumps off the counter and walks up to me. She bounces on the balls of her feet.

  I mirror her excited demeanour and take her hands into mine, "You can come over and help me get ready and we can go together!"

  She nods eagerly. She releases my hands and pulls out her phone. She presses the home button and notices the time. She gives me an apologetic look.

  "Sorry babe. I have to run. Ms. Fitzgerald will be pulling out the photo album of her cat soon and notice my disappearance. I will text you later with more info. Don't forget I'm driving you home tonight," she yells while exiting the bathroom.

  I pull out my phone and text Jace alerting him of my plan to join him at Alec's party. I shove my phone into my pocket. I go through the rest of the day not thinking about the note. Instead, I think of the party and the anniversary dinner with my dad later tonight.

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